Chapter 982 Zhao Dashan] Please order!

Then everyone laughed happily when they heard what the young man said.

While eating, Ying Zheng looked at the storyteller and found it interesting.

At this moment, I saw a big man who was wide and fat, who looked like a rich man from the side street.

And behind this old master, there were also seven or eight family members.

These families walked to the side of the crowd fiercely, and then pulled everyone in the crowd away.

Then one of the family members shouted to the storyteller: “Young man, my master heard that you can drive away ghosts and catch demons, but do you really have this ability?”

When the young man heard Jia Ding’s words, he smiled and said, “I have as many talents as you have.

“It’s okay to ask for money, as long as you can catch the monsters in my house, then I will give you as much as you want.” The big master said.

“Really?” the young man asked, looking at the old man.

“It’s natural, can I still lie to you a young man or something.”

“That’s all right, when will you go, and will you take care of the food?” the man asked.

“Eat and drink whatever you want, young heroes can go now if they are willing,” the old master said cheerfully.

In this way, under the crowd of onlookers, the young man went back with the old man and his family.

Ying Zheng was also a little curious to see this situation.

Although there were some weird things in the Great Qin Period, it was all monsters and ghosts.

This is not Journey to the West, it is too mysterious.

But for Yingzheng, he can wear his soul to the first emperor’s body, so what else can’t appear.

At this moment, Xiao Er, who was listening only to the side, sighed and said, “Then Master Zhao can be regarded as a good man in Wuguan, 々.”

“For the whole life to do good and accumulate virtue, it is probably because God saw that Master Zhao was kind, so that he was always good and got a big fat boy.”

“Master Zhao’s Wanguan family wealth can be considered as inherited.”

“But I never thought that the son of Master Zhao’s family was born less than three months ago, and he was inexplicably suffering from madness.”

“That night, that child’s cry was really scary.”

Hearing what Xiaoer Dian said, Yingzheng also became interested.

Yingzheng itself is a half-step innate master, and it is natural for such a thing to be grasped.

Now that I hear this, it seems that the child of the Zhao family may be lowered by someone.

Therefore, it is natural to ask a question about winning the government.

“Xiao Er, you said that the child of Master Zhao’s family was evil?”

“Yes, guest officer, you’re not a native of Wuguan, right? Everybody in this Wuguan knows what the situation is with the son of Master Zhao’s family.’

“Anyway, Master Zhao has found countless Taoist priests and wizards and has not been able to cure this child.

“So Master Zhao is also anxious.

“Now that I am playing, I am issuing notices, and I hope that a fairy with real abilities can save his children.”

“As long as he can save his child, then he is willing to spend a thousand dollars.” Dian Xiaoer said.

Seeing the envious face of Xiaoer Dian, Ying Zheng also said cheerfully: “Then it seems that Master Zhao is really a good person.

“That’s not true. Master Zhao is also very close to his neighbors on weekdays. Naturally, everyone is worried about his children.”

“If this can help his child get out of the disaster now, it will naturally have to be rewarded heavily.” Dian Xiaoer said.

*^”So little second, where is Master Zhao?” Yingzheng asked.

“What’s the matter, guest officer, do you want to earn the money?” Dian Xiaoer asked cheerfully.

“Who doesn’t like money? Since Master Zhao has said so, it happens that I also know some methods of catching monsters, so I should try it.”

“If this is done for this grandfather Zhao’s child, I can give you some rewards when I come back?” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

“Oh, guest officer, what you said, Xiao Er sounds comfortable in his heart, but the guest officer should still be careful. It’s not so easy to step forward.”

“I heard people say that this grandfather Zhao’s child seems to have been possessed by a demon called a heart demon. Anyway, it is terrifying.”

(For money)

“If the guest officer’s way is not enough, then the guest officer is still not recommended to go.” Dian Xiaoer said.

“Okay, you don’t need to tell me this, you just tell me where Master Zhao’s house is.” Yingzheng said.

“Just leave the rest to me…”

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, the shop Xiaoer also said with a smile: “Since the guest officer has said so, then I think there must be a way for the guest officer.”

“It’s not a big problem, then Master Zhao’s house is walking westward from here, and the largest house is the one. It’s easy to recognize.”

“Just go from here. The guest officer will know if he just walks over and asks the neighbors in the neighborhood.”

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