Chapter 757 unexpected】

King Qin Yingzheng suddenly returned to reality.

I thought to myself, “Since it’s here, I still have to push the pace of the times forward. How can I always use bronze, but I don’t want to use it!”

For a while, the promotion of ironware became alive in King Qin Yingzheng’s heart.

But he also knew that this was not an easy task.

The reason why ironware is not used is because there are too many impurities in the ironware made in this era, and the end is very ugly, and it is no better than bronze to use, so if you want to promote it, technical problems still have to be overcome.

After thinking about it, winning the government decided to do something simple first. After all, the construction of the Afang Palace has already arrived, and those craftsmen also need some handy tools.

Picking up the tools on the ground one by one, Ying Zheng tried his best to recall those tools that he had come into contact with in his previous life.

Finally, when he picked up a saw that was not very big, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

Although 08 did not have the help of the Eternal One Emperor system, the spirituality aroused by the system of King Qin was activated in his head.

“Quickly summon the official responsible for making these tools!” Ying Zheng said back to Fusu.

Fusu’s face was blank, “Father, what are you going to do? Do you want to kill the small officials who made these tools?”

Ying Zheng shook his head, “Well, I remembered one thing. These bronze tools are not very handy. I want to remodel them so that the craftsmen’s construction speed will be greatly improved.”

After listening to Fusu, his heart became excited, “It’s still the father’s concern about the child.” Fusu hurriedly gave a salute.

Supervising the building of the Afang Palace was not just a trouble to Fusu, and there was a lot of power that came with it.

Among other things, as long as it was related to the construction of the Afang Palace, Fusu was in control of everything at this time.

Sure enough, within half an hour, a panting official came to Fusu’s mansion, claiming to be the one who supervised the construction of tools and utensils used by the royal family in the Xianyang Palace.

When I saw King Qin Yingzheng and his son Fusu kneeling down and saluting, they looked flattered.

Even Fusu’s subordinates who have witnessed all of this feel extremely comfortable, and these people are thinking about what kind of beauty will be for the son Fusu tonight.

“How can this saw be made like this?” Qin Wang Yingzheng took a saw made of bronze, walked leisurely to the official’s body, and asked, pointing to the saw teeth on the saw.

The little official fell face down on the ground, his body trembling like chaff.

I saw the saw in King Qin’s hand. The saw teeth were large and small, and they barely showed the tip of each tooth.

The saw itself is a bit thin, and I can guarantee that I have not tried it. If you use such a saw to saw wood, it will be slow and slow. Not only is it difficult to saw a relatively flat surface, once it gets stuck in the middle of the wood. It is extremely difficult to get it out.

With such a saw, from the perspective of winning the government, is it not a waste of time, it is better to use a big axe to be straightforward.

“The king did not know that the craftsmanship of this saw is somewhat difficult, and the application is not so widespread, so it is

Obviously what the official wanted to say is that it is so bear-like, what can you do? However, due to the majesty of King Qin’s victory, he didn’t say anything.

In his opinion, this has been invented for hundreds of years, and it has always been like this, and Qin Wang Yingzheng is just an emperor who has never used it.

“Dang!” Qin Wang Yingzheng directly threw the saw in front of the little official, frightening the official, and saw Wang Yingzheng squatting down, pointing at the saw and opening his mouth again.

“Go back today and make some corrections to the saw according to what I said. You can remember it clearly. I only talked about it once. I couldn’t do it and I missed the deadline. The widows will ask you for it.

When Fusu saw that his father became a skilled craftsman, he felt a sense of strangeness. This feeling made Fusu a little believe that his father was a skilled craftsman.

After King Qin showed such power, the official nodded at the chicken. 690 had already forgotten what Zhao Gao had told him before.

King Qin is an emperor, he knows that if he does not listen to King Qin’s victory today, it may be his own death in a few days. No matter how you don’t have that Zhao Gao, you have to listen to King Qin’s words.

“This saw is not thick enough. After I go back, I thicken it. The thickness of the back is three times the current thickness. Then it becomes thinner and thinner until the teeth are as thin as today.

Ying Zheng said in detail. At this moment he really didn’t look like a monarch, he really became a craftsman with some qualifications.

“It must be built in accordance with the standards for building weapons, and no cutting corners! Moreover, the saw teeth are too small, doubled, and every saw tooth has to be canine teeth.” Qin Wang Yingzheng’s palm sponsored the bronze saw.

“The saws you saw today, no matter how big or small, are all remade according to this method, and they will be sent here tomorrow, and I will test them again!” The little official nodded repeatedly, not daring to say anything contrary to it. .

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