I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 129: Leaf Stone Mine Behind the Rock Hill

Regarding the sudden evolution of Overlord Flower, Chen Xizhou immediately guessed that she should have evolved through props.

As for whether it is moss rock?

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Chen Xizhou immediately ruled out this possibility.

There has been no error in the information provided by the system so far.

Since the moss rock is not the key to the evolution of the Stinky Flower into the Overlord Flower, it means that there must be other props that contribute to its evolution.

Chen Xizhou immediately asked: "Bawanghua, did you come into contact with anything special just now?"


Overlord Flower was well prepared and jumped behind Moss Rock with a backflip.

When it appeared in front of everyone again, it held an emerald green stone in its hand. The stone had a dark green pattern similar to leaves.

Everyone's eyes were attracted.

as expected!

I didn’t expect there to be any special props.

【Leaf Stone! 】

[Leaf Stone: A magical stone that allows certain elves to evolve. 】

[Use it on the Stinky Flower to evolve it into the Overlord Flower. 】

[Use it on the dumb flower to evolve it into a giant eating flower. 】

[Use on Thunderbolt Ball (special form) to evolve it into Naughty Thunder Bomb (special form). 】

[Use on the egg to evolve it into a coconut egg tree or coconut egg tree (special form). 】

[Use it on Long Nose Leaf to evolve it into a cunning tengu. 】

[Use it on Eevee to evolve it into Leaf Eevee. 】

[Use it on the Coconut Monkey to evolve it into the Coconut Monkey. 】

A magical evolution stone similar to the Sunstone!

The most important thing is that this introduction to the Leaf Stone is much more detailed than the previous Sun Stone.

Chen Xizhou guessed that this should be related to the system upgrade a year ago.

Just as Principal Lan and Dr. Gui took over the Ye Zhishi and began to study it, Chen Xizhou took out a mysterious stone as red as the sun from his backpack.

It was the Sun Stone that Meng Yongle gave him.

【Stone of the Sun! 】

[Sun Stone: A magical stone that allows certain elves to evolve. 】

[Use it on the smelly flower to evolve it into a beautiful flower. 】

[Use it on the Sun Seed to evolve it into a Sunflower Monster. 】

[Use it on the Kapok Ball to evolve it into a Wind Fairy. 】

[Use it on Lily Root Doll to evolve it into Miss Skirt or Miss Skirt (special form). 】

[Use it on the Umbrella Lizard to evolve it into a Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard. 】

Beautiful flowers?

Two evolutionary forms?

At this time, Chen Xizhou was deeply attracted by the mystery of the elf.

He didn't expect that in addition to the Leaf Stone, the Stinky Flower could actually evolve into a new elf through the Sun Stone.

"Stinky Flower, do you want to evolve?"

Chen Xizhou was awakened by Dr. Gui's voice. When he saw that he was about to hand the Ye Zhishi to his Stinky Flower, he immediately stopped him.

Dr. Gui stopped in time and looked at Chen Xizhou in confusion.

He didn't believe that Chen Xizhou would be reluctant to part with a leaf stone. After all, there was a lot piled up behind the moss rock.

So there must be another reason.

"I have a different stone in my hand. It should also be an evolution stone. Why don't you try it on Stinky Flower first?" Chen Xizhou shook the Sun Stone in his hand.

Naturally, Chen Xizhou would not say that he had seen the possibility of Stinky Flower evolving using Sunstones from the information provided by the system, so he could only borrow the rigor of scientific research.

Dr. Gui and Principal Lan still do this.

Even though they already know that the Stinky Flower can evolve into the Overlord Flower using Leaf Stones, due to the rigor of the researchers, they are still willing to make more attempts.

After receiving the Sun Stone, Dr. Gui handed it to his Stinky Flower.

A scene that surprised everyone happened.

The Sun Stone instantly bursts out with dazzling light in Stinky Flower's hand, and the light will instantly drown Stinky Flower, and then Stinky Flower begins its own evolutionary state.

It takes about the same time as the Overlord Flower completes its evolution.

The light of evolution dissipated after more than a minute, and a brand new elf completely different from the Overlord Flower appeared in front of everyone.

This is a beautiful elf.

It has two bright red flowers on its head, as well as skirt-like green and yellow leaves. It seems to have no feet, but uses grass skirt-like leaves as foot substitutes.

The round blue eyes and the blush on its cheeks reveal a hint of girlish playfulness.

