I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 126: Unbelievable completion of the conquest

Can our Lei Guan Divine Sect finally flourish?

Obviously, the Giant Flower Flower cares more about the faith of King Lei Guan than the future and development of the ethnic group.

Since there are foreign elves who are willing to join our Lei Guan Divine Religion and are willing to believe in King Lei Guan, then as the most loyal believer of King Lei Guan, the Giant Big Food Flower must not refuse.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ

Without a word, Huge Big Flower agreed on the spot that Chen Xizhou would move the grass elves to the deep valley forest.

In this valley forest of more than 80 square kilometers, even if there are thousands of grass elves living there, they will not be able to splash any water. It can be said that there is no need to worry about the land carrying problem in the next few decades.

"Chief Da Shihua, if possible, I hope that the Trumpet Ya clan can join Langqi Town and become one of us, so that we can..."

Before Chen Xizhou could finish his tentative words, he was interrupted by the giant food flower: "I agree!"

The Giant Food Flower doesn't care whether the tribe joins Langqi Town or not. It only cares about cultivating more followers for King Lei Guan.

Since this human being also believes in King Lei Guan, then he is a fellow believer, so how could he lie to himself?

After all, there is never anything bad in those who believe in King Lei Guan.

Regarding this, the Giant Flower is very confident.

Because it is a good thing in itself.

The giant giant food flower gave his only condition: "But you must send the followers of King Lei Guan in as soon as possible."

"Of course."

Chen Xizhou agreed without thinking, and then asked: "Chief Da Shihua, are there any other elven groups living in this valley forest?"

This is the information Chen Xizhou needs to know.

If there are other groups of elves in this valley forest, Langqi Town will need to deal with these groups differently.

Chen Xizhou plans to build this valley forest into a paradise where only grass elves live.

The giant food flower gave Chen Xizhou the answer he hoped for.

The tyranny of the Trumpet Sprout clan has resulted in no other Elf clan inhabiting this valley forest except their clan.

At the same time, Chen Xizhou also found the cause of the "uncomfortable vitality" that had occurred previously in the process of communicating with the giant food flower.

The Trumpet Sprouts are all omnivorous elves.

In addition to water, soil, and sunlight, which are the resources needed for plant growth, birds and animals as large as snakes, insects, rats, and ants are also on their family's diet.

All the insects and animals in this forest were digested or scared away by the Trumpet Bud family.

The valley forest without the chirping of insects and birds, the roar of beasts and the cries of apes, even if it seems to be full of vitality on the surface, will make Chen Xizhou, a native of Blue Star, feel uncomfortable.

Chen Xizhou, who found the reason, also discovered new questions about the Trumpet Ya clan.

To be precise, it's not a problem.

After Langqi Town successfully took over the Yougu Forest and took over the Trumpet Ya clan, they also had to bear the additional food needs of this clan.

That is, their family's need for animal food.

This process will continue until the trumpet sprout family creates economic value.

Of course, this little investment is nothing compared to getting a suitable breeding place, subduing a new elf group, gaining the friendship of a powerful elf and establishing a relationship with a legendary elf.

"Chief Da Shihua, I need to count the number of the Trumpet Ya clan, so that I can make some targeted arrangements."

The Giant Food Flower didn't have any objections. In order to express its goodwill to the people in the same way, it even directly made Chen Xizhou the second leader of the Trumpet Bud clan.

The giant giant flower that has lived for countless years doesn't care about power or status at all.

Chen Xizhou naturally did not want to, and would not betray the trust of Huge Da Shihua.

After successfully taking over the clan power of the Xiaoya Ya clan, Chen Xizhou quickly made statistics on the Xiaoya Ya clan with the help of King Dadai...

Zhong Chongwu and Wang Peijin stared dumbfoundedly at Chen Xizhou and King Dude who were busy.

Wang Peijin couldn't hold it in anymore and said softly: "Brother Zhong, do you think Mayor Chen's subjugation of the wild elves is a bit too...unbelievable?"

In fact, he wanted to say that Chen Xizhou's method of subduing him was too childish.

But the other party is his nominal boss after all, so it doesn't sound good to spread the word like this.

really. "Zhong Chongwu held it in for a long time and only replied these two words.

After counting the data of the Trumpet Ya clan, Chen Xizhou left the Valley Forest with Zhong Chongwu and Wang Peijin.

