Chapter 935 Ambush] Please order!

Almost no one comes here on weekdays, if someone sneaks into the palace first and then stays in it.

As long as the night falls, it is possible not to be discovered.

But why is this guy lurking in? Could it be that he came to assassinate himself?

Winning politics at this point is really impossible to figure out.

Everyone in this world knows that the half-step innate cultivation base of Yingzheng, plus the many heavenly masters in Xianyang Palace, and some half-step innate masters.

There are also legendary congenital masters. Why can’t anyone think about it, and dare to come here to find it?Isn’t this looking for death by himself?

Therefore, Yingzheng is really uncertain about whether this guy “August One Zero” came to assassinate himself.

But there is a saying, if this guy didn’t come to assassinate himself, then why did he rush to the Hall of Nurturing Heart?

Being able to be discovered by Ying Zheng in his sleep proves that this guy’s strength is not very good.

If you really are an innate master, then winning the government is probably already dead on the bed of the Hall of Nourishment.

Therefore, the victory is very difficult to understand.

At this moment, only the faint voice of the doctor “squeaking” was heard.

At this moment, only one person came out from the door.

Yingzheng then watched the moonlight.

It’s okay if I don’t look at it, I almost didn’t scare my head and sweat.

This good fellow, the person I was chasing just now, was like what he was like, like a freak.

His pale face, his hands seemed to be swollen by someone.

Then there is a big tumor on his back. How can this person look like a normal person?

Plus, one eye on that person’s face is big and small.

This is literally, it would be weird if you walk into the street without being beaten to death.

At this time, I saw the woman wandering around in the yard. After confirming that there was no one, she secretly flew onto the roof of the house and wanted to continue to escape.

Although Yingzheng is a bit disgusted with the truth of this woman, but now this woman is here after all, if Yingzheng doesn’t get rid of this woman.

So what weird things will happen in the future.

Thinking of winning politics here, I just rushed over without saying a word.

While the woman was not paying attention, she grabbed the big tumor on the woman’s back.

“Wow!” The woman screamed in pain when she was caught by Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng scolded: “Bold evildoer, dare to come to the palace to commit murder, who sent you in the end?”

“Oh, I dare not. I am neither an assassin nor a wicked evildoer. I was hungry, but I ran into the palace by accident.

“I’m here to find food.” The woman was caught by the sarcoma on her back by Yingzheng, so naturally there was no way to leave.

When Ying Zheng saw this woman, it seemed that her cultivation level was very average, and there was really no threat to herself.

He also let go of the woman.

As soon as the winning hand was released, the woman was about to run.

Winning politics didn’t chase, and let the woman run out by herself.

After a while, only the sound of “咻咻咻” was heard.

Then there was a scream from the woman, and the next second I heard Zhao Gao’s voice: “Boldly stacked thief, even dared to enter the palace at night, and I won’t break your corpse today.

“My Zhao Gao’s Zhao characters are written upside down.”

Hearing Zhao Gao’s words, Ying Zheng also rushed over: “Slowly.”

“Your Majesty.” Zhao Gao hurriedly shouted to the guard who was about to start after he had won the government: “Stop 0”

When the guards heard the order to win the government, they naturally started to listen.

At this moment, I saw that the woman was already installed in a net.

I was struggling and said, “I don’t know who you are. I’m just lost. I just want to find something to eat. I’m not an assassin or a thief.

“You let me go,” the woman said.

Hearing the woman’s words, Yingzheng laughed: “Is it a thief? It doesn’t count if you have a hand, Zhao Gao, bring this woman to the Hall of Cultivation of the Heart.

“I want to interrogate myself.” Yingzheng said.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Zhao Gao said, arching his hands.

At Zhao Gao’s gesture, a group of guards sent the weird-looking woman to the Hall of Yangxin.

After entering the Hall of Cultivation of the Heart, Ying Zheng only then carefully observed the woman.

This woman is indeed very weird.

There is a huge sarcoma on his back, and his hands are swollen like a slow-cooked head.

Yingzheng feels that if he exerts a little force, this woman’s hand will break open like a head full.

As for the size of the woman’s eyes, I won’t talk about it. It’s mainly 1.3 that this woman’s mouth is ruthless.

Her face was blue and purple, especially her lips were black and shiny.

Seeing this face of this woman, Ying Zheng was also a little curious: “Why are you this face?”

“I, I, don’t ask.” The woman lowered her head and said nothing.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Ying Zheng said cheerfully: “I now order the Imperial Dining Room to cook for you, so you can sit down first.

“Thank you.” The woman sat aside happily when she heard Ying Zheng said that she had something to eat for herself, and then stared at the pastries and tea next to her in a daze. ,

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