Chapter 784 Settle in the status quo]

Zhao Gao’s face changed, he knew that this was the beginning of Fu Soda’s face. It’s just that Zhao Gao didn’t expect Fusu to make any other demands besides this.

But Zhao Gao’s face was as ugly as ever, because Fusu’s abacus was seen by him again, but even if he saw it, it was too late to stop it.

King Qin Yingzheng was very satisfied with Di Ge’s attitude, “Xianyang Ling, let Fusu choose any of your officials.”

After saying this, Qin Wang Yingzheng waved his hand to Zhao Gao behind him. “The king has a purpose and retreats without incident.

Even if Zhao Gao wanted to know what would happen in the court, he was powerless and had no choice but to return to the palace with King Qin’s victory.

After King Qin Yingzheng withdrew from the court, many officials could no longer control their gossip temperament.

It is well known that Fusu was supervised by the King of Qin Yingzheng to build the new palace, and King Yingzheng of Qin sent twenty to thirty officials from Xianyang to assist Fusu.

It took less than ten days of effort. Fusu actually claimed that there was not enough manpower, and Qin Wang Yingzheng also approved this. Of course, something they didn’t know happened.

710 There is no impermeable wall in the world. What Fusu did today is just to blow a gust of wind on the fire he made a few days ago. This is his last move. He also thought that this ending would make Hu Hai and Zhao Gao’s popular aggravate.

He wanted to do this because he wanted to let officials who didn’t know why Zhao Gao bought it to take a look at Zhao Gao’s cheeks when he crossed the river to demolish the bridge.

Seeing that the officials in the dynasty discussed in twos and threes about what happened in the place where the new palace was located, Fusu hurriedly returned to his mansion before anyone asked him. He didn’t want to show himself in the public.

After Fusu left, he only suffered from Xianyang Ling Di Ge, and dozens of ministers surrounded him.

There are malicious inquiries, and there are good intentions to appease, anyway, people’s hearts are separated from the belly, and Digo can’t guess what others are thinking. He can only cope with the questions of these ministers.

After doing this, Fusu finally returned to where he (aibd) should be, the location of the new palace outside Xianyang city.

When Fusu appeared in the new palace, the thousands of craftsmen who had served in the service had almost recovered. Except for a dozen people with weak bodies who were still resting in the house, the others were all working hard.

In the hearts of these craftsmen, Fu Su Na is their savior.

If it hadn’t been for Fusu to force them to swallow the foul-smelling horse dung, they would have died here long ago.

So after the restoration, everyone was brave enough to build the new palace, and they all wanted to make some achievements for Fusu.

Of course, this is also indispensable for the prestigious Shi Yi’s contribution to fan the flames.

Through this incident, Shi Yi had completely trusted his son Fusu.

He also saw the faces of Di Ge, Zhao Gao and others. Fortunately, Shi Yi himself did not participate in it, otherwise he would have been in a different place at the moment.

Fusu knew that Minxin was like a seed buried in the soil. What he planted this time, the seed will slowly ferment in the vast soil of Daqin in the future.

When you break the ground, you will be able to reap the fruits. That is the kind of admiration of the people of Daqin.

At this point, Fusu was clearly ahead. Fusu knew that only by gaining popular support, his succession to the throne would have been more than half completed.

This time, Fusu stayed here until the dozen or so officials that Digo was looking for were in place, and they were arranged in a relatively important position. At the same time, they weakened the role of those who didn’t know the details. This was a little relieved.

Fusu believes that Digo will enforce the law impartially in this selection and management process. Will pick out the courageous officials under him for himself.

This was because Di Ge had suffered a big loss once, and he didn’t want King Qin to cut off his head.

Also, after all, he just slapped Zhao Gao and Di Ge severely, and they wouldn’t even reflect on the scene of being an enemy again for the time being. This is not worth the loss for them.

Having achieved this step, Fusu knew that he should no longer wander back and forth about the construction of this new palace.

No matter how beautiful and majestic a new palace is built, it will not stop Hu Hai’s eagerness from underneath. Building a new palace will not stop Hu Hai from doing everything possible to replace the supporting prince of Daqin.

So Fusu decided it was time to do something different.

According to the current construction period, it is almost impossible to build a palace group larger than the Xianyang Palace in two years. Hu Hai and Zhao Gao knew that Fusu certainly knew it, but Qin Wang Yingzheng did not.

King Qin Yingzheng still hopefully positioned the completion date of the Afang Palace within one year.

Meng Wu recently sent thousands of craftsmen. On the construction of Afang Palace, all the skilled craftsmen of the Great Qin Empire have gathered. As for the completion time, it depends on the wishes of God. At least the son Fusu thinks so. It depends on God’s will.

For nearly a month or more, Fusu did not return to Xianyang City. His main purpose of doing so was naturally to paralyze Hu Hai and Zhao Gao.

Previously, Zhao Gao was crippled by the poisoning, and then Hu Hai was frightened at the time of the assassination. Of course, it will take a while to be honest after finishing these Fusu. The reason is that the frying is too anxious. Fusu has been there. Secretly warned myself. .

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