Chapter 885 Narcissus Palace] Please order!

Hearing Su Huan’s words, Yingzheng was suddenly stunned.

Could it be that the lord of the Narcissus Palace is a hatred of men? Is this because his female disciple has some contact with men, either by cutting off hands or feet.

Maybe you will have to force yourself to go to the Narcissus Palace to make atonement?

If this is the case, winning the government doesn’t mind sending an army to destroy the Narcissus Palace.

Although for winning politics, this thing is indeed a bit hard to say.

However, he is also the ninth-five-five, if he is really threatened by this Narcissus Palace, then winning the government will definitely not let these guys go.

After all, for Yingzheng, this water “seven seven zero” fairy palace is nothing more than that.

Can it be compared with the army of Qin who swept through the wilds?

“Girl Su Huan, you said this to me because the Narcissus Palace has a rule that you can’t have contact with men? Or?” Ying Zheng asked curiously.

“No, it’s not.” Su Huan heard the words of winning politics, her daughter’s mind was quick, and naturally she knew immediately what the words of winning politics meant.

“Young Master Zhao Zheng misunderstood. The disciples in my Narcissus Palace are all old and can marry by themselves. My master does not disturb me waiting for marriage.” Su Huan explained quickly.

“That’s good, no, Su Huan girl, then you want it?” Yingzheng didn’t understand what Su Huan meant.

So I had to ask.

“It’s like this, Young Master Zhao Zheng, it’s actually because, just now, I heard from my seniors and sisters that the Young Master slammed Su Huan’s mouth with the Young Master’s mouth when he was saving me.”

Su Huan’s face was even flushed when he said this.

Although the women of this era are still somewhat more open, they are far from being so indifferent to later generations.

So naturally, I feel a little embarrassed.

“This, I was also trying to save the girl at the time. Please understand this. I am not a frivolous person, and there is no meaning of a frivolous girl.” Yingzheng said.

“Oh, this, oh.” Su Huan’s face turned red, and he seemed to be a little eager to say something but couldn’t say it.

At this time, Shu’er smiled and said to Yingzheng: “I said, Brother Zheng, you still can’t see this? Su Huan’s meaning is too clear, right.”

Winning politics naturally understands what Su Huan means, but there is one thing to say about it.

This girl Su Huan and herself just met in peace, and she didn’t do anything else because she saved her.

If this can be linked to marriage, this is really unreasonable.

But obviously, for Su Huan now, this matter is probably not that simple anymore.

After all, how do you say it, let’s go on this matter, it’s under the public.

It must be something wrong to let people see this.

The most important thing is that for Su Huan, he is basically considered a pro by this winning government just now.

Everyone saw it.

You said that if you want to marry someone in the future, it must be somewhat different.

Therefore, winning the government naturally understands.

It’s just that for Yingzheng, now he came out quietly and went to check the Penglai Xiandao Island in the East China Sea.

On this road, Shu’er and Bishi two people were already brought along. If you bring another Su Huan, that would be it.

At this time, I saw Su Huan quietly taking a look at Ying Zheng before asking: “Young Master Zhao Zheng, can’t Su Huan be born into Young Master’s eyes?”

“Where is the word, the girl Shen Yuluoyan closed the moon and shameless flowers, such beautiful looks are rare in the world, how can we have such an idea in winning the government!” Yingzheng quickly explained.

“Then the son is willing to go to the Narcissus Palace with me, see my master, and then propose to my master, from then on Su Huan is the son of the son.” Su Huan said.

“Puff!” Ying Zheng was drinking tea when he heard Su Huan’s words, he spouted directly.

“The son is humiliating Su Huan.” Su Huan blushed at the sight of Ying Zheng.

For the women of this era, although the folk customs are open, the women of the same era are also very strong.

If you really say something wrong, it is really going to happen.

Therefore, Yingzheng also quickly explained: “Girl Su Huan, the world is a lesson, I have absolutely no intention to humiliate Girl Su Huan.”

“I just want to say, girl, this wedding event is too hasty, right?”

“You have already touched me, and you have a skin relationship with me. Su Huan is right or wrong. You will not marry at 1.3. If you think Su Huan is not worthy to marry you.

“Then Su Huan will go back and jump in the river.” Su Huan immediately got up and left after speaking.

When Ying Zheng saw this Su Huan look like this, he naturally knew that Su Huan was not joking with himself.

A woman of this era is really likely to come up and give you a jump in the river.

Thinking of winning here, he quickly said, “Miss Su Huan, don’t leave, Zhao Zheng didn’t mean that.”

Yingzheng grabbed Su Huan’s hand.

Suddenly a cold and soft feeling spread to Ying Zheng’s heart. .

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