Chapter 990 Just talk about monthly divisions, not official affairs] Please order!

But since the emperor summoned him, then the two of them must go.

After arriving at the Hall of Yangxin, Yingzheng had already ordered Haoyushanfang to prepare meals.

After seeing Liu Ji and Xiao He, Ying Zheng happily let them sit down.

“Sit down and sit down. The two Qings don’t need to be restrained. I have never been a person who likes to restrain. There is a group of ministers in the council, and I can’t help it.

“I have always liked to eat meat and drink big bowls of wine. Today I called the two to have a good drink and chat with them.” Yingzheng said.

Hearing the words of winning the government, Xiao He did not speak yet, but Liu Jile returned: “Thank you, Your Majesty, the minister used to be in Pei’s hometown of “August 43″ county.”

“I heard that the emperor’s food is different from that of the common people. I heard that he eats meat even after a meal. At that time, Liu Ji was envious of his majesty.”

“I also thought that if I had the opportunity to taste the emperor’s meals in this life, I would be willing to die.” Liu Jihaha said.

This Liu Ji is really informal.

But Yingzheng also likes such people.

And Yingzheng also knows.

Compared with Xiang Yu, this Liu Ji is more jealous of himself.

Xiang Yu hated it.

These two feelings are not the same.

If you are jealous, then winning politics will give you glory and wealth and sell your talents to the emperor’s house.

But this feeling of Yu’s hatred is really hard to say.


It’s very simple, this feather must win the government to death, there is nothing in it that can be maneuvered.

Therefore, Yingzheng and Liu Jishang can still have fun in the same room.

But with that Xiang Yu, you can only live and die.

In the past, when Yingzheng had no soul to wear to the Qin Dynasty, there was something to say about Xiang Yu.

The mentality of admiring heroes and worshiping overlords.

But it’s different now.

You are kidding, this is your own enemy, you are a life-and-death enemy, you still go to worship, what do you mean?

Isn’t this just trying to prevent yourself.

At this time, after Xiao He heard Liu Ji’s words, he hurriedly said to the side: “Liu Ji, you are very disrespectful.

“Your Majesty, Liu Ji’s wild villagers, it is inevitable that they will be contaminated with the breath of some wild villagers, and their words are a little unobstructed, please don’t take it to heart.” Xiao He said quickly.

“After Xiaohe, this Hall of Nourishment is a place for me to rest. In this type of meal, it is meal between friends, which has nothing to do with monarchs and officials.”

“I came here today to have a good drink with the two Qings, and then talk to the parents. The three of us will only talk about Fengyue and not about official business today.” Yingzheng said.

Hearing the words of Yingzheng, Xiao He and Liu Ji sat down in their respective positions.

As soon as I sat down to win the government, I said to the two people: “Today, I summoned the two princes, mainly to ask the two princes about this tax reduction and light corvee.”

“What other views, such as what are the shortcomings, can be said.” Yingzheng asked. ,

Hearing the words of winning the government, Liu Ji and Xiao He glanced at each other, and then after thinking about it, Liu Ji said: “Your Majesty, there is actually a courtier who has always noticed.”

“So when discussing these matters with Prime Minister Li Si, I was somewhat of a buffer.”

“E?” Ying Zheng asked with interest after hearing Liu Ji’s words: “What is it?”

“This is your Majesty. When I drafted these new decree, I noticed that the people of Daqin will continue to reduce and exempt taxes to reduce their burden.

“But the entire Daqin tax revenue depends on the people of the world. If this is suddenly reduced too much, then Daqin’s tax revenue is bound to be extremely affected.

“So, because of this, I have discussed with the prime minister and Mr. Xiao He, from far to near, the taxation of areas with heavier taxes can be lowered first.”

“Then implement it step by step. This time, Prime Minister Li Si is also called the three-step method. The first step is to reduce or exempt those rural farmers who are on the verge of bankruptcy.”

‘Then the second step is to reduce and exempt those households that can still be supported. Finally, this is the corresponding reduction and exemption for those farmers who can afford it.

“If this is the case, then Da Qin can slowly relax in such a process and time, and it will not lose a lot of tax sources just because of this.”

“Let the entire Daqin court fall into an embarrassing situation with no fiscal revenue, so as to prevent accidents from occurring.

“I can also truly realize your majesty’s love for the people,” Liu Ji replied.

1.3 Originally, I was thinking about whether Liu Ji could be a role like Mission Impossible.

But what I didn’t expect was that what Liu Ji said was exactly what he said was the key to winning the government.

And for the winning government, the memorial that I saw today morning, and the half-step three-step method, the winning government is also very clear.

Indeed, Da Qin’s current problems were solved.

So the next step is that as long as it is implemented properly, it won’t be long before the people of this great Qin world will sing praises for winning the government.

And the old nobles of the Six Nations and Xiang Yu and his like naturally did not have the capital to rebel against Da Qin.

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