Chapter 837 Shanghuashan] Please order!

Then you should walk around well, anyway, you have your puppet doll sitting in the middle.

I don’t need to worry about anything.

But now Daqin’s frontiers are stable.

The Yue clan in the Western Regions and the Wusun, Xiqiang and other barbarians are not a big problem at all.

Therefore, Yingzheng is not worried at all now.

Moreover, in Lantian’s promise, there are one hundred thousand Qin Jun Jingru as a reserve force. Once there is something, then these one hundred thousand Qin Jun can immediately go to the front line.

So there is no need to worry about winning politics.

This is also the reason why Yingzheng can go to Huashan so leisurely here.

After walking for a while, Ying Zheng discovered that Huashan’s so-called Huashan road since ancient times was not about the road.

It turns out that the main reason for 08 is that the road is too narrow, and it is also very dangerous.

That’s why it is said that there is a road in Huashan since ancient times.

Because if you want to go up to Huashan, there is only one way for you to go. If you go somewhere else, you really have no way to go up.

Thinking of winning here, I can only take a short rest and continue to walk towards the mountain with vigor.

The air in Huashan is still good.

Yingzheng thought cheerfully while walking.

At this moment, someone seemed to be walking up the mountain not far ahead.

Although Yingzheng knew that it was impossible to climb the mountain by himself, he realized that there were people climbing Huashan in the early spring.

So I was a little curious, I couldn’t help but want to go up and see who it was.

Thinking of winning here is also speeding up the pace and walking towards the mountain.

It didn’t take long for Yingzheng to catch up with the man.

I saw a girl in yellow clothes.

The girl was walking towards the top of Mount Hua in sweat.

As for the emergence of winning politics, the girl didn’t seem to care.

Winning Zheng was also a little curious. At this time, there was only herself and this girl on the road to Huashan, and this girl was not nervous at all when she saw herself.

If you really are a girl who climbs mountains all the year round, she is more courageous.

Thinking of winning politics here, he said to the girl cheerfully: “This girl, I don’t know how to call it, she is so elegant, and she has also come to climb Huashan.

After the girl heard the words of Yingzheng, she turned her head and said: “I am not climbing Huashan, I was originally a disciple of Listening Yuge.”

“It’s you, who are you? Did you come to me to listen to Yuge’s apprenticeship?” The girl looked at Ying Zheng curiously and asked.

“Listen to Yuge?” This is the first time that Yingzheng has heard of this sect.

However, it is obvious that I have never heard of this sect before Yingzheng, so I don’t even know that there is such a place.

At this time, I only heard the girl say: “I heard Yuge you don’t know, it’s really a lonely feast.”

“Let this girl tell you, I listen to Yuge, but the famous school of Daqin, my master is now the head of Tingyuge.

“Master Ling Xu, that is well-known throughout Da Qin. When the Six Kingdoms besieged me at Hangu Pass of Da Qin, my master once went out to relieve the siege.”

“Seeing your dress and dressing up, you are also from Qin, why don’t you even know that I listen to Yuge’s head?” the girl asked curiously.

“Ah, is there such a thing? When these six countries besieged Hangu Pass, did your master help?” Yingzheng was also a little curious.

In my own impression, the Six Kingdoms besieged Hangu Pass, but there is one thing to say.

From the time when she won the government and became the Queen of Qin at the top to the time when the six kingdoms were destroyed.

None of the six nations had any chance to besiege Hangu Pass.

Because Yingzheng had destroyed Han and Zhao first, and then Chu and Yan were destroyed.

Wei and Qi were finally destroyed. Win Zheng knew this in his heart.

And because winning politics is a bit perverted, it caused these six countries to want to unite. As a result, they were directly destroyed by Qin before they had time.

Therefore, I have never heard of Master Ling Xu from Yuge, Yingzheng.

But since the sister-in-law 740 said so, it must be somewhat useful.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng also handed over his hands and asked: “This is indeed ignorant, but I don’t know what the girl should be called.”

“Don’t worry about what I call, you haven’t told me what you are doing in Huashan.” The girl asked rhetorically.

“I came to Huashan mainly because I admired the scenery of Huashan for a long time. Now I just have time to take a look. It can be regarded as fulfilling my dream.” Yingzheng said.

“Huashan’s scenery is really unusual, there is nothing to say about it,” the girl said.

“But I don’t believe it. Recently, there have been many lay people running to Huashan, all coming to my master to take them in as a disciple. I don’t believe that you just came to Huashan to play.”

“My master is very strict in accepting apprentices. I advise you to die. Don’t think about it and go down the mountain as soon as possible. Don’t delay my practice.” The woman said.

“Cultivation?” Ying Zheng didn’t care about other things the woman said. He was a little funny when she heard that she was practicing cultivation. .

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