I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 118: Concept of Law Enforcement Spirit

Many things may not be true even if you see them with your own eyes.

When Fang Ling came to Langqi Town, he discovered that compared with other cities, the elf atmosphere here was too strong.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱

Kentero taxi services can be seen everywhere on the road, the sky is full of messenger birds flying around, there are many elves in the town administrative center, and there are even two elves in the mayor's office.

This environment rekindled his confidence in realizing his ideas.

Fortunately, Chen Xizhou did not disappoint him.

"Your idea coincides with mine. All construction and development in Langqi Town must be in line with the elves. It seems that we will get along very happily in the days to come."

Chen Xizhou stretched out his hand and showed a gentle smile: "Welcome to Langqi Town, Comrade Fang Ling!"

Although Fang Ling's face was still serious, the excitement in his eyes was not concealed at all. He held Chen Xizhou's hand tightly and replied angrily: "This is my honor!"

The trend of Langqi Town being demolished and established as a district is irresistible.

The entire Langqi Island is within the planning scope of Chen Xizhou, so Langqi Island will definitely need a lot of law enforcement branches and law enforcement personnel in the future, so the location of the General Law Enforcement Bureau must be a top priority.

In addition to being located at the opening of the field of view to comprehensively observe and detect the surrounding environment, the General Law Enforcement Bureau should also take into account the functions of overall coordination, comprehensive policy implementation, and overall leadership.

The most important thing is that the General Administration of Law Enforcement also needs to have a certain strategic depth to raise and cultivate law enforcement elves.

In fact, the geographical location of Langqi Town takes into account most of these factors.

Therefore, as long as we find another location around Langqi Town that is suitable for the life of law enforcement elves, we can meet all the needs of the General Law Enforcement Administration for location selection.

The problem comes to the law enforcement elves.

From the analysis of the current elves in Langqi Town, there is no such thing as a law enforcement elf.

In fact, Chen Xizhou's favorite law enforcement elf is the kadi dog, but the only kadi dog currently owned by Langqi Town is Xiao Ka beside him.

So discussing law enforcement elves now is completely useless.

"Actually, judging from the current situation, Heracross would be a good law enforcement elf."

Fang Ling explained: "Elves like Heracross will definitely not be able to become law enforcement elves that are independent of law enforcement officers, but it is still very feasible to temporarily serve as partners of law enforcement officers to assist law enforcement."

As mentioned in the entry introduction, elves like Heracross have a gentle temperament, and as long as humans show a little kindness, it is easy to gain their friendship.

Their strong bodies and excellent physical fitness allow them to excellently assist law enforcement officers in completing various tasks.

Of course, these are not the main reasons why Fang Ling recommended Heracross.

Because the most important point is that Fang Ling was able to contact a large Heracross group through his Heracross.

As long as you show them enough kindness, it's easy to conquer them.

Fang Ling's words made Chen Xizhou's eyes light up.

Heracross is definitely very useful as a transitional law enforcement elf.

If Langqi Town can really conquer a Heracross ethnic group, it will not only achieve the goal of forming law enforcement elves, but also increase the types of elves in Langqi Town.

It's a multi-purpose thing.

"This Heracross tribe lives in my hometown of Xishuang City..."

In Fang Ling's account, he encountered this group in a tropical rain forest in the wild during his vacation. At that time, they were fighting with another group similar to the saw stag beetles over the ownership of their territory.

However, Fang Ling used the thick smoke to drive away the opponent due to a strange combination of circumstances, and won the clan war for the Heracross clan.

This allowed him to gain the friendship of the Heracross clan on the spot.

This Heracross also naturally became his very reliable partner.

In addition to being natural enemies, the clan wars among the wild elves are simply about competing for territory and food. This also means that the resources in that forest are not enough to satisfy the two groups' lives at the same time.

Therefore, as long as it is done properly, it is completely possible to bring the Heracross clan back to Langqi Town.

"This is very easy for Langqi Town."

As an island town, Langqi Town is bound to not have a large number of elves migrating in the wild. With a fixed number of elves, it is very simple to find a forest suitable for Heracross to live.

As for food resources, that is not a problem for Langqi Town.

A large number of fruit trees will soon be planted as part of the fruit planting project. The sweet fruit juice is believed to be more satisfying to the tastes of Heracross.

Even delicious tree fruits will be in short supply.

After listening to Chen Xizhou's answer, Fang Ling immediately understood that conquering the Heracross clan as law enforcement elves was already a close thing.

In the future, more types of law enforcement elves will even join their own law enforcement bureau.

This makes Fang Ling full of longing for his future law enforcement work.

Although it was very inappropriate, he felt that his second spring was coming soon.

"But this matter needs to be considered in the long run." Chen Xizhou explained, "At least I have to wait until all the work at hand is completed before I can accompany you to Xishuang City."

After hearing this, Fang Ling looked like he was hesitant to speak.

Chen Xizhou said sincerely: "Director Fang, from now on we will all work together sincerely. If you have any questions, just ask them directly without any worries."

Fang Ling showed a hint of embarrassment.

This is a bad habit he has developed over the past few years, and he should really change it in Langqi Town.

"That's right, Mayor."

Fang Ling replied seriously: "My Heracross is the child of the leader of that tribe. As long as we can let him see the confidence of Langqi Town, he will help us persuade the tribe to migrate."

As he said this, Fang Ling patted his Heracross.

"Hey cool!"

When Heracross saw this, he told Chen Xizhou that everything was taken care of by him.

If he could successfully bring the Heracross clan back to Langqi Town without having to make a costly trip to Xishuang City, Chen Xizhou would naturally be happy to see it happen.

As for Langqi Town’s confidence, it is naturally very, very sufficient.

"This matter can be slowed down for a while."

Chen Xizhou instructed: "Your next job is to take Heracross around the town to see if there is a suitable location for building a law enforcement headquarters. In addition, you need to recruit staff and personnel for your department as soon as possible. Law enforcement officers."

Fang Ling responded tiredly.

At this time, he was also the head or two leader of the General Law Enforcement Administration, which was still in a state of imagination.

The selection and deployment of personnel is not that easy...

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