I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 116: Possible Ancient Relics

Like humans, elves are magical creatures with rich emotions.

Humans have various ways of getting along with them.

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Since Round Land Shark chose to listen to Zhang Qi, Chen Xizhou would naturally not destroy this way of getting along on his own initiative.

"Thank you, Mayor Chen."

Zhang Qi expressed his gratitude to Chen Xizhou.

Although he did not understand the ways of the world very well, and did not quite understand the deep meaning of Chen Xizhou's actions, he knew in his heart that Chen Xizhou's actions just now were definitely for his own sake.

Although human food is not as beneficial to elves as tree fruits, it is really delicious.

The flavored beef jerky made Round Land Shark unable to stop.

Chen Xizhou smiled at this and simply took out a few pieces of beef jerky to share with Round Land Shark and Caterpie.

As for Slow King, its dried fish was kept by itself.

Arriving at the mayor's office, Chen Xizhou poured a cup of hot tea for Zhang Qi: "Speaking of which, do you know your little Pokémon?"

Zhang Qi glanced at the round land shark and then shook his head.

Chen Xizhou took out a document from the drawer and handed it to Zhang Qi: "Take a look at this."

"This is..."

Zhang Qi took the information and was surprised after a few glances.

This document recorded the information about his Pokémon named round land shark in great detail.

"So your name is round land shark."

Zhang Qi stroked the rough skin of round land shark, and then looked at Chen Xizhou: "Speaking of which, my acquaintance with round land shark is also very magical..."

It seems that because of these materials from Chen Xizhou, or because they are both Pokémon trainers, Zhang Qi couldn't help but introduce himself and round land shark to Chen Xizhou in the past.

Zhang Qi was born in the Zhang family, a famous archaeological family in the archaeological community of Rongcheng.

His grandfather and grandmother are archaeologists, and his father and mother are also archaeologists. Even he himself is currently studying archaeology at Kyoto University.

Zhang Qi has been particularly interested in various myths and legends and ancient relics since he was a child because of his family's influence.

At the beginning of the New Calendar Upheaval, Zhang Qi was doing archaeology with his grandfather at an ancient human ruins.

In this ruins called Cuishan, Zhang Qi mistakenly entered a different space through the space channel and found an injured and unconscious elf in it.

That elf was the round land shark.

In addition to the round land shark, Zhang Qi also found a large number of murals in this different space, on which a large number of magical creatures resembling Eastern dragons and Western dragons were engraved.

Zhang Qi guessed that those magical creatures were probably some kind of elves.

Unfortunately, the space did not exist for a long time, and the space channel disappeared automatically when Zhang Qi came out to find help.

If it were not for the round land shark found in the different space, Zhang Qi would even doubt whether he had hallucinations.

Now he has a strong interest in these special lives, and has the idea of ​​encountering various elves, and has always aimed to pursue those dragon-shaped elves.

What he wants to find most is the owner of the largest dragon-like elf figure on the mural.

Chen Xizhou listened to the story of Zhang Qi and the round land shark, and his thoughts drifted to who knows where.

The records in the elf database provided by the alliance headquarters are not comprehensive, and many of the elf serial numbers are displayed as "???".

Chen Xizhou guessed that the dragon-like shapes mentioned by Zhang Qi are probably one of these "???".

When he came to his senses, Chen Xizhou found that Zhang Qi seemed to be hesitant to speak.

"Just tell me what you have to say." Chen Xizhou said, "If you have any difficulties or need help, I will try my best to help."

Chen Xizhou added: "Of course, the premise is that you can't violate the principles."

Zhang Qi nodded, and then took out a few photos from his pocket: "We found an ancient relic in the Xianlin Mountains of Langqi Island."

Chen Xizhou looked at Zhang Qi in surprise.

He didn't expect that Zhang Qi told him this news.

"But there are some very powerful elves there, and my round land shark is no match for them, so this matter has been shelved until now."

Chen Xizhou asked: "If I can provide some help in this regard, can the ruins be developed immediately?"

Can a relic be helpful to Langqi Town?

The answer is yes.

Ancient relics are things left by our ancestors, which are helpful for studying history.

In addition, for Langqi Town, it can also drive the development of local economic income and many other economic sectors or industries, increase the tax revenue of the Langqi Town Alliance, and increase employment opportunities for local residents in Langqi.

Although the relics belong to the alliance headquarters, the economic benefits brought by the relics belong to Langqi Town.

Therefore, Chen Xizhou cannot help but pay attention to it.

"My grandfather is still doing the finishing work in the Cuishan Ruins, which will take about two months. But we can clear the obstacles in front of the ruins first, which can save time for subsequent archaeological work."

Chen Xizhou agreed with Zhang Qi's idea.

However, this matter should be delayed rather than sooner.

If the town alliance starts to clean up the wild elves entrenched in the vicinity now, then Langqi Town will have to spend a lot of manpower to station there.

This is too wasteful of resources.

It is better to start cleaning up the wild elves there a week before the archaeological team decides to set off.

In this way, the optimal allocation of resources can be achieved.

"We'd better understand the situation there first, then analyze the specific problems, and try to come up with the most feasible plan before taking action..."

Unconsciously, it was almost noon.

Chen Xizhou originally wanted to keep Zhang Qi in the cafeteria for dinner, but he refused.

After being detained in the detention center for another fifteen days, he had to rush back to Rongcheng to reunite with his parents.

For such human nature, Chen Xizhou would naturally not be stupid enough to force him to stay, after all, the location of this ancient ruins was still in Zhang Qi's hands.


On Wednesday, the law enforcement director mentioned by Chen Xizhou arrived as scheduled.

"Hello, Mayor Chen, my name is Fang Ling." The other party made a simple self-introduction.

Chen Xizhou looked up and down.

This new law enforcement director named Fang Ling is a dark man.

His face is full of justice, his deep eyes are full of determination, and his whole body is full of calmness.

Fang Ling's temperament is almost exactly the same as Wang Peijin and Zhong Chongwu.

Chen Xizhou realized that he should also come from the military.

The Law Enforcement Bureau is a new law enforcement department established by the Alliance Headquarters after the dramatic changes in the New Calendar, after the police department was reorganized.

This department still performs the functions of preventing, stopping and investigating illegal and criminal activities, but the changes are that the objects of law enforcement have been expanded to include elves and emphasize elf owners (including elf trainers).

In addition to the Law Enforcement Bureau, the Alliance Headquarters also established a Supervisory Department.

The elf supervisory department is specifically responsible for monitoring and handling elf-related issues that occur in various places.

The functions of the two departments overlap to a certain extent, but the supervisory department also has certain supervisory and handling powers over the law enforcement department.

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