I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 123 The Amazing Dai Dai King

The dagger flower with three trumpet buds was trembling.

They originally just wanted to teach this group of intruders who broke into other people's territory casually, but they didn't expect to cause a big trouble.

Chen Xizhou and others who were attacked by surprise were also a little afraid to act rashly.

In the wild, the danger level of encountering a Pokémon is different from that of encountering a group of Pokémon.

Among them, the most numerous are the Grass Pokémon and the Bug Pokémon.

Because the Pokémon of these two groups rarely act alone, they basically act in a large group when they appear.

So, the atmosphere in this corner of the Fog Valley Forest became very subtle.

Wang Peijin glanced at Zhong Chongwu, and then asked: "Mayor, what should we do next?"

Chen Xizhou looked at the two people unexpectedly.

Wang Peijin and Zhong Chongwu both came from the Kyoto Inspection Bureau. As inspectors, they must have their own way of dealing with such problems.

According to their previous habits, they must quickly withdraw from the other party's territory at this time, and then change direction and continue to move forward.

But the two were assigned to Langqi Island by the headquarters and became Chen Xizhou's subordinates and colleagues.

Moreover, the leader of this operation was Chen Xizhou, the mayor of Langqi Town, so they would not make decisions for Chen Xizhou on their own initiative.

Chen Xizhou saw that the two of them looked like they were following his lead, so he took up the command without hesitation.

"Dai Dai, try to communicate?"

Chen Xizhou liked to use courtesy before force when dealing with any problem. Since there was a way to communicate directly with the other party, he certainly didn't want to waste it.

Dai Dai Wang understood what Chen Xizhou meant and walked slowly towards Kou Dai Hua and the others.

Zhong Chongwu and Wang Peijin were surprised by the actions of Chen Xizhou and Dai Dai Wang. Such communication seemed meaningless to them.

The leader of the wild elf tribe is the one who can really make the decision.

If the team really wants to continue to move forward in this direction, the leader of the other tribe should be persuaded, not just a few people.

With the strength of Kou Dai Hua and the trumpet buds, the two did not think they would be the leaders of the tribe.

Slowking's actions aroused the other party's high vigilance, but it was definitely a good negotiator, and it lowered the other party's vigilance with just a few words.

The two sides soon began to communicate smoothly.

As time went on, there were constant noises in the surrounding bushes.

Gradually, a large number of trumpet buds and a few mouth flower began to appear, and even Zhong and Wang, the two experienced elf inspectors, were a little restless.

Seeing more and more wild elves gathering, Zhong Chongwu winked at Wang Peijin calmly.

Wang Peijin understood and retreated to Chen Xizhou: "Mayor, if there are a large number of wild elves living in the Fog Valley Forest itself, it may be difficult to become a habitat suitable for Bulbasaur."

Chen Xizhou understood Wang Peijin's subtext.

However, in his opinion, before Slowking gave him the signal to retreat, the situation was not bad enough to retreat.

No wonder Chen Xizhou trusted Slowking so much.

Although Dai Dai Wang has always been low-key, even his eyes full of wisdom are often squinted, making it difficult to see clearly, but his extraordinary wisdom and inspiration far exceed those of ordinary people.

If such a guy is used for scientific research, he can definitely achieve remarkable results.

However, Dai Dai Wang has no interest in these.

Perhaps it is because of the dried fish when they first met, or perhaps it is for other reasons, he is only willing to stay quietly beside Chen Xizhou to protect him.

"Wait a little longer."

Seeing Chen Xizhou say this, Wang Peijin glanced at Zhong Chongwu and then quietly stepped aside.

Before becoming the inspectors of the alliance, they were all soldiers from the army.

Soldiers, obeying orders is their duty!

Since they have clearly stated that they will obey Chen Xizhou's command, the two will naturally not make trouble at this time.

Even if Chen Xizhou's command is incredible, they will carry it out meticulously.

No matter how you look at it, Chen Xizhou is not a brainless person.

What's more, his wise Slowpoke was having an in-depth exchange with the other party, and the fire-type Caterpoke was also on standby.

After thinking carefully, Zhong Chongwu and Wang Peijin both chose to believe Chen Xizhou.

Finally, Slowpoke ended the negotiation.

It still maintained a calm and unhurried look, and came to Chen Xizhou without haste, speaking human language under the shocked expressions of the two inspectors Zhong and Wang.

Slowpoke explained the situation to Chen Xizhou.

As the three guessed, these Slowpokes and Trumpet Buds are a large wild elf tribe living in this fog valley forest, and it is also the only elf tribe.

Their leader is an extremely powerful Venus Flycatcher.

In Slowpoke's analysis, the strength of this Venus Flycatcher can be a little stronger than it.

Slowpoke suggested that if it is not necessary, the town alliance should adopt a gentle approach to subdue this large wild elf tribe.

What does gentle approach mean?

It is a method of handling affairs with a gentle, tolerant and conciliatory attitude, which is mainly reflected in the fields of politics, diplomacy, management, etc.

The word "diplomacy" is appropriate for the communication between humans and wild elves.

