Chapter 786 Improved crossbow]

King Qin Yingzheng still attached great importance to these words Fusu said.

Indeed, Meng Zhi was engaged in a war with the Huns in northern Xinjiang. This sudden war, King Qin did not expect to win the government.

Winter was not the best time to fight, but the Xiongnu in Northern Xinjiang didn’t know which evil spirits they had committed, and they constantly harassed the Daqin border guarded by General Mengzhi.

Meng Zhi’s battle reports were sent to Xianyang City several times, and King Qin Yingzheng had also seen it. Although he said some brilliant achievements, the soldiers of Da Qin were also seriously injured.

A large part of it was because of the damage of the Xiongnu’s long-range crossbow, which was also a headache for King Qin Yingzheng.

Zhao Gao “71 Zero” watched him silently next to Ying Zhengde, and quickly stepped forward and said, “Majesty, although Jiangnan is cold at this time, but the roads are clear, the king can return in a few days.

Fusu glared at Zhao Gao fiercely, “Great King, I think we will defeat the Xiongnu in Northern Xinjiang first, and then we are talking about Jiangnan.

Zhao Gao was a little frightened by Fusu’s look, and he knew that Fusu hated himself.

However, now he is riding a tiger with difficulty. This so-called long dragon matter was thought of by the son Hu Hai.

Hu Hai’s plan was also to let King Qin Yingzheng go to Jiangnan, so that he could let go of his hands and feet to help Su in a contest.

In fact, King Qin Yingzheng also understands the reason for this, but he is more willing to believe that Jiangnan really has a long dragon from heaven.

After thinking about it, King Qin Yingzheng still decided to go to Jiangnan.

As the king of a country, King Qin Yingzheng had already understood this strategy of Zhao Gao and Hu Hai.

But the bigger reason why he left Xianyang was to see how Fusu would deal with Hu Hai’s inexhaustible methods.

King Qin Yingzheng sincerely hoped that Fusu could come up with some more vicious counterattacks.

In his view, it is impossible to control a country without being poisonous and a husband without a cruel heart.

Just as Yingzheng was about to speak out his decision, he heard rapid footsteps outside the hall.

“Great King, General Meng Zhi sent the battle report.

A guard knelt on his Highness and said loudly.

“Present it, quickly present it to the widow”

King Qin Yingzheng withdrew what he wanted to say, he knew that the war in Northern Xinjiang was tight.

This battle report was written in brocade and silk, and the few pens made King Qin’s face change.

Meng Zhi stated in the battle report that due to the lack of strong crossbows and ballistas in the army, after a few battles, the fierce Huns had invaded the land of Da Qin.

Meng Zhi hoped that King Qin Yingzheng would deliver more long-range attack weapons such as crossbows.

After reading Meng Zhi’s battle report, King Qin Yingzheng has forgotten about going to Jiangnan.

He looked at His Royal Highness, “General Mengwu, quickly prepared a thousand powerful crossbows and five hundred ballistas, and immediately set off to northern Xinjiang.”

Mengwu came out and said, “Majesty, although our Daqin crossbows have a large number, they still have a slight difference in range compared to those of the Xiongnu.”

King Qin Yingzheng blinked his eyes after hearing this, “What do the generals say, can’t our Da Qin’s strong crossbow improve?”

Meng Wu hurriedly said: “Majesty, to say that our craftsmen in Daqin have worked hard to improve Qiangnu, but the effect is not good.”

Yingzheng was a little annoyed after hearing this, “A small, powerful crossbow can’t be remodeled well. How can we protect Daqin’s land?”

After saying these words, Qin Wang Yingzheng’s head was blurred, and after another pain, Yingzheng quickly supported his head with his hands.

The familiar voice rang in his head again, “Dingdong, Dingdong, Qiangbow’s improved drawing 0”

King Qin Yingzheng knew that the manufacture of this crossbow was not the head of the Daqin family.

Rather, large-scale manufacturing started as early as the Seven Heroes of the Warring States dispute.

Although the country of Han is not strong enough, it has quite some experience in the manufacture of crossbows. After the reunification of Daqin, it is imperative to learn from others.

Therefore, Yingzheng has reason to believe that it is still possible for Daqin at this time to find a crossbow that can be improved by craftsmen.

It’s just that when the eternal emperor system in his head sounded, King Qin Yingzheng knew that everything was all right.

He can do it himself to improve the crossbow.

“My lord, are you unwell?” Meng Wu, who was kneeling down, asked Qin Wang Yingzheng without speaking for a long time and his face was very ugly.

King Qin Yingzheng did not speak until his head was sober.

“You all step back, I will think about the improvement of this powerful crossbow.”

After speaking, he looked at Zhao Gao and then at Fusu, “As for going to Jiangnan, let’s postpone it.

Zhao Gao said anxiously: “My lord, what should I do with the long dragon that day? Dragon meat 1.3 is not new after a long time.

“Master Zhao, you can ask Kuaima to deliver the dragon meat to Xianyang City, so that it won’t delay the father’s idea of ​​eating the dragon meat.”

After saying this, Fusu’s eyes showed a playful look.

Fusu looked at his father whether he was going to Jiangnan or not.

King Qin Yingzheng listened to Fusu’s words and said to Zhao Gao: “You just do what the son Fusu wants, and send the flesh of the long dragon in the sky to the widow Xianyang Palace.”

After saying this, Yingzheng beckoned to Yan Shun, Zhao Gao originally wanted to go forward to help King Qin Yingzheng. .

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