Chapter 957 The whereabouts of Gai Nie] Please order!


Hearing Su Huan’s words, Wei Zhuang shook his head: “This is not my brother’s style. My brother belongs to that kind of person. If the task is not completed.”

‘Then I would rather commit suicide than hide and heal, so it definitely doesn’t make sense. ”

“Then. I’m afraid your brother is already on the road to Huangquan.” Shu’er said.

“That’s why I asked people everywhere to inquire about the whereabouts of my senior, = even if he is dead, there must be a corpse, but now I can’t see anyone alive or a corpse.” Wei Zhuang said helplessly.

Hearing Wei Zhuang’s words, Ying Zheng said, “You seem to be very caring about you, brother.”

“You care about your brother?”

“It’s not a concern. Actually, I just have something to say. After all, I am in the same field as me. I naturally want to care, and my brother has always been the target of my pursuit.”

“I hope to surpass my senior. If he is gone, then my goal of catching up will be gone.” Wei Zhuang said.

Hearing what Wei Zhuang said, Ying Zheng also nodded to lead you: “Brother Wei Zhuang can have such thoughts and ambitions, after all, it is correct, but now I really don’t know about Gai Nie.”

“So there is no way to help you.” Yingzheng said helplessly.

This is indeed not a winning government bragging, nor is it concealing a winning government.

There is indeed no news of Gai Nie.

On that day, Guyie, Jing Ke and others joined forces to assassinate themselves, but they were defeated by themselves. Not to mention, these people themselves did not rush to exterminate them.

But where did it go? I really don’t know if I won the government.

Winning government just didn’t want to kill them all, and didn’t think about anything else.

So now Wei Zhuang asks that, and Ying Zheng doesn’t know what to say.

At this moment, I only heard the door of Duan Mulong’s room open.

Duan Mu Rong clapped her hands and came out of the room, and then said with a smile, “I’ll say that Duan Mu Rong’s medical skills are unparalleled in the world, 々.”

“Zhao Zheng, Miss Mu Nianzhu’s poison has been drained away. Just rest in another courtyard for a few days, and then drink the medicine I formulated for her.”

Hearing Duanmurong’s words, Yingzheng also stood up and said, “Thank you, Duanmurong. I don’t know how much the soup and medicine cost the girl.”

“Zhao Zheng is here to pay the girl.”

“These intractable diseases are naturally indispensable. I don’t know how much money you have?” Duan Mulong asked.

“As long as the girl speaks, Zhao Zheng can naturally give it.” Ying Zheng replied.

“Hahaha.” Duanmu Rong laughed loudly: “Although you have a big tone, you can see that you are a man of love and righteousness.”

“I have Duan Mulong’s principle in treating diseases, that is, the more difficult it is to treat the disease, the more I must treat it. The poison of your friend is actually not that powerful.

‘If it is discovered early, it can be detoxified as long as it is accompanied by some warm herbs, but your friend has been poisoned for too long. ,

“So much so that the whole body has mutated, so this is what interests me. I won’t charge money for such intractable diseases.

Hearing Duanmurong’s words, Ying Zheng also smiled and replied: “If this is the case, then Zhao Zheng can’t let the girl think that Zhao Zheng is a layman.”

“This is the personal token of winning the government-Linglong Pei.”

“If the girl needs anything in the future, she will hold this jade pendant in any big Qin bank. As long as the jade pendant is shown, the money in the bank can be withdrawn by the girl.”

After Yingzheng finished speaking, he gave this exquisite pendant to Duanmu Rong.

“Oh, you are still a rich man, I know the Daqin Bank.”

“”That was the whole Daqin, I didn’t see that you were still such a rich guy. ”

“It seems that I am saving someone today is really saving a powerful person.” Duan Murong happily put Linglong away.

“Don’t worry, I am not greedy. I just like to eat. Others have no interest. I can’t use the money in your bank.” Duan Mulong said cheerfully.

Ying Zheng dared to give Duan Mu Rong this exquisite admiration, then he would never worry about such a thing.

How much can it be spent?

How much can you eat?

However, this Duan Mu Rong was able to heal Mu Lianzhu, which is still very grateful for the victory.

Not because of anything else, but mainly because from the perspective of Yingzheng, this Mu Lianzhuqin (money, Zhao) is really a girl with a miserable life experience.

If it hadn’t been for the victory, maybe this Mu Rosary would still be living in a miserable fate.

Winning politics is like this, and it is always impossible to see such a thing happen.

If I can’t help, I am afraid that I will regret it for a lifetime.

No way, that’s what a kind-hearted person is like.

“Then can we go in and see Miss Mu Yanzhu now?” Yingzheng asked.

“This still has to wait two days, now Miss Mu Xianzhu has just rested, and she can’t see anyone yet.

“When she rests for two days and drank the medicine I prepared, it’s not too late to see you again.” Duanmu Rong said with a smile. .

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