Chapter 944 Feng Puzi] Please order!

Hearing Su Huan’s words, Ying Zheng also nodded and said: “Su Huan said, I also heard the name of this Fengpuzi, but it is said that this Fengpuzi is called.”

‘I have already seen through life and death, and I don’t care much about the affairs of the world, so I’m afraid that just this state of mind can rank first. ”

“Brother Zheng, this Feng Puzi sees through life and death, I’m afraid it is because no girls like it. If there are girls who like this, who would be willing to see through life and death.” Shu Er said.

“Shu’er, Shu’er, just your little Nizi’s mouth will say, it’s a pity that you say such a beautiful girl has a long mouth.” Yingzheng said.

“Hehe.” Shu Er smiled.

At this time, Mu Lianzhu remained silent.

Ying Zheng saw that Mu Nianzhu asked with some curiosity: “What’s wrong with Mu girl? Why are you so happy along the way? Why do you stop talking when you get here?”

“I, I, I didn’t.” Mu Yanzhu said in a concealed manner.

“But if you encounter something, just tell me, I can naturally settle it for you~” Yingzheng said.

“Win the government, I’m afraid they laugh at me, if they laugh at me, then I would rather not go to Duan Mu Rong.” Mu Lianzhu said -.

“Hahaha.” Yingzheng chuckled softly when he heard Mu Yanzhu’s words: “I said Rosary, you have worked so hard along the way-all came over.

‘I’ve never been afraid of anything along the way. You’ve never been disappointed to give up after suffering so many blows. ”

“Why are you here? Seeing there is hope, are you afraid?” Ying Zheng asked curiously.

“This” Mu Xianzhu looked at Ying Zheng with a complicated expression, “Perhaps because there was no hope before, but now there is hope suddenly.”

Mu Nianzhu’s words are indeed correct.

The same is true for people in this world.

When you have no hope, it’s actually not a big deal.

After all, how do you say it, if this person reaches the point of despair, it will not be a big deal at all.

As that sentence says, it’s a knife to stretch your head, and a knife to shrink your head.

It’s all death anyway, it’s better to fight to the death.

But what is this person most afraid of when he is desperate?

The most feared thing is not that there is no hope in sight.

On the contrary, when people are in desperate situations, they are most afraid of seeing hope.

Because as soon as people see hope, they will start to suffer from gains and losses.

You will start to get nervous, and you will think more and more.

I wonder if I will lose these hopes and fall into the darkness again.

In this way, things are prone to troubles.

This is how Mu Yanzhu is now,

When Mu Lianzhu didn’t meet the winning government before, then there was no hope, and naturally there was no disappointment.

But now it’s different. Now that Yingzheng takes him to find Duanmurong, then Mu Lianzhu’s poison may be cured.

So how can Mu Lianzhu not feel nervous now?

“Rosary, you don’t have to worry at all. I said that since I took you to treat your disease, it must be cured.”

“The most important thing you need to do now is to let go of your mentality and accept all this. As for the other things.”

“There is no need to worry at all.” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, Mu Lianzhu slowly raised her head to look at Yingzheng and said, “Then, if my poison is gone, will I marry you?”

0……Look for flowers…

“I said Mu Lianzhu, my wife is still here, you say such things to my wife in front of me, do you want me to promise you or not?” Yingzheng was also so stupid by Mu Lianzhu. She laughed stupidly.

“I, I, I know you look down on me.” Mu Yanzhu said.

“Rosary, you can’t think like this. I swear by Yingzheng. If there is any idea to look down on you, Mu Yanzhu, let me be struck by five thunders and I won’t die.” Yingzheng said quickly.

For the winning politics through the soul, at the same time, he has more than two thousand years of psychological knowledge that other people don’t have.

Yingzheng knows that when a person says something like this, he must feel terrified and look forward to it in his heart.

Not only is afraid of being rejected, but also looking forward to some comfort.

Therefore, to win politics at this time must be very categorical and clear about these things.

Otherwise, Mu Lianzhu is likely to commit suicide because of winning politics and eventually losing hope in life.

Sure enough, after studying the victory of the government for a while, Mu Nianzhu smiled and said: “I know that what you said is true, and I believe you.”

‘I still want to marry you. ’


Ying Zheng glanced at Su Huan helplessly, and Su Huan had a gloating expression: “Girl Rosary, wait until your poison is cured.”

“At that time, let the husband watch Junba lift the sedan chair to welcome you into the door.

Yes, what else can you do now as an emperor to win the government? That can only be accepted.

At this moment, I only heard the voice of a woman at the gate: “Who are the four of you? Is there anything going on in my God Capital Nine Palace?” Factory,

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