Chapter 817 Truth pill

He said he would die without blinking his eyes.

To be honest, the main point is that it has been changed to other people, and there may be really no way at all.

But what they face is winning politics after all.

Who is the winning government? There are really countless ways to get people who want what they want.

In addition to other things, it depends on the current Daqin, whether it is economic, agricultural or military, all are managed by winning politics.

It can be said that Daqin as a whole can get to this step, and it is all a good job to win the government.

So in the face of such a person, even if these two assassins speak hard, what good is it.

And the most important thing is that these two people don’t know that they are systematic men who win politics.

At this time, from an outsider’s point of view, Yingzheng seemed to be just sitting on the mat, watching what the two of them were thinking.

But the current winning government is actually completely in its own system, looking for props for these two people to tell the truth.

After searching for a long time in 08, I was finally found by Yingzheng.

“Truth pill.”

When I saw this thing, Yingzheng’s first reaction was the props in Doraemon.

According to the description in the system, as long as this thing is eaten by people, it doesn’t matter if you want to tell the truth or not.

You will tell all the truth, without any reservation at all.

The most powerful thing about this pill is that as long as you eat it, you will inevitably have to tell all the truth.

This thing is very good.

Yingzheng happily exchanged these two pills at a price, and then handed the pills to Meng Wu.

“These two people are loyal people. They are very good and the widows admire them very much. These two pills are the most poisonous pills in the world, and they immediately seal their throats and die after eating them.”

“Give them both and make them both perfect.” Yingzheng said and handed the pill to Mengwu.

But Meng Wu looked at King Qin with a little embarrassment and asked, “Great King, but I haven’t asked anything yet.”

“It’s okay, no need to ask. If the widow wants to kill someone, he just needs to open his mouth. You don’t need to ask why. Since these two people want to die so, then let them be fulfilled.”

Although Meng Wu didn’t know why King Qin suddenly did this, since King Qin said so,

As a minister, it is naturally impossible to refute and resist.

“Yes.” Meng Wu replied, arching his hands.

Then Meng Wu took two black pills in front of the two and said: “You are lucky, the king thinks you are loyal, now let you two go to Huangquan together.”

“Eat it.”

Hearing what Meng Wu said, the two also glanced at each other, and then opened their mouths.

Then Meng Wu fed the two pills to two people separately.

After a “grumbling”, both of them laughed.

“Win politics, win politics, you still don’t want to know these secrets after all, we just die without telling them.” The assassin said happily.

At this time, Ying Zheng laughed cheerfully: “Really, then what are your names?”

“My name is Ziming, and he is called Ziyou.” Ziming said.

After saying this suddenly, Ziming’s face also changed drastically.

And Ziyou’s expression on the side changed drastically, “Ziming, why did you say it?”

“I, I, I don’t know either.” Ziming said as he looked at Ziyou in shock.

“Hahaha.” Yingzheng laughed loudly.

“Then who instructed you two?” Yingzheng asked suddenly.

“My two are the same juniors who were originally Qin Wuyang and Jing Ke. Because you killed these two, I was waiting for revenge.

“This time arrogant secretly found us, saying that it was for us to assassinate. As long as the assassination succeeds, then the Six Nations can be restored again.

‘There will be no more wars and killings in this world. ‘Ziming continued.

Although Ziming said it himself, it was obvious that Ziming didn’t want to say it.

Ziming said as he said, the expression on his face was always uncertain.

Obviously, Ziming was also very shocked when he said these words.

“Ziming, don’t say it.” Ziyou said anxiously.

At this time, winning the government laughed loudly: “Then Ziyou, you come and tell me, you 727 have other people in Xianyang City, where are the rest of your accomplices?”

When Ziyou heard what Yingzheng said, although he didn’t want to say it, but he didn’t know why, his mouth really didn’t listen to his command, and he said it all.

“We still have ten people in Yayiju in Xianyang City. These ten people were originally the ones who retreated to meet us after we completed the task.

“Now these people are in Yayi Curie.” Ziyou said with a cold sweat on his face.

“Then what’s your connection code?” Yingzheng asked again.

“Kill Qin Gou.” Ziyou said.

Then Yingzheng speeded up again and asked some questions clearly about what he wanted.

In the end, these two people are also the same as the cock who lost the fight.

The two of them didn’t know why they would tell all these things.

The two did not intend to speak out, and the two were originally dead men. To put it bluntly, they would die if they were caught, so they didn’t intend to say anything at all. .

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