Chapter 887 Are you Zhang Liang’s nephew?] Please order!

Therefore, most of the winners have no feelings.

But now this Su Huan girl is different, Su Huan girl really makes Yingzheng feel a little emotional.

At least Yingzheng likes Su Huan girl very much in his heart. On this point, Yingzheng does not doubt or deny at all.

After the four of them got off the boat together, they went to find an inn in Hanoi County to rest.

Because men and women have other problems, they win Zhenghe and complete eleven rooms, and Shuer and Suhuan have one room.

Shu’er usually stays alone in a room, and now there is one more Su Huan, and just one more person who can chat.

Shuer was naturally happy.

After settled down, Ying Zheng led the three of them to find a place to sit down and eat.

While eating, Ying Zheng looked at the streets of Hanoi County and asked: “Bi Shi, to be honest, do you think there is any benefit to the unification of the six countries today?”

When Bi Shi heard the words of winning the government, he didn’t know what to say.

“What’s wrong with Bi Shi?” Ying Zheng looked at Bi Shi like that, and said with a smile: “Could it be that you are still afraid of me, take what you said out to others?”

“Then I made you go to jail?”

“No, no, don’t misunderstand Zhengxiong. I don’t suspect that Zhengxiong is such a despicable person.” Bi Shi explained quickly.

“Then there is nothing that can’t be said.” Ying Zheng said cheerfully.

For the winning government, if Bi Shi said anything so-called treacherous words, winning the government will not be angry and clean up.

Winning politics is not a person who will be punished by words.

If this makes people stop talking, what are they doing?

Even if you want to block the mouth of everyone in the world, you shouldn’t do it.

Therefore, the winning government will never do this.

It is the correct way of thinking to be able to find and solve problems.

Instead of addressing the person who raised the problem.

When Bi Shi saw Yingzheng asking himself this question, he said, “In fact, this matter is not so difficult to say, 々.”

“It’s true that after Bi Shi was originally a noble of the Han country, because Qin destroyed the Han country, so my family sent me to the Sword Spirit Sect to practice in order to let me avoid the war.”

“Strictly speaking, the State of Qin is actually my enemy, but to be honest, I can’t stand up against the State of Qin.” Bi Shi said.

“E?” Ying Zheng asked curiously: “You all said that Qin is your enemy. Since it is your enemy, you can’t hate it because of you?”

Hearing the words of winning the government, Bi Shi said: “The main reason is that the Qin State ended the wars of the Six Nations, so that the people of the world can finally recover, without worrying about the war.

“To be honest, my feelings for the Emperor Zishi today are complicated.” Bi Shi couldn’t help sighing when he said this.

“The car is on the same track, the book is the same, what a courageous thing can be done, what a powerful person, such a visionary king.

“Unifying the world is a matter of reason, but it’s a pity that the monarchs of the Six Kingdoms are just ineffective people.”

“That’s why I went to slander such a person with such great ability.” Bi Shi said.

“But I really hate Emperor Shi Huang again. After all, it is because of him, my home country, that my family died in the war.”

“That’s why Brother Zheng asked me this question, and I have absolutely no way to answer you.” Bi Shi said.

It’s not that Bi Shi said that he didn’t even know that he won the government. It turned out that Bi Shi was after the nobles of Han country.

No wonder this kid is a little hard to say.

Thinking of this, Yingzheng also smiled and said: “I really didn’t think that after Bi Shi, you are a nobleman of Han country, no wonder.

“Then if you say so, why don’t you avenge your family?” Yingzheng asked.

*” Although Bi Shi is a descendant of the noble family of Han country, but his eyes are not blind, the world has returned to the Qin country, whether this people have a good life or a bad life. ”

“Bi Shi still has one shot in his heart, but my uncle Zhang Liang, every day he thinks about assassinating the first emperor, and then restoring the kingdom of Han.

“To be honest, the Han country itself is already poor and weak. It was no longer good at that time. What use is it even if it is restored now?”

“Well, the one who destroyed the Six Nations is not Qin but the Six Nations.” Upon hearing Bi Shi’s words, Ying Zheng also remembered this sentence and couldn’t help but read it out.

“Wait a minute, what did you say about your uncle’s name?” Ying Zheng suddenly remembered something.

Bi (Zhao Zhaohao) replied curiously: “Zhang Liang.


“Brother Zheng, what’s wrong with you? Are you choking? The water in Hanoi County is indeed a bit unpleasant and easy to choke.”

“Brother Zheng, have you thought of anything terrible?”

“My son, slow down. If you are choking, tell Su Huan, Su Huan will pat you on the back.”

After hearing what Bi Shi said, winning politics also felt that things were under the sun, and probably never such a coincidence.

What is this?

Will there be a king bomb when you come up? Or how do you drop the demon?

When he came up, he gave Yingzheng a Bishi, and then he brought Zhang Liang with him. .

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