Chapter 972 Best Actor] Please order!

“If you can treat me sincerely, then I will be good to you, and then you must not let me down.” Yue’er said.

“Sister Yue’er, don’t worry, I will definitely not let you down.” Ying Zheng said and walked towards Yue’er.

Now after Yue’er had a conversation with Yingzheng, she naturally had no defense against Yingzheng.

Ying Zheng came over and pulled Yue’er into his arms, and then tapped his right thumb on the back of Yue’er’s neck.

Only hearing Yue’er’s “Ah” sound, she fainted slowly.

As long as the aorta of the neck is pressed in the right position, the person will faint at once, and will not be able to wake up for a long time.

Ying Zheng is putting this month in a secret place.

Then he changed his appearance just like Yue’er.

Then he smelled the fragrance to Yue’er and made sure that Yue’er had passed out of a coma.

Yingzheng only then exchanged Yue’er and his own clothes.

After hiding Yue’er well, winning the government slowly walked out of the back of the house.

Then walked in the direction of Xiaoqiao.

Now Yingzheng doesn’t know whether this month’s identity can enter this bridge.

But after all, I already had such an opportunity. If I don’t try it, I’m afraid there is no chance.

After arriving on the small bridge at this time, the middle-aged man also watched Yue’er, who had changed his victory, and said, “Girl Yue’er, why have you been there for so long.”

“This is because there is something, so I just said it, and it took a while, 々.” Yingzheng said.

“Girl Yue’er go in quickly, Da Si Ming has been waiting for Girl Yue’er, if you don’t go in again, I will blame Da Si Ming.”

“I think Miss Yue’er can’t eat and walk around.” The man said with a smile.

“Thank you.” Ying Zheng gave a salute and then stepped onto the bridge to get in.

“Slow.” The man called out suddenly.

This man’s sudden action was really frightening to win the government.

Could it be that this guy realized that he was wrong.

Yingzheng is already trying his best to imitate the way a woman walks. If this is still wrong, then I really don’t know how to say it.

At this time, I saw the man happily saying: “Miss Yue’er, that Murongjie is not a good person, and the girl must not be deceived by him.

“Thank you, Yue’er knows.” Because Yingzheng didn’t know the name of this man, he could only find a way to leave quickly.

After all, if you say too much, it is very likely that it is not.

At this time, the man said nothing more.

Winning Zheng walked slowly towards the bridge.

After half a day, I was finally able to enter the house in this central area.

How happy Yingzheng is in the next day.

I don’t know what’s in the middle, and I don’t know what I can find if I came here today.

However, the victory is very clear, since it is here, then there must be no small gains.

Thinking of winning here, I also walked inside happily.

The layout of the house in the middle of the lake is much better than the outside.

Not only fresh and elegant, but also very clean and competitive.

Walking all the way from this small bridge, there are quite a few maids running along the way.

It seems that these maids are busy with something.

At this time, after a woman saw Yue’er, she hurried over and said to Yue’er: “Sister Yue’er, can you ask Sister Yue’er to raise your hand and let Sister Lan’er go.”

“Sister Lan’er is really young and ignorant, so she will be like this for a while, and I also asked Sister Yue’er to raid Sister Lan’er once.” The woman looked at Ying Zheng with some pleading expression.

After Ying Zheng heard the woman’s words, he was surprised to find that he had gained an incredible identity.

It seems that the size of this month is also a matter for this maidservant.

If this is the case, then winning politics doesn’t mind making good use of such an identity.

*” From sister Lan’er, I naturally know that she is unintentional, but you also know Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming, which is sometimes difficult for me to handle.

“Sister Yue’er, I know you have the best heart. Sister Lan’er is really unintentional here. Please ask Sister Yue’er to give Sister Lan’er a chance.

“Qin Shu is here to thank Sister Yue’er.”

That’s great, this identity is really good, and now I even know what this woman is called winning politics.

“Qin Shu, then you do sister Yue’er a favor.” Ying Zheng said.

(Qianhao Zhao) “Also ask sister Yue’er to give instructions.” Qin Shu said quickly.

“You can now take my order to release Sister Lan’er, but after release, you have to let Sister Lan’er find a place where there is no one to rest by herself.”

‘Don’t come out to meet people casually. If you are seen by Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming, I will not be able to explain it. I will tell Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming, do you know?” Yingzheng said to Qin Shu.

“Qin Shu understands that Qin Shu doesn’t cause trouble to sister Yue’er.

“Okay, by the way, who is standing by Dasi’s orders now?” Yingzheng asked seemingly casually.

“Now there is no one around Da Si Ming, Da Si Ming has orders, no one is allowed to approach, unless there is an order from Da Si Ming.” Miao.

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