【Beautiful flowers! 】

【Beautiful Flowers: Flower Elf】

【Beautiful flowers live in large numbers in warm countries. 】

[After a beautiful flower is fully bathed in sunlight, its petals will become more colorful and its leaves will rotate in circles. 】

【The beautiful flowers attracted by the warm sunshine will dance, and their dance is a famous scenery. 】

[When the beautiful flowers dance, they touch each other's petals, sing beautiful songs, and make sweet sounds. 】

[Beautiful flowers will close their petals at night and fall asleep on time. 】

[When there are dark clouds, you can sometimes see beautiful flowers gathering together and doing dance-like movements. The dance they perform is considered a ritual to call out the sun. 】

[The stinkier the pre-evolution stinky flower is, the more it will evolve into a beautiful flower with beautiful flowers. 】

Entry keywords: beauty, dance, melodious

Chen Xizhou looked thoughtfully at the entry information and keywords of Beautiful Flowers.

With such an appearance, even if the Beauty Flower cannot create any economic value, it can set up a Langqi song and dance troupe to sing and dance, and entertain guests...

Ahem, I thought too much.

After Chen Xizhou handed the recorded information to Dr. Gui, he looked at the different evolutionary forms of the two Stinky Flowers again.

If the Queen Flower is the vulgar people among the elves, then the Beauty Flower is the highbrow among the elves.

Even if Chen Xizhou is not obsessed with appearance, when choosing between the Queen Flower and the Beauty Flower, he will definitely choose the Beauty Flower without hesitation.

"It seems that we have two more research topics."

Principal Lan looked at his own Queen Flower, and then looked at the Beauty Flower of others, and suddenly felt sour in his heart.

Of course, he would not dislike his own elf.

But when he saw the Beauty Flower hugging Dr. Gui's cheek and acting coquettishly, he looked at his own Queen Flower and finally gave up this deadly way of interaction.

Whose elf flower is poisonous!

While Principal Lan and Dr. Gui were interacting with the elves, Chen Xizhou came to the place where the Leaf Stone was piled behind the moss rock.

Chen Xizhou found the giant phallus, the most likely owner of the Leaf Stone.

The giant phallus didn't care that Principal Lan and his stinky flower had used up a piece of its Leaf Stone. It generously led Chen Xizhou to move around the rock hill.

The rock hill was not as small as it looked.

Under the leadership of the giant phallus, Chen Xizhou took five minutes to reach the back of the rock hill where the sun could not reach.

In front of Chen Xizhou, there was a deep cave with green light.

These green lights dotted the cave wall like stars, giving people a different feeling.

Chen Xizhou approached and found that these green lights on the cave wall were actually pieces of glowing Leaf Stone, which was actually a Leaf Stone vein!

"This is a gift from the Bud Crown King."

In addition to the great kindness of the year, the increasingly clear statue on the rock hill and the Leaf Stone vein formed later were also important factors for the giant phallus's belief in the Bud Crown King for decades.

After listening to the giant Venus flytrap, Chen Xizhou became more curious about the Bud Crown King.

To be more precise, he became more interested in the legendary elves.

Chen Xizhou didn't believe that the Bud Crown King was the only legendary elf in the elf world.

He couldn't help but think of the mural found in the relic space mentioned by Zhang Qi, and the magical creatures that looked like Eastern dragons and Western dragons on the mural.

They were probably also legendary elves.

Two months later, during the archaeological trip, he also wanted to go to the ancient ruins in the Xianlin Mountains to explore the traces of the legendary elves.

This leaf stone vein was of no use to the giant Venus flytrap, so it was generously handed over to Chen Xizhou.

Chen Xizhou did not hide the matter of the leaf stone vein from Principal Lan and Dr. Gui.

The evolution of both the Stinky Flower and the Slow Flower requires the use of leaf stones. If the leaf stones are concealed and hidden, the progress of various research projects will be affected.

When the three of them discussed the issue of the vein, Chen Xizhou got the answer he wanted.

Principal Lan and Dr. Gui agreed that as scientific researchers, they were only responsible for research, and reporting to the alliance headquarters should be done by Chen Xizhou, the mayor of Langqi.

This means that the two will not interfere in this matter.

The news of the mineral vein must always be reported to the alliance, and as for when Chen Xizhou reports it, it needs to be carefully considered.

After dealing with Principal Lan and Dr. Gui, Chen Xizhou checked for omissions and thought of another person.

Wang Peijin, as the inspector responsible for the safety of the Elf Nature Reserve, Chen Xizhou felt that he needed to explain the giant Venus flytrap on this issue.

In the following plot, I will provide certain plots for the supporting characters added previously, so there may be no new supporting characters added until Chapter 200.

Regarding the supporting role building, I will open a new post. For supporting characters that have not appeared in the text, you can copy and paste the characters in the old supporting role post to the new supporting role post, so that when adding new supporting characters, you can also give priority to them.

I will delete all the supporting characters that have not been arranged in the old supporting role post after five days. All the big guys who have not been arranged will transfer the supporting role information as soon as possible.

Thank you very much

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