Chapter 896 The Water Moon Fairy Who Moves the World] Please order!

“To be honest, this kind of perseverance, even the head of the Peach Blossom Palace and my master, Mrs. Peach Blossom, are impressed. After all, few people in this world can achieve such an achievement.”

“What’s more, she’s still a girl.” Shu Er said.

“According to you, it is indeed very powerful.” Yingzheng nodded.

Unexpectedly, this Shuiyue fairy is still such a powerful, such a legendary person.

This time winning politics also feels that I have not come in vain.

Just this time I saw this water moon fairy, so I can get a good understanding of it.

Just then I saw Su Huan happily shouting to a woman in front: “Senior Sister Qingyu, I’m back.”

“Oh, isn’t this my Junior Sister Su Huan? Why did you come back so long?” Qingyu said with a smile, Su Huan.

08 “I took him back to the teacher’s door to see Master.” “Su Huan pointed to Yingzheng with embarrassment.

Seeing Su Huan saying this, Qingyu immediately reacted: “It turned out to be like this. I said Junior Sister Su Huan. I didn’t expect you to meet your sweetheart the first time you went down the mountain to practice.”

“I said that your luck is too good, I am in a bit miserable situation. As your senior sister, I have gone down the mountain countless times and haven’t met my sweetheart.

“I really envy you.” Qingyu said with a look of envy.

“Senior Sister Qingyu, that is because your requirements are too high. Who is the average man worthy of you? If you want me to say Senior Sister Qingyu, if you can’t pick goodbye so much.”

“Then it will naturally be found soon,” Su Huan said.

“That won’t work. I can’t look down on ordinary people. Anyway, my people must be heroes, if they can’t be.”

“Then I will definitely not marry, whoever loves to marry will marry.” Qingyu said cheerfully.

Hearing Qingyu’s words, Su Huan also smiled and said nothing.

“Okay, Master is in the main hall. Take your sweetheart to see Master.” Qingyu said with a smile.

After bidding farewell to Qingyu, Su Huan and the three of Yingzheng walked towards the main hall of Narcissus Palace, Ruxin Hall.

This Ruxin Palace is not one of the most luxurious halls in the entire Narcissus Palace.

On the entire Dongshi Mountain, the main hall of this Narcissus Palace has a backyard where other disciples live and a wing room where guests live.

In fact, it’s not too small, but it doesn’t look as luxurious as the new palace.

But think about it, after all, this is the facade of the book’s first attack, if it is too stingy to make the ground.

Then others might make a joke.

Entering the hall, a woman was sitting on her knees in the middle of the hall.

This woman does not seem to be very old, and she is very generous.

And the appearance is also first-class.

After seeing the woman, Su Huan whispered to Ying Zheng, “This is my master, Fairy Shuiyue.”

After speaking, Su Huan walked to the woman and knelt down and shouted: “Su Huan has seen Master.

Fairy Shuiyue heard Su Huan’s voice, and then slowly opened his eyes: “Su Huan, you are back. I heard the disciples who were walking with you say that you seem to have encountered something else on the road.”

“Master, I” Su Huan said with a flushed face.

“Stupid boy, Master, I have always encouraged you. If there is anything you can’t say, if you really meet your sweetheart, then bring it to Master to see.” Fairy Shuiyue said.

“Master, he has already come.” After Su Huan finished speaking, he turned to Yingzheng and said, “Husband, Master wants to see you.”

When Ying Zheng heard Su Huan’s words, he walked over and bowed his hand to Shuiyue: “Zhao Zheng has seen Fairy Shuiyue here.”

Fairy Shuiyue flashed a hint of surprise after seeing Yingzheng, but it was fleeting.

At this time, Su Huan said to Ying Zheng: “Husband, Master treats me as if I have come out, and the husband should give Master a kowtow.”

This is absolutely impossible.

Are you kidding me, who is Winning? The emperor of Qin, the first emperor.

The three emperors and five emperors did not have such a great ability to win politics.

Let Yingzheng kowtow to Fairy Shuiyue, I’m afraid this Fairy Shuiyue can’t afford it.

“Su Huan, everything is easy to say, but this matter is 777…”

Before winning politics, Fairy Shuiyue stood up and said, “Su Huan, get up quickly. Your husband is no ordinary person at first sight.’

“These vulgar rituals are exempt, but the son is called Zhao Zheng?” Fairy Shuiyue looked at Ying Zheng and asked.

Ying Zheng was a little curious when seeing Fairy Shuiyue’s expression, why this Fairy Shuiyue had such an attitude toward him.

However, this Fairy Shuiyue is also polite, and winning politics is naturally to treat her better.

Plus this Shuiyue Fairy is Su Huan’s master, so it’s even more different.

“Exactly, Zhao Zheng is from Xianyang.” Ying Zheng said.

“It’s the first time for Young Master Zhao Zheng to come to my Narcissus Palace. Why don’t you let the Lord of the Palace take Young Master Zhao Zheng around. After all, Su Huan is one of my favorite disciples.”

“Since I met you, you are naturally going to be married. My master is Su Huan’s half mother. This Su Huan future husband, I still have to get a good understanding.” Shuiyue Said the fairy. .

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