I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 134 Everything starts to stir

The effects of most tree fruits are gradual.

Although Chen Xizhou is interested in developing some medicines with immediate effects, in the absence of professionals, this idea can only be put on hold for the time being.

For the current Langqi Town, the most important thing is to build its own medical system.

Otherwise, a simple fracture like Chen Chen would require driving more than 200 kilometers to Rongcheng City, which is a very embarrassing thing for the Langqi Town Alliance.

The listed company Chenshi Kono Group has invested in a tertiary hospital in Langqi Town. At present, the overall framework of the hospital has been completed, but the various medical resources and medical resources inside will take some time.

Chen Chen's mother, Ms. Ji Xiuzhu, has almost put all her energy on this tertiary hospital under construction in the past six months.

After all, tertiary hospitals are just pure human medical care.

Chen Xizhou's idea is to build an elf medical system while building a human medical system.

Regarding this, Chen Xizhou plans to ask the Alliance Headquarters for help.

Langqi Town has the Happy Egg Clan as capital. As long as the Alliance Headquarters sends a sufficiently professional medical team, I believe that the construction of the elf medical system will be very smooth.

With an idea in mind, Chen Xizhou planned to take action.

However, the most important thing at the moment is to successfully subdue the leader of the stinky mud, and then take the stinky mud tribe to become the town elves of Langqi Town.

Chen Xizhou took the leader of the stinky mud to find the leader of the strange force and the leader of the old construction craftsman. These two leaders have recently had new goals and are no longer obsessed with working on the construction site.

Just as written in some novels.

Once the protagonist is given 100,000 dead men, he will let these 100,000 dead men go to the construction site to move bricks and work, and then the income can easily reach tens of millions a day.

The two tribes will naturally not be so exaggerated, but tens of thousands a day is still very easy.

After successfully solving the problem of food and clothing for themselves and their tribesmen, the leader of the strange force and the leader of the old construction craftsman found a new goal in life.

One wants to pursue the cute big milk tank leader, and the other wants to help his good brother pursue its goddess.

So how to pursue?

Naturally, do something that can show your charm and attract the girl's attention first.

When Chen Xizhou found the two leaders, they were fighting fiercely.

Unlike before, this time they no longer used any skills, only pure martial arts.

The two leaders fought, their bodies were very agile, and their moves were sharp and fierce.

At this time, a kung fu weasel also joined the fight, and the attacks of the three elves became faster and more fierce.

They fought selflessly, as if they were already in a completely different world. There were even waves of air rising from the grassland, overwhelming the green grass.

Including the big milk tank leader Tank and the mount goat leader Vanilla, a large number of elves were watching the battle around.

Chen Xizhou and other elves watching the battle also held their breath because of the fierce fight.

Han Liang noticed Chen Xizhou's arrival, walked out of the arm strength group not far away, and came to Chen Xizhou to say hello.

"It seems that the two leaders like your Xingyiquan very much." Although Chen Xizhou was surprised that Han Liang was here, he was not surprised after thinking about it.

Han Liang shook his head and said, "The two leaders are only interested in Xingyiquan, which does not meet my criteria for accepting disciples."

Martial artists accepting disciples is a manifestation of inheriting the culture of Xingyiquan, representing the continuation of emotions and the development of culture.

If the opponent cannot focus on Xingyiquan for his whole life, for a pure martial artist like Han Liang, the opponent can only be an apprentice at most, not his own apprentice.


A cry interrupted the conversation between Chen Xizhou and Han Liang.

It turned out to be the daughter of the leader of the strange power, and the strange power was shouting for encouragement.

But the object of its cheering did not seem to be its old father, nor its uncle, the old construction craftsman, but the petite Kung Fu Weasel?

After an unknown period of time, the attacking moves of the two leaders gradually became weak, but the Kung Fu Weasel always maintained its mighty momentum, as if it had entered an invincible realm.

In the end, the leader of the strange power and the leader of the old construction craftsman could not withstand the attack of the Kung Fu Weasel and were defeated.

Although this battle looked extremely fierce, in fact, every move and every collision was carefully designed.

The leader of the strange power didn't mind being defeated by other elves in front of the goddess tank leader.

Because according to his good friend, the leader of the old craftsman, girls not only like boys who are extremely powerful, but also like boys who are humble and eager to learn and keep improving.

Losing is not terrible, getting stronger every day can attract girls' attention.

This is called suppressing first and then praising.

