I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 103: Elf Town Online Promotion

Chen Xizhou's attention was on La Lulas.

【Lalu Lasi! 】

[Larulas: Mood Elf]

[Larulas can keenly use the red horn on her head to capture the emotions of people and elves. 】

[Although Lalulas rarely appears in front of people, she will come closer when she feels positive emotions, and hide in the dark when she feels hostility. 】

[It is said that Lalulas will appear in front of people who are in a good mood, and tend to be close to people who are in a cheerful mood rather than those who are in a low mood, and there is no distinction between men, women, old and young. 】

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[After Larulas captures the warmth of people and elves, its whole body will warm up slightly. When the trainer is in a cheerful mood, it will also be happy with the trainer. 】

Entry keywords: mood, feelings, happiness, cheerfulness

What a delicate little elf.

When the lady saw that Chen Xizhou didn't answer, she called "little brother" again.

This time Chen Xizhou heard it and reacted.

He showed an apologetic expression and explained: "I'm very sorry. I was too busy paying attention to La Lulas just now. This is a very rare elf."

Chen Xizhou just took a look at Lalu Lasi's elf panel:

Elf: Lalulas

Gender: Female

Attributes: Super power system, fairy system

Features: Telepathy (read our attacks and dodge their skill damage.)

Skills: Shout, Charming Voice, Shadow Clone, Telekinesis, Hypnosis, Absorbing Kiss

Teaching Skills: None

Genetic Skill: Magical Fire

Like his own Slow King, he is a super elf.

But what Chen Xizhou is more curious about is the [telepathy] feature possessed by Lalu Lasi.

Literally understood, elves with this characteristic can read the actions of their partners and prevent them from being attacked by their partners.

Although it doesn't make much sense in a single-player battle, it will definitely be an important feature in a two-player or multiplayer battle.

Of course, it's too early to discuss this kind of elven combat stuff.

However, Chen Xizhou felt that he could still record it first.

As Meng Yongle said, if one step is fast, one step will be fast, and it will always be used in the future.

"Brother, do you know Xiaoguang's name?"

The albino girl looked at Chen Xizhou expectantly, with a different color in her eyes.


Chen Xizhou looked at the albino girl and nodded steadily.

"Hello, big brother, my name is Ning Yuxi, this is my mother, and this is Xiaoguang. Nice to meet you."

It seems that because Chen Xizhou knows La Lulas, the albino girl Ning Yuxi showed great curiosity about Chen Xizhou.

This curiosity surprised even her mother, the lady who had spoken earlier.

You know, this precious daughter of ours is usually a social terror.

Chen Xizhou kindly introduced some information about Lalu Lasi to Ning Yuxi, and after leaving a contact information for the other party, he planned to leave.

This is just a chance encounter.

There may be more intersections in the future, but not now.

Because he still has a lot to do.

On the way back to the town alliance building, Chen Xizhou took the time to open several social software

To be honest, the heat of the snowfall in Langqi Town was a bit beyond his imagination.

The Publicity Department did not make any move to buy popularity.

It's really surprising that it's still dominating the popularity list after a few days.

Chen Xizhou opened Douyin and took a look. The top one on the hot list was a video posted by a big V named "Yun Yu Xiaoyao".

The content of the video is that the messenger bird takes off from the icehouse habitat, flies over the pasture, the town, the fruit plantation, the elf research institute, and finally flies back to the icehouse habitat.

Throughout its flight, the messenger bird continuously sheds wind and snow from its hollow tail and then falls to the ground.

It perfectly fits the theme of "Gifts from the Elf".

It can only be said that Mu Zhiyun really has his own unique insights into elf photography.

Even when Chen Xizhou saw this beautiful picture, he felt like he was longing for it.

This post of "Yun and Xiaoyao" has more than one million likes, more than 400,000 comments, and more than 300,000 retweets.

It can be said to be a quite popular video.

The video content of several other social platforms is also similar.

The difference is nothing more than a different perspective and different copywriting.

As for this "Yun and Xiaoyao"...

You don't need to guess to know that it is the account shared by Mu Zhiyun and Mu Xiaoyao.

Chen Xizhou discovered that an account called "Langqi Elf Town" was @ under the snowfall videos on each platform.

The video content in the two accounts is exactly the same.

Obviously, Mu Zhiyun and Mu Xiaoyao were trying to divert traffic to Langqi Town's account.

The effect is pretty good.

In just a few days, the number of fans of the "Langqi Elf Town" account has exceeded 100,000.

I believe that as long as a few more exciting videos are released, this account can be operated independently from the "Yun and Xiaoyao" account.

From this point of view, I have to commend these two young people.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived.

When Chen Xizhou returned to the town alliance building, Cheng Ming was waiting for him with Mu Zhiyun and Mu Xiaoyao.

"Mayor, how about merging the Publicity Section of the Elf Relations Department into our Department of Culture and Tourism?"

The Internet is an important way to promote cultural tourism.

In recent years, directors of cultural and tourism bureaus in various places have even personally made videos to promote local characteristics.

As a young man, Chengming naturally values ​​this approach.

Chengming paid special attention to the work of the two in the past few days and found that the work contents of the Publicity Department and the Culture and Tourism Department were highly overlapping.

"Mayor, you also know that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism was established not long ago, and even the staff..."

Chen Xizhou knew what Cheng Ming wanted to say and interrupted him directly: "In that case, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Publicity Section will work together."

When Cheng Ming saw what Chen Xizhou said, he immediately turned around and looked at Mu Zhiyun and Mu Xiaoyao.

The longing in their eyes made the two of them shudder.

After Mu Xiaoyao briefly reported on the recent publicity situation, Mu Zhiyun stepped forward to talk about another matter.

"Mayor, many internet celebrities are currently contacting us and want to come to Langqi Town to check in."

Mu Zhiyun continued: "In addition to checking in on the scenery, they also want to have close contact with the elves. I think there is the possibility of a win-win situation, so I came to ask for your advice."

Internet celebrity check-in is a trend that has emerged on the Internet in recent years.

Although there are shortcomings, the flaws cannot be concealed.

I have to admit that Internet celebrity check-in has a certain promotion effect on the local area.

For example, it can drive local tourism consumption; increase local popularity; create employment opportunities; promote the development of cities or regions with characteristics; provide new creative inspiration, etc.

"That's a good idea."

Chen Xizhou highly recognized Mu Zhiyun's proposal.

"You and Minister Cheng will discuss it. We can use the habitats of several elven groups to form a complete attraction check-in chain."

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