Chapter 781 Killer Mystery]

Yatada tried his best to make the nest cart run more smoothly.He focused on the running speed of the five horses, and did not find that in a place more than 20 meters in front of the street, in a common alley on one side, a black night suit was standing. People.

This person is holding a long and narrow sword in his hand. The white as snow-like blade reflects the dazzling cold light, which is even more sharp.

The man was leaning against the wall with his ears close to it, his body motionless, like a sculpture.

When the carriage approached, the long sword in his hand shook slightly.

As the carriage approached one side of the alley, Yatada suddenly pulled the rope, and the five horses’ front hooves hurriedly lifted, and finally the “seven and seven” carriage stopped in place.

“Yatada, why didn’t you leave?” Fusu in the nest car asked softly. Although he didn’t pick up the curtain, he knew that this place was not in front of his mansion.

The streets of the city fell into silence in the darkness.

Yatada, wearing a strong gray suit, glanced at the alley ahead, and then sneered twice. This kind of feeling Yatada hasn’t appeared in his heart for some days. “My son, someone is going to attack you.”

At this time, the people in the black night clothes in the alley rose up into the sky, swept through the air like a floating rope, and quickly blocked the front of the nest cart, with the long sword in his hand flashing cold.

“You don’t want to die, dare to stand in the way of my adults!” Yazhong said domineeringly, his current identity is the personal guard of Fusu, the first son of Da Qin, and there is naturally some look down on people in black in his tone.

While speaking, Yatada waved the long whip in his hand and made a hollow noise in the air. His eyes narrowed slightly, and the scars at the corners of his eyes squirmed, but they were vainly hideous.

Yatada is fully prepared. As long as the person in black dares to do something, Yatada will subdue the opposite person as quickly as possible.

“Someone wants your lives!” The man in black lowered his throat, his voice was a little hoarse, but he was still murderous.

“Oh, did Hu Hai send you?”

A faint voice came from the carriage, even a little lazy.

The man in black was slightly surprised, but the man in the carriage guessed what he was doing, which made him put away his contempt.

But he still said coldly: “It doesn’t matter whether it is or not, you will die here tonight!”

Yatada put down the long whip in his hand, touched his waist with one hand, a dazzling silver light lit up, and a short knife was held in his hand.

Fusu poked his head out of the nest car, “Do you know who I am?” The man in black nodded, “Even if you are the first son of Da Qin, you will not escape my hand tonight.”

This sentence was spoken from the black-clothed population, and Fusu was even more convinced that this man was sent by Hu Hai to dispose of him.

A killing character came out of the black-clothed man’s mouth, the cold light flickered, and a long sword ran towards Fusu’s head.

Just as Fusu was about to make a move, Yazhong said, “My son, please go back to the nest cart, here is me.”

Fusu nodded, he could just see how deep Yazhong’s martial arts really is.

Facing Jiankage Yatada’s whole body into the air, the short knife drew countless shadows in the air and hit the man in black’s long sword.

The jingle sound was endless, and after a glorious brilliance, the man in black stepped back, humming in disbelief.

Yatada turned over a Harrier in the air and returned to the top of the nest wagon.

“Who are you?” The man in black asked sharply.

Yatada smiled slightly, “I’m just the son Fusu and one of his servants, but if you want to murder our son, you have to pass me.”

After this trick, Yatada has already figured out the skill of the man in black. He is more certain to get rid of the man in black. “It seems that you are busy tonight, maybe you will come back empty-handed.”

The man in black frowned, the latter’s words turned too fast, but did this mean that he would come home with a feather?

“I’ll kill you first.” “The man in black couldn’t bear it anymore, and the long sword in his hand was swung again.

The sky full of sword shadows surrounded Yazhong, and even Fusu who was sitting in the nest car felt the murderous aura.

Yatada let out a long roar, and the short sword greeted him immediately, and the clash of swords spread far in the dark night. A glorious light surged around the nest car.

Suddenly, the long sword in the hands of the man in black turned into a long rainbow and separated from the hands of the man in black.

Then the shadows of four long swords were imaginary from all sides and stab towards the nest cart.

These four sharp swords exude cold light, which can definitely penetrate the nest cart instantly, and instantly cut down Fu 1.3 Su in the nest cart.

But when the long sword was close to the nest cart, Yachu only raised one hand slightly.

As if an invisible force radiated from his body, there was a trembling sound in the air, and the four long swords instantly stopped their offensive, as if they were frozen in the air.

Yatada’s voice was a little ridiculous: “Didn’t you inquire about it in advance, I never bring entourage and guards when I travel with adults. Didn’t you really think about assassination?”


Following Yazhong’s words, the four long swords in the air turned their swords upside down, flew away, and hit the men in black respectively.

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