The serious statement of the old craftsman leader convinced the leader of the strange power, and it cooperated very well with the old craftsman to learn Xingyiquan and practice Xingyiquan together.

After the battle, the different color Haoli rushed into the battlefield first and handed the Moo Moo Milk in his hand to Kung Fu Itachi.

Kung Fu Itachi said thank you, then took the Moo Moo Milk and started drinking it.

This scene embarrassed the leader of the strange power who had already raised his hand.

However, the girl was outgoing, and the Kung Fu Itachi's own strength was indeed good, so he did not stop his daughter from interacting with Kung Fu Itachi.

Of course, the main reason is that Ise Goli allowed his father to find him a stepmother in exchange for his father's support for his pursuit of true love.

Seeing Kung Fu Itachi gulping down Moo Moo fresh milk, Ise Goli's face lit up with joy.

The tall and strong Hese-colored Gouri instantly pounced on the "unguarded" Kung Fu Itachi, ready to hug her in his arms and have a fierce intimate interaction.

The facts were not as imagined.

Kung Fu Itachi did a light backflip and jumped out of Hese-colored Gouri's arms that were about to close.

This made Hese-colored Gouri quite distressed.

In terms of appearance, he is definitely the leader among the arm wrestlers. Why doesn't Kung Fu Itachi like him?

Although in the human aesthetics, Green Gouri is a very weird and very ugly existence, but in the world of elves, Green Gouri is not only a fairy-like existence, but also a first-class existence.

Why doesn't Kung Fu Itachi like him?

Kung Fu Itachi didn't think so much, he just wanted to follow the pace of his trainer.

That's right, Han Liang, who is in his early thirties, is still single.

According to Han Liang, women will only affect the speed of his punches. As long as he remains single, his hand skills will continue to become stronger until he interprets Xingyiquan to perfection like his master, Master Zhao Kongcheng.

Influenced by the trainer, Kung Fu Itachi naturally thought the same way.

If Xingyiquan is not mastered, how can you be a home!

Looking at the various complex emotional relationships of the elves on the field, Chen Xizhou was also a little helpless.

It is spring, and it is the season for all things to revive. With the arrival of the humid season, all things begin to stir!

The love of the elves, of course, should be left to them to solve.

Chen Xizhou smacked his lips and didn't think much.

On the contrary, the Slow King who had been following Chen Xizhou showed an inexplicable look at the little action that Chen Xizhou had never made before.

"I came to you today to ask you to help scare a little elf. I want to subdue it."

Seeing that everyone was gathered around, Chen Xizhou released the already awakened Smelly Leader in the Poké Ball, ready to let it feel the power of the town elves.


The Smelly Leader did not care about the oppressive momentum around him. Instead, after a glance, he collapsed on the ground with a lack of interest.

What's going on?

The old construction craftsman leader knows the appearance of the stinky mud leader too well.

Isn't this the state that his good brother, the strange force leader, maintains for a period of time every day after the unrequited love for the big milk tank leader tank?

Just when Chen Xizhou was at a loss, the old construction craftsman leader came to the side of the Dai Dai King and told him his guess.

Dai Dai King was also stunned after hearing it.

Although it claims to be Chen Xizhou's assistant with high IQ, it is just a novice with no emotional experience.

What's more, as a male god elf who is often pursued by female elves, it really doesn't understand the inner thoughts of these dog-licking elves.

However, with the strange force leader as a reference, Dai Dai King quickly confirmed the state of the stinky mud leader.

It told Chen Xizhou the old construction craftsman's guess and his own analysis.

Chen Xizhou was also stunned after hearing it.

Could it be that the season for all things to start to stir?

The surrender of the stinky mud leader came quite unexpectedly, and the stinky mud clan also became the town elves of Langqi Town naturally.

Beside the sewage treatment plant, the leader of the stinky mud was lying there with a dull look: under the dome, on the grassland, the stinky mud was sloppy, and the doctor was blessed...

In the following plot, I will provide some plots for the supporting characters added previously, so there may not be any new supporting characters added until chapter 200.

Regarding the supporting characters building, I will open a new post. For the supporting characters that have not appeared in the text, you can copy and paste the characters in the old supporting characters post to the new supporting characters post, so that when adding new supporting characters, you can also give priority to them

I will delete all the supporting characters that have not been arranged in the old supporting characters post after five days. Please transfer the supporting characters information as soon as possible for all the big guys who have not been arranged

Thank you very much

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