On the way back to the town, Chen Xizhou asked: "Inspector Wang, if this is the case, it should be okay for the Glen Forest to become a nature reserve for Bulbasaur, right?"

That's great!

Of course Wang Peijin would not say that.

He replied excitedly: "Of course, no problem. I will write a report and submit it to the alliance headquarters when I get back, and strive to complete the handover of the Bulbasaur breeding elves within a month."

At this time, he was completely convinced by Chen Xizhou.

This kind of unconstrained control operation is not something ordinary people can do.

In addition to operation, Chen Xizhou's profound knowledge is also admirable.

If Chen Xizhou's previous operations were repeated, Wang Peijun felt that he could do it, but this was far from enough.

Because the most critical factor in gaining Huge Da Shihua's trust is not Chen Xizhou's actions, but his ability to clearly tell a lot of information about King Lei Guan.

This is not something ordinary people can do.

"Thank you for your hard work."

After settling the matter of the nature reserve, Chen Xizhou suddenly found that Zhong Chongwu's expression was very strange.

That was the performance of wanting to say something but stopping.

"Inspector Zhong, if you have anything to say, just say it directly."

Chen Xizhou is a very contagious person. You will take the initiative to let down your guard when you see such a person.

Facing Chen Xizhou, who is as gentle as jade, Zhong Chongwu put down the entanglement in his heart.

He took a deep breath and said firmly: "Mayor Chen, I wonder if you can allow me to write a report on all your actions today and submit it to the Alliance Headquarters. I think this case with reference value can definitely provide some help in the Alliance's handling of the elf problem."

Zhong Chongwu is a pure Taoist descendant.

It is said that Taoists retreat to the mountains in prosperous times and go down the mountains to save the world in troubled times. Zhong Chongwu, who studied under the true Dao, has been taught by Taoist elders since childhood. The idea of โ€‹โ€‹"loyalty, filial piety, sincerity and humility, getting rid of evil and returning to good, giving up desires and enduring hardships, benefiting the people and loving things" was transmitted by his Taoist elders since he was a child.

His life goal is to dedicate his life to the Huaxia Alliance.

This is why the three alliance leaders are willing to arrange such a junior inspector to be the director of the Supervisory Bureau in the Elf Special Zone.

He is worthy of the trust of the alliance headquarters.

So even if such a move may cause dissatisfaction from Chen Xizhou, he still wants to speak out about it.

Chen Xizhou has never thought of rebelling, so he naturally doesn't care about Zhong Chongwu's behavior.

He smiled and replied: "Inspector Zhong, we are all comrades fighting for the rise of China. You don't need to ask for my consent for this kind of thing."

Chen Xizhou has learned how to get along with such people.

In just a few words, Zhong Chongwu has completely fallen in love with Chen Xizhou's "comrade".

Wang Peijin on the side silently raised a thumb.


After returning to the town alliance building, Chen Xizhou gathered all the relevant personnel including Qi Zhensheng, Lan Mengjian, Gui Baisui and others.

"According to statistics, there are currently 12 large venomous flowers, 109 mouth-stupid flowers, 672 trumpet buds, 0 elf eggs, and a total of 793 elves in the trumpet bud clan. โ€

The reproduction methods of trumpet buds and walking grass are very similar.

One is normal mating reproduction, and the other is seed reproduction as a plant.

Mating reproduction is generally chosen when the environment is suitable and food is sufficient. This reproduction method not only has a high survival rate for elf cubs, but also generally has good talents.

But the insects, birds, and beasts in the valley forest have been exhausted.

Without sufficient food, the trumpet bud clan can only choose seed reproduction as the group reproduction method.

This is why such a large group does not even have an elf egg.

"Bell buds and mouth-slow flower need a lot of feed insects, and the final evolution of large flower requires various meats. This matter will be handed over to the Elf Industry Group. "

Chen Xizhou looked at Qi Zhensheng: "General Manager Qi, this matter must be implemented clearly. "

The price of feed insects is very cheap, but the demand is very large, so the cost of meat is much lower.

Firstly, the ones who need meat are basically Venus Flies and some powerful Venus Flies, and their numbers are very small; secondly, they have no requirements for the quality of meat, and they can eat even rotten meat and animal organs without any effect.

Qi Zhensheng nodded and took on the task assigned to him by the Town Alliance.

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