Chapter 889 Disciples of Blood Refining Hall] Please order!

The common people of this era are more or less believers in the sayings of gods and ghosts.

In addition, the reputation of Tingyu Pavilion in Jiuhua Mountain is still quite big, so if Yingzheng said that, naturally the old man was extremely happy.

After all, if your grandson can really get the guidance of the fairy, then it’s really lucky.

This luck might even be able to cultivate immortals or something.

So when the old woman heard the words of winning the government, she naturally invited the four people in happily.

After the Yingzheng four entered the courtyard, they sat in the courtyard.

At this time, the old woman ran into the room and shouted: “My son, there is an immortal from Mount Jiuhua, saying that it is a child with purple clouds.”

“It’s a blessed person, please let your daughter-in-law take it out and show it to the fairy.


As soon as the voice fell, I saw a bewildered man walking out of the house, still holding a child in his arms.

The child is beautiful and transparent.

Even if it is Yingzheng, when he first saw this child, he couldn’t help but sigh: “What a transparent child.”

After hearing this, the male host was even more happy.

“God, please take a look at this child. I don’t know if this child will be rich and wealthy in the future.”

“I’m just a cultivator, and not a fortune teller.” Ying Zheng said cheerfully when he heard the man’s words: “But your child is so transparent and cute.”

“Presumably, he will be extremely smart in the future. If you want to, you can still send him up to the mountain to practice.

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, the man smiled honestly: “Thanks to the fairy for guidance. This child mainly follows his mother and looks good.”

“If it’s like me, then I don’t know what to do.”

Originally, this man didn’t say it, and winning the government still didn’t care about it, but now this man said it.

Don’t tell me, no matter how Yingzheng looks at men, they feel that there is a problem.

“I have a question to ask you.” Yingzheng asked while looking at the man.

“If you have any questions, just ask the fairy.” The man said.

“How long have you known the child’s mother?” Ying Zheng asked curiously.

“We grew up with childhood sweethearts, and then we married me.” The man said with a simple smile.

“Oh, very good, very good.” Yingzheng nodded.

Then, Ying Zheng took out a small jade pendant from his arms and put it around the child’s neck.

“I cultivated this jade pendant myself. I can’t say how expensive it is, but it’s useful for self-defense.”

“This thing can be brought to the child, and it can be used to ward off evil spirits. Remember, don’t let the jade pendant leave the child. It will be of great use at critical moments.” Ying Zheng said.

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, the man nodded: “Thank you immortal, thank you immortal.”

“You’re welcome, I will be satisfied when I see this kid. We won’t bother you much anymore. Let’s go first.” After Yingzheng finished speaking, he took everyone and left here.

Not long after leaving the house, Ying Zheng turned his head and said to the three of them: “Just now this family has a monster spirit. It seems that there are monsters in the house.

Hearing Yingzheng’s words, Bi Shi also nodded: “I think so too. There seems to be something unusual in this house. ”

“But I can’t say, I’m afraid it will be detrimental to this family when it starts to scare the snake.”

Yingzheng nodded: “Fortunately for this family, let’s see what this monster wants to do in the evening.”

0……Look for flowers…

“If this little kid is eaten by a monster, he can still increase his skill. Presumably, the monster wants to attack this kid too.”

“It’s fine if I didn’t run into it. Now that I’ve run into it, I have to find a way to save the child’s life.

That night, Ying Zheng and the three of them were already in an ambush on the roof of the family.

Just wait to see what the monster is going to do.

At this moment, only a squeak was heard.

Then suddenly a figure came out from the door.

Ying Zheng saw this situation and took a look, only to see a woman with a pale face, slowly walking out of the room.

The woman’s face is so terrifying, it gives people a kind of how to say, a feeling that people will directly have a nightmare after seeing it.

“This woman really doesn’t look like a human, but I don’t know what kind of monster cultivated to become a spirit.” Bi Shi said with some curiosity.

“I think this woman should be a disciple of the Blood Refining Hall.” Su Huan whispered.

“Blood Refining Hall?” Ying Zheng looked at Su Huan strangely and asked, “What kind of school is that? I haven’t heard of it.

“This blood refining hall is the largest evil gang in the Central Plains, and all the disciples in the door are said to be such cannibal monsters.”

“They also need to suck human blood or eat human flesh in the magical blood practice they practice, in order to get the growth of their skills, especially for this kind of children who look very exquisite.”

“It’s the favorite of these guys, husband, it seems you really got it right.” Su Huan said.

Hearing Su Huan yelling to himself one by one, he was a little helpless to win the government.

Hey, it’s not good to be too handsome. You can pick up a daughter-in-law whenever you go out. factory.

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