I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 121 Fruit Planting Project Launched

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No one knows where the traditional martial arts will find its way out.

By integrating traditional martial arts with elves, no one can tell whether the path Han Liang wants to take is a bright future or a road of no return.

But he is willing to jump out of his comfort zone and dare to be the first in the world to try a new possibility for traditional martial arts. This alone deserves everyone's admiration.

Chen Xizhou didn't express much opinion on this. He gave a suggestion:

"The Langqi Breeding Farm is home to the Wrist Clan and the Handling Craftsman Clan. Like Kung Fu Weasels, they are all fighting elves. Since Brother Han wants to integrate traditional martial arts with elves, he might as well try to get in touch with them in order to explore more possibilities. ?”

Hearing Chen Xizhou's words, Han Liang's eyes suddenly lit up.

After all, Han Liang is a villager living on the island. He has heard of the name of Langqi Labor Service Company for a long time, and he also got to know these two ethnic groups up close while working on the construction site.

During the contact, he was very optimistic about these two groups.

With a martial artist's intuition, he was almost certain that they would help him find new ways to develop traditional martial arts.

But after all, these two groups were elves belonging to the town, so Han Liang could only choose to retreat in spite of the difficulties.

But now that Chen Xizhou opens his mouth, things are different.

With Chen Xizhou's permission, he could justifiably subdue an armer or a porter, or one of each?

During the conversation, everyone had arrived at the fruit plantation.

The construction of the new campus of Banyan Agricultural University is nearing completion. President Lan, who has always been in charge of external affairs, has little time at this time. The person who received Chen Xizhou and others was Dr. Gui Baisuigui.

"Mayor, we have prepared all 36,000 tree fruit seeds."

Dr. Gui led everyone to the laboratory culture room, where neat rows of shelves were filled with successfully germinated fruit seeds.

This step is to prevent bad seeds from being produced and can effectively ensure the interests of villagers.

"There are seeds from six types of tree fruits: orange, muon, hami, cone, apple, and pome. The number of seeds from different trees is the same, 6,000."

After Dr. Gui introduced the seeds to everyone, the village chiefs began to arrange for village cadres to receive the seeds from each village in an orderly manner.

That afternoon, a lively collective work began in the newly reclaimed tree and fruit planting area.

In all the villages that participate in the fruit planting project, basically all the men, women, and children in the village go out together to do their part for the fruit planting.

Because this is their future economic pillar, they cannot help but ignore it.

Chen Xizhou originally wanted to go to the fields to help, but the crowds of people left him with nowhere to put his feet.

Not to mention that the village chiefs have already arranged for each acre of land and even the person in charge of each planting hole. Helping at will may lead to bad intentions.

Seeing that he had nothing to do in the new planting area for the time being, Chen Xizhou returned to the fruit plantation.

"Mr. Gui, are the walking grass family ready?"

Seeing Chen Xizhou coming, Dr. Gui signed the document and handed it to his assistant, and then went up to him.

Gui Lao was willing to stay in Langqi Town, initially just for the skill of [Green Grass Field], but as he learned more and more about tree fruits and elves, he now regarded himself as a member of Langqi Town.

Because here, he can study these magical elves and plants to his heart's content.

So for Chen Xizhou, the mayor who single-handedly facilitated this, he felt that he should give Chen Xizhou a certain amount of respect, even if the other person was much younger than him.

"It's ready."

This fruit planting project is related to the people's livelihood of Langqi Town, so the town alliance decided to provide free [grass field] support for the new planting area for one month.

Today's walking grass family is no longer what it used to be.

After the walking grass evolves into the smelly flower, the range of the green grass field where the skill is released has been greatly expanded, and the duration and number of uses have also been increased.

A walking grass can take care of one acre of land in a day, while the evolved stink flower can take care of at least six acres of land in a day, and six acres is not the limit of the stink flower.

As the Stink Flowers continue to grow in strength, the range, duration and frequency of use of the green grass fields they release are constantly increasing, and the area of ​​land they can take care of is also increasing.

The two leaders of the walking grass clan can now take care of 12 acres of land a day with ease.

The area of ​​the newly reclaimed planting area is only 480 acres, which is completely easy for today's walking grass family.

At this time, Principal Lan Mengjianlan also rushed back to the plantation.

After understanding the progress of the new project, Principal Lan took 60 stinkweeds and 180 walking grasses with Chen Xizhou to the new planting area.

Principal Lan said to Chen Xizhou: "Mayor, some private companies have begun to contact us recently and want to lease walking grass family from us. What do you think of this matter?"

As one of the town elves, the Shuguo Forestry Project Team has no decision-making power over the walking grass family.

The Langqi Town Alliance has released the walking grass family’s right to rent out walking grass to the alliance’s institutions. The Shuguo Forestry Project Team can rent walking grass within this scope.

But there are essential differences between private companies and alliance institutions.

The Shuguo Forestry Project Team has no right to make decisions without the approval of Chen Xizhou and the town alliance.

Principal Lan will naturally not do such things.

Chen Xizhou did not answer directly, but asked: "Principal, have you asked the two stinky flower leaders for their opinions on this matter?"

"Of course." Principal Lan replied, "I have communicated with them in advance, and they said that the Walking Grass Clan is entirely up to us, and they will fully cooperate."

Without a translator, the elves can understand what humans say, but humans cannot understand the language of the elves. But after the two sides have been together for a period of time, the way of communication is no longer limited to language.

So Chen Xizhou did not doubt what Principal Lan said.

Now the Walking Grass Clan has enough fertile land and a peaceful environment, and can taste one or two delicious tree fruits from time to time. Such a life makes them have no worries.

For the requirements of humans who provide such a life, the Walking Grass Clan, who are at ease, will certainly not refuse.

"In this case, we can appropriately open up the leasing of some private enterprises."

Chen Xizhou continued: "In addition to screening the qualifications of private enterprises, we will also charge them a sufficient deposit just in case."

A grass-type elf that masters the [Green Grass Field] is very rare.

Without a deposit, if the other party becomes greedy for the leased walking grass and fails to return it when the deadline comes or privately breeds the walking grass, it will damage the interests of Langqi Town.

"Besides, since we are leasing walking grass for profit, we should do it thoroughly and set up an elf leasing company, and take out a part of the profit for the walking grass family."

Chen Xizhou looked at Principal Lan: "In short, Principal Lan, please take care of this matter yourself."

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