Chapter 774 Surrender]

Of course, this little official still knew that some things were impossible to put on the face, and he still didn’t directly say that this was what Zhao Gao did.

But he said how these people put the poison into the meals of the serving craftsmen.

And regardless of their life and death, even these craftsmen tumbling and tossing in the tent did not seek medical officers to treat these people.

King Qin Yingzheng is not a fool. These people are just some of the inferior officials of Daqin, and Fusu has no grievances in the past and recent days, and there is no reason to hinder the construction of the new palace.

If they do such a damaging thing, if no one instigates it, it will be a ghost.

“Who is instigated by your courage to this point?

After Qin Wang Yingzheng asked this sentence, Fusu’s eyes began to light up.

As long as one of these people says Zhao Gao’s name, it is estimated that 703 will follow.

In this way, even if there is a backer like Hu Hai behind Zhao Gao, it is estimated that the father will not spare him this time.

But to Fusu’s surprise, this time the officials under the hall shivered, but they looked like dumb.

Looking at this situation, Fusu sighed in his heart.

He knew that Zhao Gao’s work might not be that simple, otherwise the little officials under his staff would not tell the truth in the presence of King Qin Yingzheng in Daqin’s court.

These people have already admitted what they have done, but dare not say what is behind the scenes. They can only explain one thing, their consequences will be more terrible than death.

They are afraid that they have been constrained by Zhao Gao and Hu Hai, and they are probably related to their family (aibd).

It seems that dealing with Zhao Gao and Hu Hai is probably not a one-time effort…

Zhao Gao is in Hu Hai’s mansion at the moment, and it is a lie to say that Zhao Gao is not afraid.

When he knew that Fusu attacked to see King Qin Yingzheng, Zhao Gao rushed to Hu Hai’s house. He wanted to discuss with the second son Hu Hai as early as possible some ways to deal with the countermeasures between King Yingzheng Qin and Fusu.

Looking at Hu Hai, who was drinking and having fun in the mansion, sweat overflowed on Zhao Gao’s forehead.

Zhao Gao didn’t expect that Hu Hai was still acting as if nothing had happened, and he didn’t even see Fusu’s counterattack in his eyes.

“My son, Fusu is now in the Xianyang Palace. The king must be discussing with him about the poisoning of the men’s shoes Afang Palace craftsman.”

Hu Haige glanced at Zhao Gao, he somewhat regarded Zhao Gao’s courage.

“Master Zhao, don’t panic about this. I don’t think those little officials will take you out.”

Zhao Gao didn’t want to tease the bored son with Hu Hai, and said in his heart: “Hu Hai said lightly, you are the son of King Qin. Of course, the king will not deal with you to torture you, but I am just an eunuch. , I’m going to move when my head doesn’t work.”

“My son, you and I know the methods of King Qin, I’m afraid those little officials can’t resist the majesty of the king.

Hu Hai put a grape in his mouth, “Don’t worry, unless the little officials don’t want their own lives, they don’t want the lives of family members and relatives.”

Zhao Gao then remembered that after being bought by Hu Hai, the little officials had named their relatives. The second son Hu Hai had also told them that once King Qin found out about this, whoever said the master and envoy behind the scenes would surely afflict the nine families.

Zhao Gao thought of these tight bodies and relaxed. “My son, it’s a pity that our plan didn’t succeed. It was only a delay of two days, and the construction of the Afang Palace began again.”

Police Hu Hai glanced at Zhao Gao, “Master Zhao should be more rigorous in doing things in the future. I think there are some things that need to be discussed with the Prime Minister.”

After hearing this sentence, Zhao Gao felt a little frightened. “Could it be that Li Si has been very close to the son Hu Hai recently, and what else do you have to do when you hook up?” Zhao Gao suddenly felt sad. Is this the rhythm to be abandoned by Hu Hai.

Hu Hai also saw that Zhao Gao looked a little uncomfortable, and Hu Hai smiled in his heart, which was exactly what he wanted.

Hu Hai needs Zhao Gao to think about some harmful methods all the time, so that he can eat, drink and have fun at ease.

As long as Fusu can lose trust in front of his father, Hu Hai is still willing to use a more sinister method.

“Master Zhao, I just want to say that there are more people and more power, and it will be more sure if Li Si is involved, and things may be done more rigorously.”

“My son, please rest assured, I will definitely follow your instructions. Next time I think I won’t have any good luck in helping Su.”

After listening to Hu Hai’s explanation, Zhao Gao felt at ease. In a blink of an eye, Zhao Gao also understood that Hu Hai would not easily give up his flag.

Above the court, Fu Su realized at this moment that he should have underestimated the strength of Zhao Gao and Hu Hai.

I also understood that it would be impossible to tell the mastermind behind these small officials.

But Fusu is not someone who has no success. Fusu has always been rigorous in doing things, and he would naturally not give up easily if he wanted to fight back.

On the way to Xianyang Palace, Fusu thought of a series of countermeasures while sitting in the nest cart. .

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