Chapter 863 Resentful Spirit] Please order!

After what happened last night, Bi Shi’s attitude towards the two of them is much better.

At least his attitude towards Shu Er is much better.

There seems to be a contradiction between this Peach Blossom Palace and the Sword Spirit Sect, so when the two saw it at first, there was a slight smell of ignition.

But now because of the prayer machine last night, the two of them are somewhat relaxed.

At this time, Ying Zheng said to Bi Shi: “When we ate breakfast, we heard someone say that a murder happened here. Then we planned to come over and take a look.”

“Sing.” Bi Shi nodded: “There was a murder. The family of five died, so we were also called here early in the morning.”

Hearing Bi Shi’s words, Ying Zheng frowned slightly and said, “Did you find any clues on the scene? Anyone was so cruel, and the family of five was killed.”

“I didn’t find that the perpetrators were very clever. We did not find out the specific methods of the crime all morning after investigating.”

“Moreover, the most important thing is that the murderer is very cruel. Even the three-year-old child of this family will not let go. It is estimated that there should be some deep hatred.” Bi Shi said.

Hearing Bi Shi’s words, Yingzheng 760 nodded.

This is a murder case. Winning is really unable to help. After all, Winning is really not quite clear about this aspect of reasoning.

Professional matters still have to be done by professional people.

At this moment, only an officer came over and said something to Bi Shi’s ear.

After listening to Bi Shi, he turned to Yingzheng and Shu’er and said, “Brother Zheng, girl Shu’er, I still have something to do here. How long will you stay in Sanchuan County?”

Yingzheng took a look at Bi Shi, and originally planned to leave today. After all, Yingzheng has nothing to do in Sanchuan County (aibd).

But now, with such a stall, the winning government naturally intends to stay for two days to see the specific situation before leaving.

Thinking of winning here, he also said: “I’m afraid there are still a few days left.”

“That’s good. After these two days we understand the case, I will invite two of you to my house as guests. The sweet-scented osmanthus cake made by my mother is very delicious.

“At that time, you must ask two of you to taste it.” Bi Shi said.

Unexpectedly, there would be such a good thing. This is something that Yingzheng did not expect.

“Okay, then we will wait for your sweet-scented osmanthus cake.” Yingzheng nodded.

Then, Yingzheng was very close to Bi and walked away with Shuer.

Shu’er asked curiously along the way: “Brother Zheng, do you want to see the progress of this case?”

“Well, I think this case is very strange.” Yingzheng said.

“Brother Zheng, you didn’t even go in to see, why would you find it strange?” Shu Er asked in a puzzled manner.

“Little Nizi, I only need to stand at the gate of Andingfang, and I can naturally feel how unusual the resentment emanating from the corpse is.”

“This grievance is not something ordinary deceased will send out. This grievance carries strong anger and revenge.”

“It can be said that this is the so-called resentful spirit. If such a resentful spirit does not allow the victims to feel at ease, then this An Dingfang will not need to live in the future.”

“People around here will be caused by this resentful spirit and there is no way to live a good life, you know?” Yingzheng said.

For the resentful spirit, Shuer naturally knows what it represents.

The so-called resentful spirit refers to the unusual cause of death during his lifetime, which resulted in the strong resentment of the deceased being left in place after death.

Then after a period of fermentation, this grievance became stronger and stronger.

So that in the end, it directly forms a powerful force.

This power belongs to the kind that will attack when you see someone, regardless of whether the person is his enemy or not.

In short, it will appear at night, attack when you see someone, and always kill the person who killed him, then this grieving spirit will die.

So for winning politics, this resentful spirit is really a tricky thing.

Just now, when Yingzheng was standing at the door of Andingfang, Yingzheng could be clearly felt.

There is a strong resentment in this house. It seems that a family of five people in this house resents such an unclear death.

But think about it, no one will be happy after this change.

You said that you did not provoke anyone, but you came from the sky in a pot at home.

The whole family was killed, and the children were not let go. Can you say that you can let it go?

Can you say there is no resentment?

So just now, winning the government has already felt that the An Ding Fang is unusual, but Bi Shi’s cultivation base is always insufficient.

So naturally I can’t feel it.

Originally, Ying Zheng planned to leave Sanchuan County and continue to the Central Plains to see the world after the Great Qin unified the Six Kingdoms.

But I didn’t expect to encounter such a thing in this Sanchuan County, so winning the government must find a way to handle this matter before leaving.

Just when Yingzheng was walking around with Shu Er.

At this time, two young men in white robes walked face-to-face in front of Ying Zheng and Shu Er.

These two people gave people a feeling of being very generous and their cultivation level seemed not bad.

Coupled with the extraordinary cultivation of the two, naturally they quickly attracted the attention of the winning government.

“Brother Zheng, those two guys are not half as handsome as you.”,

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