When Zhong Chongwu heard the Slow King say "conciliatory means", he even doubted whether he had heard it wrong, which was not what a little elf could say at all.

I think the Slow King must have made an indelible contribution to the achievements of Langqi Town today.

A little elf who has mastered negotiation skills, can speak human language, has strong analytical ability, and is knowledgeable, even the Alliance Headquarters would envy him.

No one would not want such a "virtuous wife".

Based on this alone, Wang Peijin dared to conclude that Langqi Town would definitely be in a relatively advantageous position in the future competition among the five elf special zones.

Just as Zhong Chongwu and Wang Peijin were waiting for the King of Slow to tell the next plan, the King of Slow suddenly closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Is this the end?

This made the two inspectors Zhong and Wang feel that they were about to reach the peak, but the other party stopped abruptly.

"Wait a little longer."

Chen Xizhou's answer was still this sentence.

At this time, the two inspectors Zhong and Wang began to trust Chen Xizhou, so they continued to wait for something without any complaints.

Although they didn't know what they were waiting for.

Chen Xizhou looked at the depths of the Fog Valley Forest, the place where the three of them originally wanted to go.

About half an hour later, a little elf that was very similar to the Slow Flower but completely different appeared in front of the three people. It was the final evolution of the trumpet bud, the Venus flytrap.

The appearance of the Venus flytrap looks like a yellow pitcher plant or pitcher plant. There is a huge leaf on its head that covers its huge mouth facing the sky. At the end of the leaf is a brown vine with small yellow leaves.

Compared with the mouth of the dummy, its mouth has sharp teeth and looks quite ferocious.

[Venus flytrap! ]

[Venus flytrap: fly-catching elf]

[Venus flytrap is a ferocious plant elf. Deep in the jungle, there is an area full of Venus flytrap. Once you enter, you can never get out. ]

[Venus flytrap will make the vines growing on its head move like small creatures to lure prey, and when the prey approaches, it will open its big mouth and swallow it in one bite. ]

[The liquid accumulated in the mouth of the Venus flytrap exudes a honey-like fragrance, but it is a dissolving liquid that can dissolve everything. ]

[No matter how hard the things swallowed by the Venus flytrap are, they will be dissolved by the dissolving liquid without leaving any trace. It will be dissolved to the bone in just one day. 】

【The solution that has dissolved a lot of food will be sweeter, making it easier to attract prey. 】

Keywords: dissolve, highly toxic, swallow, ferocious

After reading the entry information of Venus Fly, I can only say that it is worthy of being the evolved form of Slowpoke.

However, Venus Fly's temper is emphasized so much by the entry, and the following communication may be difficult to be harmonious.

Is it the leader of the trumpet bud clan?

Chen Xizhou looked at the Slow King.

Slow King walked up and communicated with the dusty Venus Fly.

During the communication between the two sides, Venus Fly kept swinging its vine whip to hit the ground and the surrounding trees. It can be seen that it is not just a patient elf.

Slow King's performance is in sharp contrast with Venus Fly.

The calm Slow King did not care about Venus Fly's intentional or unintentional threats at all.

After the communication, Venus Fly actually took an attacking posture.

The sudden change made Chen Xizhou and the other two feel nervous.

If the negotiations really failed, then they would not only face one Pokémon, VenusFlorence, but also a large number of Buzzards and Slowflowers around.

Slowking gave everyone a reassurance.

This VenusFlorence was not the leader of the Buzzards tribe. It came here to invite Slowking and humans on behalf of the tribe leader.

But before that, it needed to confirm whether Slowking was qualified to be invited.

Qualified to be invited?

In the wild, only Pokémon with strong strength and Pokémon with healing skills can be respected by other wild Pokémon.

Slowking accepted the battle.

After confirming with VenusFlorence, the battle between the two sides officially began.


Before everyone could see clearly, two resilient vine whips rushed to Slowking's head like arrows, and whipped Slowking with the fierce force of cracking the earth and raising sand.

Slowking moved to the right and narrowly avoided the whipping of the vine whips.

VenusFlorence did not mean to let Slowking go. The two vine whips were instantly swung up and continued to whip Slowking.

Slow King flew up lightly, and once again narrowly avoided the sweep of the vine whip.

The battle progressed very quickly and fiercely.

Slow King, who had never fought back, seemed to be overwhelmed by the powerful attack of the Venus Flycatcher.

But was it really so?

Slow King was able to save himself intact in every dangerous situation. If he said it was not intentional, even the Venus Flycatcher would not believe it.

In fact, the ferocious Venus Flycatcher believed it.

It just felt that it had the upper hand in the battle, and as long as it worked harder, it could defeat Slow King.

The Venus Flycatcher accelerated its offensive.

But as the offensive speeds up, Venus Flycatcher's own physical strength, energy, and attention are rapidly declining, and he didn't even notice that Slow King was getting closer and closer to him...

This chapter is 3000+, starting from Chapter 121, the average number of words in my chapter will increase from 2000+ to 2500+

This is a change made based on the questions of friends in the group

If you have any suggestions, please speak up, and I will correct them as soon as possible if they are reasonable

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