Chapter 778 Counter-control is victory]

Li Si heard Qin Wang Yingzheng ask that he also knelt down on the temple, “Great Wang Yingming, I think you can deal with these small officials as the son Fusu said.”

After hearing this, Zhao Gao was completely stunned. He also hoped that Li Si would say some pleading words. He didn’t expect that this time Li Si directly pushed the disposal method to the son Fusu.

Yingzheng was very satisfied with Li Si’s answer. In his opinion, Li Si was still a sensible person and did not participate in the contest between the two princes for the throne.

Fusu also didn’t expect Li Si to say this, he had already prepared countermeasures in his heart, and it seemed that he was useless.

When Li Si did this, he was telling Zhao Gao clearly that Zhao Gao was too impatient to do this. To suffer a little loss is to give Zhao Gao some warnings.

The little official kneeling down saw that he was bound to die. Suddenly several people shouted wildly, “My lord, we are wronged, my lord, we have something to report.”

Di Ge and Zhao Gaogai appeared flustered. Once these people told the truth about the matter, the two of them would have their heads down. King Qin Yingzheng did not let these little officials speak, but waved at the guards below.

For those who are not subject to the Qin Dynasty, King Qin won the government obviously without a trace of pity.

He wanted to make clear to those Daqin officials that in the matter of building the Afang Palace, anyone who wants to set up obstacles has only one result, and that is beheading.

Xianyang made Di Ge speechless, Prime Minister Li Si recognized, and Zhao Gao never refuted. Under this situation, King Qin Yingzheng still relied on his son Fusu.

The guards on both sides of the hall came out and dragged all these people out. Fusu knew what was waiting for them outside.

At this moment, she stood up and looked at Di Ge and Zhao Gao who were still kneeling on the hall. This time, Fu Su was completely victorious and indirectly caused Hu Hai to lose a big somersault, which also suppressed the opponent’s morale.

A kind of pride rippled in the son Fusu’s chest, and this comfort after winning made Fusu almost jumped wildly above the hall.

Although these people did not order them to be killed, they did have their damn truths, but it was themselves who picked them out.

In the future, it is estimated that no one will do it right with him on the construction site of Afang Palace.

For the first time in Xianyang for such a long time, Fusu felt that he was involved in the killing, but at the same time he also knew that this was a process that Gong Dou had to go through.

Otherwise, if you don’t know how long, he will be dragged out like a dead dog by others, and then he will become the object of spurn. And Daqin’s throne will also be lost from his own hands.

After the matter was dealt with, King Qin’s victory seemed to be a bit tired. After waving his hand at the few people below, he turned and left the side hall.

When he walked out of the side shop, King Qin Yingzheng once again urged Di Ge to cooperate with Su in the construction of the new palace. Di Ge hurriedly agreed to come down. He was secretly happy that King Qin Wang Zheng did not blame himself.

My little fortune is saved.

When the four of them walked out of the palace, Zhao Gao’s complexion was not as good as before, and it became gloomy for an instant, and he walked hurriedly outside the palace.

“If Xianyang Ling sends me a helper again, but he has to polish his eyes and miss the construction of the new palace, you and I will become sinners through the ages, 々.”

What Di Ge did not expect was that Zhao Gao actually said such a sentence while blocking the eyes of Young Master Fusu. It’s as if all these things were tricked by Digo.

However, Di Ge could only accept it, who made his rank much lower than Zhao.

Fusu’s face was calm. At this moment, she really enjoyed the feeling of victory.

Fusu stared at Di Ge, but did not look at Zhao Gao who was talking.

But the tone is a little relaxed. “Master Digo, you heard Master Zhao’s arrangement. Tomorrow, we will take some more small changes to the construction site of Afang Palace. The construction of the new palace is delayed. You and I will receive King Qin’s punish.”

* “You can rest assured, but if the construction period is missed, it will be your own business. Goodbye!”

Although Di Ge didn’t want to see Zhao Gao’s face, they were still grasshoppers on a rope, so he could only vent his anger at the son Fusu.

Zhao Gao felt Fusu’s hostility, and at this moment he also wondered if Fusu knew something.

But after another thought, those people would never be stupid enough to tell him, and their hearts were put back in their stomachs.

Hurry to Zhao Gao’s own mansion. He really didn’t want to see Fu Su’s triumphant look.

Looking at Zhao Gao who was leaving in a hurry, Fusu’s heart finally got a little ill.

You can’t worry about anything, and you need to stabilize your own defense (Zhao’s good) to fight your opponents. You need to eat one by one, and the truth that things need to be done step by step, Fusu can’t be better understood.

So this time, he didn’t even want to use this incident to beat Zhao Gao and Hu Hai to death.

Although Fusu believed that if he suggested that King Qin Yingzheng use some other means, he might not be able to reveal the shadow of Hu Hai behind Zhao Gao. It’s just that Fusu decided not to do it lightly.

But just relying on this thing to make Hu Hai and Zhao Gao admit that they failed would be a foolish dream.

Fusu is still very clear about his own foundation, in Xianyang City, compared with Hu Hai, who has been in business for many years, he is still far behind.

But Fusu believes that the day when Hu Hai will be defeated and succeeded to the throne will be in the near future. shape,

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