Chapter 959 The Charm of Mu Nianzhu】Please order!

But now it is obvious that Wei Zhuang is not very trusting in winning politics, so it is naturally impossible to get these things out.

After another two days of rest, Ying Zheng took the three of them to say goodbye to Duanmu Rong and others.

When I came here and when I went back, my mood was completely different.

After all, how should I say, when I came here, because I was on the road, I naturally had to find a way to quickly find Duanmu Rong.

But now that Mu Lianzhu is well, then naturally there is no need to worry so much.

All you need to do is drive towards Xian-Yangcheng in a carriage.

Going directly back to Xianyang City from Yunmengze is naturally much faster than going to Hanoi by boat, so Yingzheng did not hesitate to choose to drive back to Xianyang City by horse-drawn carriage.

On the way, wherever they go, many young men here will be attracted by Mu Yanzhu’s beauty.

To be honest, this is really not weird, this Mu rosary is indeed too long and beautiful.

There is no doubt about this.

First of all, Mu Rosa’s skin is whitened just like a baby.

Plus the bone figure of Mu Rosary.

You can say so.

People say that beauty is on the bone but not on the skin.

It’s just that the victory in politics did not expect that this Mu Rosary would cause such a big sensation.

In addition, Mu Yanzhu had just healed, and his face also had a little melancholy color. This beauty still has a melancholy color.

This makes people unable to extricate themselves.

Not to mention his.

Do you think this young man in the city can’t make a sensation?

So that Yingzheng believed a little bit, if it weren’t for himself and others by Mu Nianzhu’s side.

These young sons and buddies, I’m afraid they are going to fight to grab people.

On this day, the four drove the carriage to South County.

This southern county is located at the gateway of Jingzhou, which can be regarded as a transportation destination from the north to the south.

When this southern county belonged to Chu State, it was the economic lifeline of Chu State.

Now being included in the territory of the Qin State, it has naturally become the economic center of the southern part of the Qin State.

Yingzheng drove the carriage and led the four people into the South County.

After some investigations, Yingzheng led four people into the South County.

After searching for a long time, Yingzheng finally came to know an inn that looked pretty good.

After arranging the carriage or something to the shop Xiaoer’s care.

Win Zheng brought four people into the inn to eat.

There are not many people in the inn, and it seems that this inn does business very generally.

But Yingzheng doesn’t care about these, as long as it is clean and the atmosphere is fine.

After finding a seat by the window, the victory was to let Xiao Er serve the dishes.

Everyone had been on their way for a day, and naturally they were already hungry. Of course, they had to find a way to have a good meal.

Not long after Xiao Er delivered the food, everyone began to devour it.

Mu Lianzhu is the fiercest one to eat.

I don’t know if it was Duan Mulong’s medicine or something.

Since Mu Nianzhu got better, his appetite has greatly increased, and no matter what he eats, he is more than doubled by others.

But don’t you say whether to eat or not.

This Duan Mulong is not fat, you say you are not angry.

If you can eat without getting fat, it is simply to make people have the urge to commit suicide.

If those girls knew that Duanmu Rong still had such a hand, I’m afraid they would break through the low threshold of Duanmu Rong’s Qinyun Courtyard.

While the five people were eating, they heard a sound from behind the rear screen.

“I said Tianming, let’s stay in Linzi City. What are you doing to this southern county if you have nothing to do?”

0……Look for flowers…

“I came to South County this time, but there are important things. You are not happy to ask you to come with me.”

“It’s not unhappy, mainly because you also know that the Mo Family’s organ city has been destroyed, and I’m still busy taking out the fellow apprentice brothers.”

‘Otherwise, the first emperor of Qin will be killed by the dog thieves, what can we do?

“You don’t have to worry so much. It has been a while now, and you can see if there is any movement from the First Emperor.”

………. ..

“I think the limelight should have passed. This time I came to Southern County. I heard that Master Xu was also in Southern County. I wanted to come to Master Xu and ask him for help.”

“Help? This Master Xu doesn’t know how to build swords. What can you do if you find him?”

“I said Pao Ding is what you don’t understand.”

“Master Xu himself is the master of swordsmithing. I naturally want to ask Master Xu to cast a peerless magic weapon for me, so that I can avenge myself.”

“Vengeance? Who do you want to seek revenge?”

“Naturally it is the dog thief that Emperor Shi Huang won the government.”

Hearing this, all the people who were sitting suddenly looked unnatural.

The assassin was sitting next to him, which was pretty good.

At this time, I saw that Yingzheng didn’t say much, I saw that Yingzheng signaled everyone to continue eating and not to say anything, just listen to what was said next door.

“I said Tianming, don’t mess around, just because I caused the Xianyang Palace, the guards are tightly guarded, and there are many masters in the Qin Palace.”

“If you want to assassinate the first emperor to win politics, I’m afraid it’s not that easy. If you want me to say, let’s go back to Linzi City first and make plans later.”

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