Chapter 846 Give you a step down] Please order!

Master Ling Xu said that he was also the head of Tingyu Pavilion, and now that Yingzheng came to this, he couldn’t get off the stage immediately.

But there is one thing to say, this Master Ling Xu is lucky.

After all, this is the good temper of the victory. If the temper of the victory is not good, it may be ordered by the victory, and the whole Tingyuge will be flattened by the soldiers of Daqin.

In addition, Master Ling Xu’s cultivation base is only Huang Rank’s cultivation base, no one is the opponent to win the government.

After your Master Ling Xu heard the words of winning the government, he immediately said: “I can’t help myself, Zhao Zheng, you are really a bit arrogant. It seems that today I want to let you know how good I listen to Yuge.”

“I said Master Ling Xu, I have one thing to say. I didn’t plan to enter the Yu Pavilion. It was me who came to Huashan to see the scenery, and in 08 you gave me such a place.

“It doesn’t matter to me. If you want to try two tricks with me, then let’s start right away. If you don’t want to try with me.”

“Then let’s do it right away, don’t make everyone embarrassed by that time,” Yingzheng said.

Sleep has said this about winning politics, and Master Ling Xu is also irresistible.

After all, how do you say it, this Master Ling Xu is also the head, this head is here and all the disciples of Listening Yu Pavilion are there.

Naturally, it’s a little bit of face.

Thinking of this, Master Ling Xu also flew in front of Ying Zheng.

Master Ling Xu looked at Ying Zheng and nodded and said, “Zhao Zheng seems to have some cultivation skills;

“Since we are going to have a test like this, let’s see who has the stronger internal strength.

After speaking, Master Ling Xu also stretched out his hand.

Winning Zheng stretched out his hand happily, and then said to the Lingxu merchant, “I said you should be more careful.”

“If you lose in a while, you won’t be able to get off stage in front of your disciples.

“Haha.” Master Ling Xu couldn’t help laughing when he heard the words of winning the government: “Zhao Zheng, if you can really beat me, then I will give you the position of my head.

Hearing Master Ling Xu’s words, winning the government almost surrendered.

“I don’t want it. What do I want you to do as the head. I didn’t come out for the position of the head. I just came out and looked around.”

“Look at my Daqin world. You can get to travel everywhere. What are you going to do? I don’t have any interest in being your head.” Ying Zheng said.

Upon hearing the words of Yingzheng, Master Ling Xu also said with a smile: “Try it now before you know it.”

In this way, Master Ling Xu stretched out his hands, and Ying Zheng also stretched out his hands.

Then they saw the two of them gently put their hands together in front of the disciples of Listening Yuge.

As soon as the hands of the two were pressed together, Master Ling Xu suddenly cried out in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Zheng’s name is not well known, but this internal strength cultivation is so powerful, this is simply making people a little wondering how to say it.

Master Ling Xu only felt that as soon as his hands were attached to the hands that won the government, it seemed that he was firmly attracted by something.

There is absolutely no way to separate, and the winning hand is still very soupy.

That feeling made Master Ling Xu very uncomfortable.

At this time, Ying Zheng looked at Master Ling Xu with a smile and said: “Head, I haven’t tried hard yet.”

“Are you a profound master?” Master Ling Xu looked at Ying Zheng with some surprise.

“I didn’t see Master Ling Xu, you really know the goods.” Ying Zheng said in a low voice with a smile.

At this time, Master Ling Xu already knew that he was bound to lose.

In such a world of martial arts, the five levels of Heaven, Earth Xuanhuangwai are not just as simple as they seem on the surface.

In fact, what is said about each of these levels, they are absolutely strictly practical.

For example, if you are a yellow-level master, no matter how powerful you are, you can’t beat a profound-level master.

Therefore, after knowing the strength of winning the government, Master Ling Xu also knew in his heart that he was sure to lose today.

Thinking of this 743, Master Ling Xu also said helplessly: “Since your Excellency is so powerful, then I am willing to bow down.”

“It’s better to stop here, this head will let you be.” Master Ling Xu said.

As soon as Master Ling Xu finished speaking, he saw Ying Zheng “Wow”, and then he took a few steps back.

Then Ying Zheng said to Master Ling Xu: “Unexpectedly, Master Ling Xu’s inner strength is so pure, Zhao Zheng really admires it, I won’t enter the Yuge.”

“After all, I am a person who comes to see the scenery. Of course, if Master Ling Xu insists that I be an elder protector or something, I can also consider it.”

“But let me say it first, I won’t be listening to the Yuge, sometimes I can send me a message, I can quickly come back.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

Regarding such a thing, winning the government has never thought about it.

Winning politics is just a good word.

I really want to make Yingzheng be the so-called Tingyuge’s protector, this is simply a joke. .

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