Chapter 999 Sit and wait] Please order!

But he did it very seriously.

Maybe everyone has seen his unusual side, a little unbelievable, and more often they find it hard to believe that in their impression, winning politics has always been a very cold emperor.

Why did it suddenly become like this without knowing it? It made them all surprised, and more of them felt amazed, and seemed to have opened a new channel.

I also feel that I have just gotten to know Yingzheng on this day, but his character is indeed worthy of everyone’s appreciation~, there is nothing to say about it.

In the past two days, the praise rating of winning politics has been continuously increasing, and he has always become a role model in everyone’s hearts.

Even people who don’t have too many ideas will often praise winning politics secretly, thinking that they are truly the best emperors from generation to generation. This can be described as such.

In short, when I heard this message, I really felt dumbfounded. At the same time, I was flattered. I hope everyone will not be so exaggerated. He is not as funny as everyone said.

What a big deal, it’s really not easy to get to this point.

Not to mention the various things experienced in the middle.

Of course, when Yingzheng heard everyone’s praise, it was a bit embarrassing at most, and more of it felt very good.Yes, he, the emperor, is so good.After solving the problem of the maid, he should indeed Let’s solve the problems on the side of Shu first.

In the past few days, the Kingdom of Shu has been called a madness, and it means that it will climb on your head in a few days. Winning the government also expresses that it is really high.

“The emperor is not good, they have already started to move around, maybe it won’t take long, they will come over soon, what do you think? We really can’t continue to sit and wait for death!” The envoy sent over, The attitude is very hasty.

What’s more, I feel very nervous about this. In order to protect their Daqin, Yingzheng must make a decision now, and absolutely can’t continue to sit and wait for death after coming out.

What’s more, it’s already this time, what are you waiting for?

This kind of time is not very good, it explains what it means to be either you live or I die. Anyway, that scene is also very tense. Everyone is helping their heart, and more of them feel Very tired.

No one knows how this matter should continue.

The same is true on the winning government. The people around him have been constantly urging him to stop waiting. To put it bluntly, he is waiting for a suitable opportunity, but winning the government doesn’t know how to trigger it. Do you guys want to give him a chance to breathe?

When he kept starting here, have he ever thought about what he was thinking about? At that time, he slapped the table fiercely and looked at the messenger who was kneeling on the ground with an angry expression.

“I just want to ask, what I said is of no use now, is it? I asked you to wait a while and wait a while and it should be urged here. Does it have any meaning like urging?” Run directly and recklessly like this.

What problem can be solved afterwards? It can’t be solved at all. In the end, it is still the same, and it will only become more painful.

0……Look for flowers…

After the words of Yingzheng were spoken, the people underneath knelt in that place honestly, dare not say anything, did not dare to breathe, and looked at Yingzheng’s serious face with eyesight. It’s not tasteful in my heart, in fact, they really have no guts.

They also didn’t have such courage. If they really said that they wanted to fight with the emperor, the consequences would be disastrous. They also didn’t have any ability to compare with winning politics.


Now that they think about what they said when they were so excited just now, they felt that the courage was commendable.

After they ran out, the star was still beating frantically. Thinking of the picture just now, it always felt incredible. They glanced at each other at their partners.

“My goodness friend, how do I feel that I am becoming more and more bold now. To be honest, this is incredible. I think I am too powerful. I have never had such courage before. honestly.”

His funny appearance is really dumbfounding, but the messenger next to him also deeply understands what he said. After all, in such a tense atmosphere, it is indeed difficult for people. Imagine.

Most of it still feels terrible. It’s really not a place where normal people can stay. I really want to quickly escape from that tight range, and a word of victory can overthrow them all.

This makes people think that the most broken place, why? Why do they have to treat them like that?

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