Chapter 963 Lucky draw] Please order!

“Raffle draw, that’s great, let me see the draw.”

“Okay, because the host is pretty good with this system, then the system will bravely give the host a chance to draw a temporary lottery.

“From now on, the host will still have to treat the system a little better, and take good care of the system.”

“Don’t worry about this, haven’t I always loved you so much?” Ying Zheng replied in his mind.

At this time, the four of them looked at the uncertain look on Ying Zheng’s face, which was a bit strange.

Your Majesty, is it because he heard that the enemy was about to assassinate himself, so he was a little worried in his heart, so he was a little absent-minded?

Are you still worried about being assassinated, so you are thinking of countermeasures?

Otherwise, why is the face so cloudy?

However, the expression on this face seemed to be happy for a while, which made everyone undecided.

Is it because your majesty has lost his heart and is crazy?

At this time, the system has already revealed a picture in the mind of the winning government.

A lottery system like a turntable appeared in front of the winning government. 830

There are four areas on the turntable.

The first area is also the largest area. It occupies almost 80% of the real lottery board and is called a random reward.

The second area is called the magic weapon reward, which occupies 10%.

The third area is called exercise rewards, which occupies 9%.

The last one is the one-thousand-thousand illusion of Yi Rongshu that Yingzheng wants.

But this thousand fantasy only occupies 1%, which is a bit embarrassing.

“I said the system, now the host I need disguise, I am very anxious, although I can’t say that I will let you give a 50% chance, that is really shameless.”

“But you can give 10% as much as you can. If it doesn’t work 5%, I also admit it. This is 1%. It’s still only a tiny bit. The odds are too much.” Winning the government is also speechless.

“The host (aibd) don’t worry, you can draw it. This is a fate of the host. If the host can really draw it, then it means that the host is destined to make the world of the Qin dynasty. .”

“If it can’t, then it means that the host must rely on strength to survive in this world of Great Qin.”

“This system can help the host is here. Whether you can draw it depends on the host’s strength, no other ears.”

Unexpectedly, this system will give you a piece of classical Chinese text.

No way, no one told this system to say so.

Yingzheng itself also needs a system to help itself, otherwise, there is no way.

Thinking of this, Yingzheng turned around and said to Su Huan: “Su Huan, are you lucky?

“Huh?” Su Huan obviously didn’t quite understand why Yingzheng would suddenly ask himself: “Actually, it’s okay, I feel pretty good since childhood.”

“There is nothing too unlucky,” Su Huan said.

“Give me your hand.” Ying Zheng stretched out his hand and said.

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, Su Huan also handed his hand to Yingzheng in a daze.

Ying Zheng gently held Su Huan’s jade hand, and then said with a smile: “I believe that if you meet me and I meet you, it is the greatest luck.”

“Su Huan, I need your good luck to help me now, otherwise I won’t be able to get what I want.

“Okay.” Su Huan nodded.

At this time, Mu Nianzhu saw this situation and said, “I think I have good luck to win the government. Only when I met you, I had the opportunity to reincarnate.

“My, my luck, too.” After Mu Lianzhu finished speaking, she also took the initiative to walk over to the winning hand, and then hold the winning hand.

One on the left and the other on the right, the temperature of the palms of the two women’s hands was transmitted at the same time.

Winning the government also has confidence in his heart.

Although it is not to say that this disguise must be drawn, but to be honest.

If this disguise technique can be obtained, then for winning politics, there will be more tools that can be used in the future.

It might be possible to get the information I want at a critical moment.

This is also the reason why Yingzheng wants this disguise technique.

If there is something like invisibility, that would be even better.

However, it seems that this stealth technique system is also absent, so it is tantamount to not saying it.

At this time, Shu Er saw that the two women were already standing beside Ying Zheng, and then said: “Well, since Su Huan and Mu Nianzhu are standing beside you, Brother Zheng.”

“Then I won’t get mixed up, I will pray for you silently in my heart, hoping that what you want will come true.” Shu Er said with a smile.

Yingzheng is now considered to be blessed with good luck from the three women.

It’s ten days away now.

Ying Zheng took the three women and turned to look at Bi Shi.

But Bi Shi looked at the four people with a dazed expression and said, “Well, your Majesty, do you still need me?”

“What’s wrong, you are not a friend? Are you despising me?” Yingzheng said.

“Don’t say anything.” Bi Shi hurriedly made a gesture with his left and right hands, and then said to Yingzheng: “Heavenly spirit and earth spirit, bless your Majesty’s thoughts, you have everything.”

“Long live a hundred, healthy and healthy, ah, long live long live long live long live long live, healthy and healthy.” Bi Shi quickly changed his words.

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