I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 11 New Groups in the System Gift Pack

As the vanilla leader called, the mount lambs living in the mountains and fields responded quickly.

A large number of mount lambs surrounded them.

These mount lambs that surrounded them were all stronger in the tribe, and they usually served as guards of the tribe.

The vanilla leader led a large number of guards to be on standby at any time, giving Chen Xizhou a great sense of security.

In the first module of the system, the host can receive a gift from the elf tribe from the system once a year.

Chen Xizhou did not receive this gift package at the first time just to wait for a suitable opportunity.

Now the time has come.

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The virtual button was pressed, and Chen Xizhou chose to receive the gift package.

A few minutes later, in the surprised eyes of the mount goat tribe, a group of wild elves suddenly walked out of the distant mountains and forests.

The system gift package appeared in front of Chen Xizhou in this way.

"Mi Lu Mi Lu——"

A group of elves that are both strange and familiar appeared in front of Chen Xizhou and the Mount Goat Clan.

They are strange because Chen Xizhou does not know these elves, and they are familiar because they look like some animals.

This abrupt appearance made Chen Xizhou very curious.

The vanilla leader looked at Chen Xizhou with a puzzled look, are you sure they are aggressive?

This group of elves looks like a group of pink cows. In addition to the four features on their chests that symbolize their identity as cows, there is also a small black ball at the end of their tails.

It's a big milk can!

Just as Chen Xizhou was about to explore further, the back door of the town alliance building suddenly opened.

Ke Yan, the director of the elf relations department, appeared behind the door.

In order to study the mount goats and the mount lambs, she spends a certain amount of time with them every day.

"You came at the right time."

Chen Xizhou pointed to the more than 100 big milk cans in front of him and said: "Record this group of new elves, and call them big milk cans in the future."

Ke Yan's eyes lit up, and she immediately took out her notebook and started recording.

In addition to the information about the elves' names, the system also gave more information about the Milk Tank.

[Milk Tank! ]

[Milk Tank: Cow Elf]

[Milk Tank has been supporting the lives of humans and elves since a long time ago. It has a gentle personality and does not like to fight with others. ]

[Milk Tank can produce at least 20 liters of nutritious milk every day. The better the quality of the pasture, the more fragrant and delicious the milk it produces. The taste of fresh milk will change with the season. ]

[Its milk is nutritious. It is said that children who grow up drinking Milk Tank's milk will grow into healthy and strong adults. It is also the best drink for the elderly and patients. ]

[People almost all breed it for collecting milk, but because it is quite strong and sturdy, it is also used for fighting. ]

[Milk Tank is only female, and its corresponding male elf is Kentaro. ]

The system has many entries about Milk Tank, but most of them are about the introduction of the milk produced by Milk Tank.

The milk produced by Milk Tank can be used to support the lives of humans and elves.

This is the most important point of all the information Chen Xizhou has.

Chen Xizhou originally thought that the system would give him a group of elves with strong strength or bad temper, but he didn't expect that this first gift pack would be so suitable.

The appearance of the big milk tank directly made up for the shortcomings of insufficient milk production of the mount lambs.

The [Photosynthesis] and [Green Grass Field] mastered by the mount goats and the mount lambs can make the grass on the pasture grow well and produce high-quality pasture.

High-quality pasture can make the milk produced by the big milk tank more excellent.

At the same time, the excellent quality of milk can make the cubs of the mount goat tribe grow more healthily and better serve the pasture.

The mount goat tribe and the big milk tank tribe have a sense of complementing each other.

The only thing that puzzled Chen Xizhou was the last entry given by the system: the big milk tank is only female, and the corresponding male elf is Kentaro.

The meaning of this entry is a bit unclear.

Is it that only Kentaro can reproduce with Miltank, or that any Miltank can produce offspring with male Kentaro and female Miltank?

Chen Xizhou asked, "How is it, have you finished recording?"

Ke Yan closed her notebook, "I have recorded everything."

After giving Chen Xizhou an OK sign, Ke Yan took out her camera, "Mayor, are these Miltanks really non-aggressive?"

Chen Xizhou hesitated for a moment and replied, "Theoretically, they are not aggressive, but it is better to be careful when you are not familiar with them."

Ke Yan did not ask about the origins of these Miltanks that suddenly appeared. She was more interested in studying these unknown elves.

After getting Chen Xizhou's answer, Ke Yan boldly walked forward to get in close contact with them.

Miltanks are as gentle as described in the introduction, and they enjoy Ke Yan's kind touch.

Some of the Miltanks even sat down and showed their cow symbols.

They wanted to treat Ms. Ke Yan with delicious and nutritious milk.

This behavior of drinking milk in public is very shameful for adults, and Ke Yan naturally couldn't really lie down to drink milk.

Fortunately, there were several cups specially used to hold bleating goat milk hanging on the back door.

Ke Yan took one more.

It must be said that Ke Yan's learning ability is very strong. In just a few days, she has mastered the trick of milking.

Ke Yan rhythmically squeezed the cow symbol of the big milk can from top to bottom, and soon filled two cups with sweet milk from the big milk can.

Just as Chen Xizhou was tasting the milk, the big milk can tribe suddenly became a commotion.

This made the originally harmonious atmosphere tense all of a sudden.

The vanilla leader blocked Chen Xizhou and Ke Yan behind him, and pointed his sharp horns at the big milk can tribe.

The mount goat took an attacking posture.

Other mount goats surrounded the leader and protected Chen Xizhou and the other person in the encirclement.

In the face of possible danger, whether it was the vanilla leader or his tribe, the mount goat tribe chose to protect the "weak" humans first.

This action was seen by Chen Xizhou and recorded by Ke Yan in his notebook.

The commotion from the big milk can soon ended.

This huge tribe was divided into two groups in an orderly manner, and a big milk can that was obviously larger than the tribe members and had a different color from the tribe members walked out slowly.

This should be the leader of the Big Milk Tank tribe.

"Milu? Milu!"

When the Big Milk Tank leader saw the battle of the Mount Goat tribe, he immediately realized that the other party had misunderstood him.

An energy bell appeared out of thin air in the hands of the Big Milk Tank leader, and a special melody that could calm people's mood sounded.

This was the Big Milk Tank leader's gesture of goodwill.

The Vanilla leader did not feel any hostility from the Big Milk Tank leader.

Soon afterwards, the Mount Lambs that had formed an encirclement, led by the Vanilla leader, made way for the Big Milk Tank leader.

The Vanilla leader also gave Chen Xizhou a reassuring look.

As long as the Big Milk Tank leader made any unusual moves, it would immediately ensure the safety of Chen Xizhou and Ke Yan.

In fact, Chen Xizhou still trusted this tribe from the system gift package.

However, Chen Xizhou still chose to show a cautious look in front of the Mount Goat tribe, which was a trust and affirmation of them.

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