Chapter 891 Attack on the sea] Please order!

“Okay, the Narcissus Palace is really ambitious. It is worthy of being a decent person in Da Qin.” Ying Zheng smiled and nodded.

After speaking, Ying Zheng left the family with the three of them.

Until this time, the family was still sleeping Zhengxiang, completely unaware of what happened outside.

No words for a night.

Early the next morning, Ying Zheng took everyone to the pier.

I have been in Hanoi County for a day, and the next stop is naturally to go to Dong County.

This East County is actually very close to Hanoi County.

If you are riding a horse, you will be there in half a day.

But if you take a boat, it will take half an hour.

This of course requires you to go with the wind and the water. If it is not the wind and the water, then there is definitely no way to get there so quickly.

When I arrived at the dock in 08, I felt something was wrong with the victory.

Some people on this pier seemed to be looking at themselves in a ghostly manner.

Ying Zheng knew in his heart that the people in the blood refining hall had already received the notice from the dead soul butterfly.

Now the disciples from the Blood Refining Hall have been sent nearby, waiting for themselves at this pier, they are preparing to intercept and kill themselves and others on the ship.

This is a big surprise.

Naturally, Ying Zheng understood that he had forged with Liang Zi of the blood refining hall, and it would certainly not be so easy to understand.

But for Yingzheng, the notification speed of this blood refining hall is really fast.

At least this is really confusing for winning politics.

Unexpectedly, the effect of the dead soul butterfly is so outstanding.

Although this dead soul Die Yingzheng didn’t know it, he wouldn’t use it.

But it is said that this dead soul butterfly can travel thousands of miles at night, and can store all the images before his death.

Then, after it’s done, this thing can become a thing that stores all the information.

This thing is really helpful for solving the case.

But it is not realistic.

Mainly, where ordinary people have such an opportunity to learn these advanced spells.

However, since the other party has already come first, then the winning government will naturally eliminate these reckless guys.

Su Huan, Shu Er and others also felt something was wrong.

I saw Su Huan whispering to Ying Zheng: “Husband, Su Huan always feels that the people around here are so strange. Your husband must be more careful.

“It’s okay, I won’t go to them, they still come to us actively, we are good for this matter.” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

Hearing the words of Yingzheng, although Su Huan wanted to say something, he still didn’t say it in the end.

After all, Su Huan knew in his heart that his husband’s cultivation base was really high.

These Xiaoxiao in the Blood Refining Hall are really not his husband’s opponent.

Thinking of this, Su Huan didn’t think much anymore, anyway, these guys weren’t his husband’s opponent.

So what do I have to worry about.

“Boatman.” Ying Zheng deliberately found a boat owner who was looking at him: “How much does it cost to go to East County alone?

“Guest officer, this person is ten yuan.” The boat owner said with a smile.

Although from the outside, the owner of the ship seemed to be talking about the price to Yingzheng and the others cheerfully.

But Ying Zheng could fully see the glimmer of light in this guy’s eyes.

How should I put it, that trace of murderous brilliance.

“Okay, then we will take your ship.” Ying Zheng cheerfully took out the forty yuan Qin note from his arms and handed it to the owner of the ship.

After the owner of the ship counted Qin Chao and put it in his pocket, he said to Yingzheng: “Four guest officers, please, this ship will leave soon.”

After Ying Zheng took the three people on the boat, the suspicious people around the pier also boarded the boat.

At this time, Bi Shi whispered beside Yingzheng; “Brother Zheng, there seems to be something wrong with the people on this boat.”

“I know this, the three of you will take care of yourself later, I will take care of these guys.” Ying Zheng said.

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, Bi Shi nodded and said nothing.

Anyway, I have known 773 with Yingzheng for so long, and everyone knows the ability of Yingzheng.

The danger is definitely not dangerous, it just depends on what the winning government plans to do.

“Go on.” As the boat owner rang, the passenger ship slowly left the pier.

Yingzheng knows that the real battle is just beginning now.

Along the way, the people on this boat were okay, but there was no special movement.

However, Yingzheng knew that this should be the so-called calm before the storm.

Have you ever calculated the victory carefully, if these people want to do it.

Then it must not be done near the pier, after all, this husband has many merchant ships going north and south, not to mention it.

Mainly there is also the fleet of the Daqin official mansion. If you meet the official fleet, then it is hard to say.

Therefore, I must find a way to stay away from this place, and handle this matter halfway without knowing it.

Therefore, everyone is still very safe in a short period of time. .

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