Chapter 858 Cultivation is advanced] Please complete the order!

You ordinary people don’t have this dragon energy body.

As everyone knows, when today is the next day, in addition to being today’s son, His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, who will be able to use this emperor’s confession of gods?

Therefore, it is basically tantamount to rebellion.

This point is very clear after all.

At this moment, I saw that the water dragon summoned by Yingzheng had already roared and rushed straight towards the love machine.

The momentum of the prayer machine rushing over was dreamy, but the water dragon summoned by the winning government was directly shot out.

There was a loud “bang”.

Then the prayer machine slammed into the tree behind him.

Then I saw that the victory did not give this prayer machine a chance to rest, but directly summoned the fire dragon out again.

After only hearing a roar, the fire dragon rushed out of Ying Zheng’s body again, and then rushed towards the prayer machine with a thunderous momentum.

The prayer machine itself is a monster, and this monster is naturally afraid of fire.

At this moment, seeing the fire dragon 753 rushing, he climbed up from the ground at once, and then quickly jumped away.

As soon as the prayer machine jumped away, the fire dragon directly smashed into the tree.

In an instant, the surrounding leaves and trees burned immediately.

The fire dragon that wins the government is also extremely powerful.

Speaking of which, the Five Elements Dragon in the Conferencing Technique of the Son of Heaven is really particular about it.

First of all, there are five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Secondly, this Daqin likes black and respects water and virtue.

Therefore, when Yingzheng was practicing the five-element dragon technique in the emperor’s confession of the gods, the first thing to do was to give this water dragon to the cultivator.

It is mainly the great Qin who upholds the virtue of water, so winning his own emperor qi is more handy in cultivating water dragons.

This is certain.

Secondly, it can be said that winning the government is the first one to complete the cultivation of the Five Elements Shenlong Technique in the Heavenly Sealing Technique.

This prayer machine itself is a monster, and water dragons and fire dragons are extremely harmful to this monster.

The remaining three five-element dragons, on the contrary, did not do much harm to the prayer machine.

Winning government also took a fancy to this point, so it immediately came up with the seven inches of the prayer machine and started fighting.

But at this moment, Bi Shi and Shuer, who were behind them, saw the ability to win the government, and it was inevitable that they had different ideas in their hearts.

What Bi Shi thought was that the imperial court could not be aware of such existence, and to see if he could find a way to introduce the sword spirit sect.

After all, the Sword Spirit Sect is now a well-known school in Daqin, but after all, where the talent is, everyone will like it better.

But Shu Er didn’t know what to say.

Shuer naturally knew about Yingzheng’s life experience.

Because of the willingness of some things, Shu Er also intends to see if he can find a way to find an opportunity to follow the victory.

Please come to the nasty guys, so that you can have a chance to live the life you want.

Of course, it would be better if you could marry Yingzheng and enter the palace to live a life of endless prosperity and wealth.

After all, how to say it, this world is all for profit, and the world is all for profit.

Therefore, Shu (aibd) also has a small abacus in his own mind.

But now Shu Er realized that the cultivation base for winning the government was no longer as simple as a profound master.

This is probably a master at the prefecture level.

Otherwise, this five-element dragon technique is so consuming supernatural power, how can this win government be used like this.

This will not take a few times, I’m afraid that I will just take time out of my body.

Originally, Shu’er thought that with her charm technique, she might be able to disturb the political winning mind, even if it can’t be directly disturbed,

So relying on the long-term love and long-term contact with each other, Shu’er can also have a way to get a little bit of the idea of ​​winning politics.

So as to achieve the goal of being able to control and win politics.

If you can control the victory, then the entire Daqin country will be its own. What is the Peach Blossom Palace at that time?

But now it’s okay. Judging from the strength of winning the government, Shuer knows that there is no hope now.

It’s not because of other reasons, but mainly because of the methods used to deal with the prayer machine.

The level of cultivation of Yingzheng was completely beyond Shu Er’s imagination.

There is only one way for Shu Er now.

That is to really think of ways to serve the great Qin Emperor, so that he has the opportunity to enter the palace.

Otherwise, if the people in the Peach Blossom Palace find themselves, then they will be dead.

Just when both Shuer and Bi Shi were doing their own little calculations.

At this time, I saw that the prayer machine had been beaten and fled in embarrassment by the five-element dragon technique that won the government.

Although the body of the prayer machine seems to be large, in fact, the current prayer machine is just about the same as the human infancy, whether it is a Dharma or a body shape.

If the prayer machine is really restored to the peak state of adulthood, then today’s victory in politics will definitely not dare to make a move.

Because that strength is really terrifying,

Even if you are a heavenly master, you are not an opponent.

Innate level may not be able to have this ability.

Therefore, you can only kill you when you are sick.

Thinking of winning here is already summoning a sword with his right hand.

Then stabbed fiercely. .

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