Chapter 766 Big things happen]

Since King Qin Yingzheng gave Fusu the right to directly report matters related to the construction of the Afang Palace, Fusu’s character would certainly not underestimate this power.

What’s more, Fusu knew that the father only slightly improved the saw, so that the early construction achieved a multiplier effect with half the effort. This must go to the Xianyang Palace to praise the father’s merits in front of the officials.

Wang Yingzheng, who was dealing with government affairs in the palace, was proud to see Fu Su Chunfeng arrived. He had already thought that supervising the construction of the Afang Palace went smoothly, so he put down the bamboo slips in his hand and asked about the construction of the new palace.

Fusu naturally reported the remarks he had already prepared to the First Emperor for “Six Nine Seven”, and invited his father to visit the construction site of the Afang Palace in person.

King Qin had already known the result. Therefore, I only said some words to encourage Fu Su, and did not unite to go to the construction site of Afang Palace again.

Just when Fusu was about to say something to praise his father, King Qin Yingzheng suddenly said, “You go back to the mansion first, and I will reward you a lot on the day the Afang Palace is completed!”

Obviously, because the words of King Qin Yingzheng were to chase away his son.

Fu Su glanced at Zhao Gao, who was standing beside his father, with his eyes downcast. He couldn’t help but secretly said: “Could it be that Zhao Gao said something bad to his father these days.”

If you think about it again, wait until you have done something to build the Afang Palace, it will naturally stop the wicked Anxi.

Hearing this, Fusu said goodbye immediately, but when he turned around, Fusu saw through the corner of his eye Zhao Gao beckoning to an attendant standing next to him.

And handed a small package of brocade to the attendant. Although it was only a moment, Fusu got a little bump in his heart.

After returning to Fusu, Fusu met several ministers who were close to him, and learned from them that Zhao Gao hadn’t talked much in the DPRK recently.

He just followed the king of Qin to come early and leave late, and respectfully waited on the king.

Although Fusu had some doubts in his heart, he did not say anything. Someone reported Hu Hai’s movements to him. The second son, Hu Hai, was in the house.

Although not singing every night, but eating, drinking and having fun every day, no longer going to court.

King Qin’s victory was not forcing Hu Hai to go to court and let him do so.

In the early morning of the third day after returning to Xianyang City, a small official who participated in the construction of the new palace on the construction site of Afang Palace came to Fusu’s mansion out of breath.

When Fusu saw his virtue, he knew that something serious had happened on the construction site of Afang Palace.

Sure enough, as soon as this person spoke, Ying Gao couldn’t help but get into a cold war.

“The important thing about the son is not good. Those who are serving in the construction of the new palace have just started work this morning, and one by one began to vomit up and down.”

Fu Su stood up with a whirr, and suddenly shouted: “What is the reason for this?”

The small official knelt on the ground and said hurriedly, “I don’t know, the short time has already fallen by nearly half, and it is still increasing. I am afraid that the project has been delayed a lot today. Master Shang Shu Shi Yi asked the son to go back and preside over the overall situation!”

As soon as Fu Su heard it, he almost backed it up. He had never thought of this incident, and he was asked to go back and preside over the overall situation, obviously, it was to let him go back.

But Fusu shouldered the responsibility of supervising the building of the new palace, which was indeed his own business, so Fusu had no choice but to let the little official go back first with a black face.

Because he was afraid that the little official in front of him was the person Zhao Gao sent to arrange under his own hands, Fusu did not dare to ask him anything, so he could only let him go back first.

Fusu originally wanted to report this matter to his father, but after thinking about it, he pressed this idea.If he can’t handle this matter well, his father won’t give himself the supervision of the construction of the Afang Palace. .

Fusu quickly sent people to find a few Daqin medical officers, and under his leadership, they rushed to the construction site of Afang Palace.

The construction of this new palace has only been just a few days away. If thousands of people really fall down, and the construction is delayed for ten and a half days, it will really be slapped and slapped. Fusu had just finished the construction of Afang Palace on the main hall and everything went smoothly.

On the way to the Afang Palace, the medical officer who was acquainted with Comfy was always worried about whether it would be a disease such as the plague.

Because all the people who served in the military were from different counties and counties in Qianshou, they gathered together after a long distance, and it was easy to contract infectious diseases between each other, and the medical officer recalled that such a thing in the history of Daqin was not long. It’s not the first time.

After listening to 1.3, Fu Su couldn’t help but cursed inwardly.He said that if it hadn’t happened a few times before, he wouldn’t be able to make it out of Zhao Gao’s mind!

This thought was a little magnified in my mind in an instant. Suddenly Fu Su thought of the small movements that had seen Zhao Gao in the hall. Could it be that I was tricked by Hu Hai and Zhao Gao?

Although Fusu hadn’t arrived at the scene yet, he hadn’t seen those who were vomiting and diarrhea. He had already counted this incident on Zhao Gao and Hu Hai.

He didn’t believe that the alive and active men he had personally inspected a few days ago would have contracted the so-called plague just a few days after he left. .

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