Chapter 822 Donghu people are so arrogant]

He is completely dissimilar to the people from the Central Plains.

When Meng Zhi saw this Donghu man, he asked, “Who are you?”

“In Xiahacha, it was the envoy of King Donghu. This time I came to your army camp to ask the generals of Daqin why they were annexed and stationed on the land of my Donghu?” Hacha asked.

“What is the land of your Donghu? Does this land have the name of your King Donghu, how come it became the land of your Donghu?” Meng Zhi said grimly.

“General, that’s not what I said, the land of my Donghu, the era is owned by my Donghu people, and the era is where my Donghu people live.”

“Now the Qin army has directly stationed the army here, can’t I even ask the Donghu people?” Hatcha said.

Hearing what Hacha said, Meng Zhi also laughed: “If you don’t ask, it’s useless if you ask or not.”

“Since you came to ask in 08 today, then I am not afraid to tell you. The place where my son from Daqin goes is the land of my Daqin.”

The meaning of Meng Zhi’s words is very clear. Wherever the Daqin army went, it was Daqin’s land.

Hearing Meng Zhi’s words, Haza also sneered: “The general is afraid I still have to be careful, although my Donghu is not as vast as the Central Plains.”

“But it’s also men who are in battle and women are in luck. In terms of martial ethics, you may not be much worse than you.

“If the general leaves my Donghu’s realm now, it’s better to say, if the general insists on going his own way, then don’t blame me Donghu.”

Before Hatcha had finished speaking, Meng Zhi had already given a wink at the soldier on the side.

The guard had been discussing with Mengzhi, but now he saw Ao Mengzhi giving orders to himself.

The soldier walked directly behind Khacha, then took out the saber around his waist, and directly chopped off Khacha’s head with a single knife.

“Who wants to give this Hatcha’s head to King Donghu?” Meng Zhi asked, looking at the people in Zaichang.

“I go.”

“I go.”

A group of generals also rushed to say.

For nothing else, this so-called sending people back is actually being a vanguard general.

This vanguard general has done the most. Who wouldn’t want to do it.

Coupled with the rewards of Qin’s military merit system, if it can win the first battle with Donghu.

That is really impressive.

At that time, it was not impossible for the vanguard general to be promoted directly to the right general.

If you want to be a general, I’m afraid it will take some time.

But he became a general right, and he was one step away from the general, so who would be willing to give up this opportunity.

Eventually let everyone catch the smell, whoever catches it will count.

In the end, a very lucky general caught the opportunity to be the vanguard.

Naturally, he happily took his subordinates towards Donghu’s royal court.

The Qin Jun had fought against the Donghu in the past, but because the Donghu belonged to a fishing and hunting nation and were relatively mobile, the Qin army was often able to defeat Donghu in field battles.

But if you want to chase in a sports war, there is really no way.

After all, how do you say it, this thing, Qin Jun’s mobility in sports warfare is a bit worse than Donghu.

And Qin Jun didn’t have any guide to help, so he didn’t know the way.

It is also because of this that Yingzheng has already started to operate and arranged many scouts to enter Donghu and start to explore the local map.

This time the Qin army had the idea of ​​destroying the Xiongnu, and by the way, the Donghu would be eliminated.

There is actually nothing to say about the specific battle process.

After a very clear understanding of Donghu, the gap between a majestic division like Qin Jun and a fishing and hunting nation like Donghu came out.

However, in just two months, King Donghu was directly caught by Meng Zhi, and then directly escorted to Xianyang.

And Donghu was finally wiped out by the Qin Army.

Not to mention the expansion of the entire Daqin territory again.

This Donghu, which has always been a major concern for the Central Plains in the north, was also wiped out all at once.

And after the end of the campaign to conquer Donghu, Meng Zhi also led one hundred thousand Qin Army 730 to place prefectures and counties in the area of ​​Donghu and Xiongnu.

And according to the system of the Qin State, local officials of counties and counties began to be formed.

At this time, the winning government in Xianyang City was looking at Mao Dun Shanyu and Donghu Wang happily.

Just listen to Ying Zheng happily and said to the two people in the court hall: “Mao Dun is more than King Donghu, I heard that you people are better at singing and dancing, so it is better to give the widow a little cheer.”

“And I, the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, really want to take a look.” Yingzheng said.

“Great King Yingming.” A group of ministers also echoed.

At first sight, Mouton and King Donghu had no choice but to start dancing with their own masters.

There is no other way. If you can’t beat it, it will only be the most dazzling national style.

And the victory in politics is finally after the extermination of Donghu and Xiongnu, they can deal with Wei and Qi with all their strength.

Now that the foreign war has come to an end, it is foreseeable that the rhythm of the entire Daqin war will definitely turn towards Wei and Qi.

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