Chapter 759 Successful transformation]

Fusu glanced at the few people behind him.

This time, the little official took four or five people, and saw that he was carrying two slightly smaller saws in his hands.

Fusu looked strangely at the saw in his hand, which was a little different from the tools he had seen before.

He muttered in his heart: “Are these tools demanded by the father? Can they be used in the construction of the Afang Palace?”

The little official seemed to understand Fusu’s thoughts, “Don’t look at the appearance of this tool, but it is very efficient to use.” He said, pointing to his back.

The people behind him carried two larger ones, one of which was full the length of one person. Obviously, after the little official returned, according to the instructions of King Qin Yingzheng, he changed all the saws, large and small.

For such an obedient little official, Fusu, this is still happy to see, and for this person, he also has more thoughts.

Hearing that King Qin asked them to go to the temple, the little official’s eyes showed excitement. 693

A small official like him had no chance to meet King Qin above the Xianyang Palace. He didn’t expect that the small official would be able to meet King Qin with a few words from Lord Fusu, which made him very excited.

Fusu was a little worried. He worried that it was his father’s reformation that would easily fail.

When they arrived at the hall, the little official and a few people fell face down on the ground. They did not dare to look up at the majestic King Qin Yingzheng above.

“Have you ever experimented with wood?” A few saws were placed in front of him, and Ying Zheng asked first.

“Never, but I brought the wood, so I just showed it in front of the king!” Although the little official tried several times in private, but he didn’t know what to do. He was also afraid that the new saw above the palace would not be useful, so I can only say that I have never tried.

After rushing to make it overnight, he hurriedly got King Qin Yingzheng in front of him, and it was still warm at this time. King Qin Yingzheng nodded.

In fact, as a winning government, he has no bottom in his heart. Although relying on memory to think of the future of the saw, it will actually be what kind of effect, and he wants to see with his own eyes.

At the moment, several timbers of varying thickness were carried to the hall and placed in front of King Qin Yingzheng. Fusu looked at his father, and then said to the young official under his hand: “Let’s start.”

The little official first held a smaller saw and sawed away at a thinner piece of wood.

Fusu held his breath and watched. After a while, the wood was sawn into two sections. There was a pile of fine sawdust on the ground, and the section was quite flat. Only then did he feel a lot of peace in his heart.

“How does it compare to before?” Qin Wang Yingzheng asked impatiently.

“My lord, you have the talents of traversing the heavens and the earth, this saw is transformed by the lord, I don’t know how many times stronger than before!

Obviously, the little official was also very excited. The small changes had improved so much efficiency, which he had never expected before.

“Quickly try the bigger ones too, and a smile appeared on the face of the winning government.

After another attempt by two big guys, Yingzheng finally concluded that his own shot was successful this time.

It’s a pity that the eternal one emperor system in his mind is still not moving, which makes King Qin a little disappointed in winning the (aibd) government.

“Take these tools and let me go to Afang Palace for a while!”

King Qin Yingzheng decided to continue the demonstration on the construction site where Afang Palace was built. Only things that have been tested in practice can be considered a success.

Ying Gao had already thought about the follow-up actions, and only waiting for the success of the experiment, he let the craftsmen use this high-efficiency tool.

The construction site of Afang Palace in winter is extremely cold, and because a large number of craftsmen have not yet arrived, it seems relatively depressed.

King Qin Yingzheng glanced at Fusu, and Fusu quickly said: “Father, a large number of craftsmen will gather here in two days.” King Qin let go of his tight face.

The little official found a few large pieces of wood on the construction site. After repeated trials by the craftsmen, this saw is fully capable of the work of repair. King Qin returned with satisfaction after winning the government.

Fusu hurriedly asked his father to order a lot of such tools to speed up the construction of Afang Palace.

This kind of saw was transformed by King Qin Yingzheng, and mass production of saws would be impossible without his personal consent.

In fact, as Fusu thought, King Qin Yingzheng was also very surprised by his own ability.

Yingzheng even thought that there is still that kind of craftsman’s tools that can be modified.

Hearing Fusu’s request, Yingzheng agreed. Now everything is focused on building Afang Palace.

Therefore, Ying Zheng ordered to make as many new saws as possible as soon as possible, so that they can be put into use after the people who are building the Afang Palace arrive.

Yingzheng returned to the Xianyang Palace after finishing his thoughts.

After resolving such a worry, it was time for Fusu to pack his bags. He decided to live on the construction site personally to supervise the work.

Two days later, the first batch of thousands of serving craftsmen will arrive at the place where Afang Palace is located.

As the only supervising person appointed by King Qin Yingzheng, Fusu is equivalent to the general manager of this huge project. Whether it is other officials or these servicemen, they must obey his command.

In Fusu’s heart, there is also a plan that he wants to unfold among these servicemen.

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