I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 112 The last day of the new calendar year

It is not the first or second time that the riot caused by the riotous sister of the color mad lips.

As a trainer, Wang Peijin noticed the unusual movements of the surrounding Pokémons and took the riotous sister back.

I can only say that the Poké Ball is really useful.

At least he no longer has to deal with it like before.

Thinking of this, Wang Peijin couldn't help but look up to Chen Xizhou, who developed the Poké Ball.

Wang Peijin's treatment method is effective.

When the riotous sister of the color mad lips was taken back into the Poké Ball, all the riotous Pokémons around him calmed down.

Good guy!

It really is a chain reaction.

After Wang Peijin took back the riotous sister of the color mad lips, Chen Xizhou's eyes came to Zhong Chongwu's Pokémon.

This Pokémon looks like a sword.

There is a scabbard outside the sword body. The scabbard is brown and has patterns on it - a pattern like a ghost face.

There is a long blue ribbon tied to the end of the hilt. The end is light blue and has a finger-like fork, which can move freely like a wrist.

[Single scabbard! 】

【Sword Scabbard: Sword Elf】

【Sword Scabbard seems to be the soul of the dead who is reborn in the ancient sword, and will attach to humans to suck life. 】

【The blue eyeball on the sword guard of the Sword Scabbard is its body. The sword body will be exposed in battle, and the body is hidden in the scabbard at other times. 】

【The Sword Scabbard wraps the arm of the person holding the hilt with a blue cloth to absorb life until he falls. The soul of the person who died because of this sword a long time ago became the soul of the Sword Scabbard. 】

Keywords of the entry: sword, soul, life


Seeing the entry introduction and keywords of the Sword Scabbard, Chen Xizhou immediately thought of the ghost Pokémon Gengar that he had seen in Hohhot.

Chen Xizhou immediately opened the information panel of the elf of the sword sheath:

Elf: Sword Sheath

Gender: Male

Attributes: Steel, Ghost

Features: No defense (Since there is no defense tactic, the skills used by both sides will definitely hit.)

Items: None

Skills: Continuous Slash, Shadow Sneak Attack, Lightweight Body, Swallow Return, Metal Sound, Split, Sneak Attack, Revenge

Professor Skills: None

Inherited Skills: Earth Throw

This sword sheath is indeed a ghost-type elf.

Chen Xizhou set his eyes on Zhong Chongwu, the trainer of the sword sheath.

As he expected, although Zhong Chongwu was still tall and straight, he looked a little thin, and his face was also pale.

This is a manifestation of physical fatigue.

It is obvious that Zhong Chongwu must have been affected by the sword sheath and was constantly absorbing his life energy.

If this continues, Zhong Chongwu will definitely die.

The solution is actually very simple.

That is, Zhong Chongwu gave up the sword sheath or replenished his life energy in time.

So, how to replenish life energy?

Chen Xizhou did not speak out about this matter immediately.

Let’s not talk about whether this Supervisor Zhong knew his physical condition or whether there was a solution.

Even the timing was wrong.

In such a New Year’s reunion, suddenly saying to the other party “Hey man, you are dying”, no matter how you look at it, it is crazy.

Chen Xizhou would not do such a thing.

“Next, let’s talk about the third thing, the technology of making Poké Balls.”

The speaker was still Wenren Xuesong.

Chen Xizhou clearly remembered that Wenren Xuesong had mentioned that the technology of making Poké Balls was obtained by the United Alliance when he talked about the Lost Ruins.

“In this matter, you are a great contributor to our alliance!”

In Wenren Xuesong’s narration, except for the United Alliance, almost all alliances did not know the specific use of Poké Balls.

However, everyone knew that once this technology was successfully conquered and developed by the United Alliance, it would become the key to the neck.

After all, before the new calendar, the alliances had been in an arms race.

The relationship between the alliances after the new calendar was not much better.

The reason why there is a brief peace now is that the alliances are busy studying elves and related industries, as well as exploring and developing extra territories, and have no time to take care of other things for the time being.

Once these things are done, a new round of arms race will start again.

Chen Xizhou noticed a key point.

The various technologies obtained from the lost ruins need to be conquered.

The technology that cannot be used directly is completely different from the system technology package.

Thinking of this, Chen Xizhou couldn't help but express his gratitude to the system.

Although he didn't know whether the system had artificial intelligence or whether it could understand his gratitude.

"Although the alliance did not obtain the elf ball technology in the ruins, in fact, we have developed our own elf balls ahead of the United Alliance."

Wenren Xuesong patted Chen Xizhou's shoulder: "The alliance agreed to review your two patents, but they can only be effective in the entire alliance at present. If you leave the alliance..."

Chen Xizhou understood what Wenren Xuesong meant.

He applied for two patents, one for the agricultural and forestry use of [Green Grass Field], and the other for the elf ball manufacturing technology.

In principle, the first patent does not meet the approval conditions.

In order to give Chen Xizhou a certain reward, the Alliance Headquarters approved the patent.

This means that in the next 20 years, no one in the entire Alliance can use the skill [Green Grass Field] for commercial purposes.

If necessary, the patent can only be purchased from Langqi Town.

That's right, Chen Xizhou applied for the [Green Grass Field] skill patent in the name of the Langqi Town Alliance branch.

As for the second patent for the Poké Ball manufacturing technology.

It meets the approval conditions from beginning to end.

Now that the patent has been approved, even if the Alliance produces Poké Balls in the next 20 years, it will also need to pay a certain amount of patent royalties to Chen Xizhou and Langqi Town.

In the eyes of the Alliance, these are all rewards that Chen Xizhou deserves.

Besides, the beneficiary of the first patent [Green Grass Field] is still Langqi Town.

After discussing important matters, it was time to feast.

The three old heads of state were in very good health.

In addition to their youthful appearance, they also had great appetites.

On this evening of toasting, Chen Xizhou sat around the hot pot with the three old men.

The four of them ate hot pot together, enjoyed the snow scenery, and watched the Pokémons fighting.

So happy.

Xiao Jihua picked up the chopsticks and said loudly: "I like this place very much. There are not so many rules, and the food is plentiful. The most important thing is that you can eat and drink for free. If there is another chance, I will definitely come again!"

The other two old men also nodded in agreement, with satisfied smiles on their faces.

The topics they chatted about were full of wisdom in life, which made Chen Xizhou, a little quail, feel ashamed.

The party lasted until the early morning, and both humans and elves showed satisfied smiles, as if life was about to usher in a better day.

The second year of the new calendar is coming...

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