Chapter 848 Haunted rumors] Please order!

Just ask who are you winning the government?

That is absolutely the first person in the world who does not believe in ghosts and gods.

This haunted? You and I are messing around here, if this is really haunted, can you believe that Yingzheng can directly beat the ghost to his knees?

What does that sentence say?

As long as you are courageous, ghosts will kneel down for you.

Therefore, Shengzheng absolutely does not believe in any ghosts.

Because in the heart of Yingzheng, the hearts of people in this world are more terrifying than ghosts.

Therefore, Shengzheng does not consider these issues at all.

It’s just that there’s something to say now. Now that Winning has heard such things, then Winning is impossible not to look at it.

After all, how do you say it, if you don’t take a look, then it would be a shame for winning politics.

Now that you have arrived in Sanchuan County, if you don’t visit it, it’s not in vain.

Thinking of winning here, I asked the person next to the table: “This brother, where is the haunted place you are talking about?”

When the person at the next table saw Win 747 Zheng asked himself, he said, “This haunted place is by a dry well thirty miles outside the city.

“It is said that every month in the dry well, at the full moon, as long as you look at the dry well, you will find a beautiful female ghost in it.”

“The female ghost will hook your soul away with her beauty. Several people have been found dead by the dry well.” The man said.

“Is it really so amazing?” Yingzheng asked with some amusement.

“My son, if you don’t believe me, you can go and see for yourself, but I’m ugly, it doesn’t matter to me.”

“If something happens to you, don’t come to me.” The man said to Yingzheng.

Come on, now that we can get such a news, then it naturally proves that the news is useful.

At least for Yingzheng, at least he knew about the haunted things in Sanchuan County.

Bah, what a haunted man, there must be someone playing mystery.

Although Yingzheng has traveled to the world of Daqin, after all, it is normal for this world to have cultivation bases and immortals.

But if you speak directly about haunting. I’m sorry, but I won’t believe it even if I won the government.

Where can the ghost be haunted?

There are no ghosts in this world.

Thinking of winning politics here, I decided to take a day off today and go to see the dry well tomorrow.

During this period of rushing and participating in the Tingyu Pavilion competition on Huashan, it has been many days since winning the government.

So on this day, Yingzheng took a comfortable hot bath and then went directly to bed.

It is estimated that it was because of being too tired, so after a while, winning the government immediately fell asleep.

When I woke up again, it was already early the next morning.

Waking up at this time, one can imagine how tired it is to win politics.

At this time, I saw that Yingzheng went down for lunch after washing up.

Then, after asking about the location of the dry well thirty miles outside the city, he walked towards the dry well.

Originally, I was planning to go on horseback to win politics, but when I thought of the full moon until the evening, I knew what was going on there (aibd).

Therefore, Shengzheng also walked slowly towards the outside of the city.

Anyway, walking is considered to be exercise,

To be honest, it’s been a long time since winning government has traveled like this, so for winning government, this way of travel is green and environmentally friendly.

Although everyone is very green in this era.

Not long after I left the city, I saw two people whispering in front of me and didn’t know what to say.

I didn’t want to manage to win politics, after all, I don’t know anyone else.

You can’t go up here and ask what people are whispering.

Therefore, winning the government will not take care of it.

But, let’s win politics, this cultivation base is really a little high.

The sensitivity of this ear is also very high.

Therefore, I heard one of the two say not far away from the victory.

“Have you heard? Another person died in the dry well last night. That death is really miserable.”

“I heard, and I heard that the guy died because he saw something he shouldn’t have seen.”

“Oh, don’t say it. If I were to go to the dry well, I wouldn’t be going to kill him.

“Didn’t you hear that the female ghost is very beautiful? You don’t want to see it?”

“No matter how beautiful the female ghost is, you don’t want to die.

For this whisper that I overheard inadvertently, Ying Zheng was also a little helpless.

Hey, my own cultivation level is so high that others don’t have any secrets in front of me.

But since we have already talked about this dry well, winning politics must be seen.

If you don’t take a look at this, then you won’t be reconciled to winning politics.

The idea of ​​winning politics here is even more determined to go and see.

After walking for almost an afternoon, Yingzheng asked people to walk over.

When the people who were asked for directions knew that the politicians were going to see the dry well, they also said to him with some sympathy: “Herborn, the dry well has killed a lot of people.”

“Don’t go, you say that if you go, a good young man will die like this.”.

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