Chapter 861 Chengying Sword] Please order!

“Congratulations to the host for acquiring the Shadow Sword, this sword is made from the world, and it is really the best choice for you as the host.”

Forehead …

Ying Zheng now suddenly feels that his luck is indeed a bit overwhelming.

Without the soul to win the government before, I often read some myths and stories in the Spring and Autumn Period.

I am very impressed with this shadow-bearing sword.

It can be said that this shadow-bearing sword can be regarded as one of the few famous swords in the Central Plains.

It is said that this shadow-bearing sword has a peculiar shape, but it is an invisible sword.

Because wearing this sword, you can’t see the shape of this sword, but you can see the shadow of this sword.

Hence the name Chengying Sword. It is said that this sword was owned by the emperors of Yin and Shang dynasties.

In the end, the King Wu of the Western Zhou Dynasty defeated Zhou, and the King of Shang Zhou finally set himself on Lutai, and the sword disappeared.

It has been said for thousands of years that this sword seems to have disappeared in the sea of ​​flames along with the Shang Feng Wang.

It is also said that the sword was not burned by the king of Shang Zhou, but was secretly sent out of the palace, and finally lost to the people.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, the people of Weiguo collected this sword.

Of course, anyway, the sword is now in the hands of the winning government anyway.

At this time, Ying Zheng directly took the Shadow Sword from the system.

Suddenly, Yingzheng had an extra sword hilt in his hand, and there was nothing else except the hilt.

“Huh?” Shu’er on the side seemed to feel something, and looked at Yingzheng with a little surprise.

“Brother Zheng, why did I suddenly feel a very dangerous aura bursting out of your body?”

“E?” Yingzheng looked at Shu’er strangely and said, “Dangerous breath? What’s wrong? I didn’t feel it!”

Shu’er was also more curious when she heard the words of Yingzheng: “Brother Zheng, I’m not joking, there really seems to be some dangerous aura in your body.

“I think I seem to be standing on the tip of a knife. It’s not right. To be precise, there is a sharp blade that seems to cut my throat.

“This feeling is really too bad.” Shu Er frowned and said.

At this time, Bi Shi frowned and said, “Brother Zheng, I also feel this way.”

Both of them said so, and Yingzheng seemed to understand it too. It seemed that it was the problem with the Shadow Sword.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng put away Cheng Ying Sword.

Shu’er suddenly said: “Weird, this kind of thing is gone again, Brother Zheng, did you do something weird just now?”

“Weird things did not do anything, but I found an interesting thing.” Yingzheng said.

“What’s the matter?” Both of them asked at the same time.

“The reaction power of both of you is really fast. Yes, both of you are good, but it is also because you are too low in strength, so I have never shown my true strength.”

“If I show it, I’m afraid you two won’t be able to stand it. I accidentally exposed it just now. As a result, you two didn’t agree.” Yingzheng said with a smile and stopped talking.

Both naturally know the strength of winning politics, and they also know that winning politics is not bragging.

But just that moment, it really makes people say something.

It was a feeling that you would die at any time. This feeling was really terrible.

As for Yingzheng, now his own cultivation base is obviously suppressed by himself at the mysterious realm.

But according to the half-step innate cultivation base of winning the government, if the winning government does not cover up a little, I am afraid that the winning government will not even have to use the palace.

Wherever the winning government goes, wherever the masters can sense the strength of the winning government, winning the government naturally can only hide their true cultivation base.

Otherwise, these two guys next to him, I’m afraid they will be crushed to death by their own coercion every minute.

“Let’s go, we have to go back to Sanchuan County now, and we will rely on you to open the gate of the city after the completion of the tenth meeting.” Yingzheng said.

“You know Brother Zheng, don’t worry.” Bi Shi said readily: “Now you are a great benefactor to the people of Sanchuan County.”

What benefactors and not benefactors does not have much meaning for winning politics.

After all, Yingzheng 757 knew that he did this mainly for the people of Daqin, after all, who called him the emperor of Daqin because of his responsibilities.

In this way, a group of people returned to Sanchuan County and arrived under the city gate. Bi Shi called the gate open, and everyone was able to enter the city.

The streets of Sanchuan County are relatively deserted and quiet at night.

There was no other sound except for the callers.

In this era, the city basically enters a state of curfew at night.

Each city is like this, arranged according to the units of the square, basically a square is a residential group unit.

At night, a curfew will be imposed to close the gate.

If you fail to return home according to the closing time, then you will have to spend the night outside.

And most importantly, you have to understand that after closing the gate, it is not as simple as you spend the night outside.

If this is after you meet an official, in case you are not careful and you are considered by the official to be a thief, or a spy shot by a hostile force. .

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