Chapter 753 Simple to think]

No candles were lit in Fusu’s study, he was just thinking alone in the dark.

He knows that this supervising the construction of the Afang Palace involves a lot of things.

Although I have great rights in this matter, because this is a very huge project involving a lot of manpower and material resources, it is undoubtedly quite easy for Zhao Gao and Hu Haile to find opportunities in this matter.

“Hey, the only plan for today is to take one step and look one step at a time. Soldiers come to block and water comes to cover. If even a small Zhao Gao can’t handle it, how can I win the praise of my father?”

Fusu knew that this incident was a big test of his father. Once there is an omission, his good impressions of him will be wiped out, and even the success of the throne will end without any disease.

But when thinking of this layer, Ying Gao’s brain suddenly flashed!

He knew that Zhao Gao was not kind to himself, in the final analysis, it was only because of Hu Hai’s relationship.

To put it bluntly, his enemy is still Hu Hai, and the aura that appeared in Fusu’s mind is also about Hu Hai.

Zhao Gao vigorously supported Hu Hai, who did not have any emperor’s appearance in the Great Qin Dynasty, and his vigorous rejection was very likely to become the support of a generation of wise monarchs.

After discovering the trust of Fu Sushen’s King Qin Yingzheng, he made a series of insidious tricks and asked Fu Su to complete a huge project that was unpopular. These Fusu have counts in their hearts.

“Zhao Gao can’t kill me, you’d better not be caught by me.”

When I thought of helping Su Ke here, my spirit came, and the yin spirit in my heart was wiped out.

While standing up and walking towards the inner room, he mumbled.

In his opinion, a small Zhao Gao will not become a stumbling block under his feet. The bigger stumbling block should be his brother Hu Hai, and no one else should worry about it.

After taking over this matter of supervising the construction of the Afang Palace, Fusu naturally can no longer look completely irrelevant as before.

Because he almost didn’t know anything about Daqin’s architecture, he hurried to some of the mansions that built small officials the next day and asked them for advice.

Fusu, Zhao Gao, and Hu Hai’s mutual restraint and entanglement are naturally known to those small officials.

They also know that the person that King Qin wins the most trust now is Lord Fusu, and Fusu may take over the throne of Daqin after King Qin flies to the sky.

So in this matter, they naturally spared no effort. Some small officials informed Fusu one by one about the construction experience they had learned. This way, it gave Fusu a new understanding of the construction of this Daqin project.

The construction of Afang Palace is a major event, far from being as simple as Fusu imagined.

Because there is no reinforced concrete in this era, let alone any mechanical equipment and steel, the main body of the building can only be completed by wood.

This not only puts forward very high requirements for the quantity and quality of raw materials, it is also a big test for the ability of design and construction personnel.

According to King Qin Yingzheng, the drawings of Afang Palace won’t be in Fusu’s hands until a few days later.

However, Yingzheng did not expect that Li Si would hand over the construction drawings of the Afang Palace to Fusu in the middle of the night.

However, after Qin Wang Yingzheng knew about this matter, he also gave Li Si a little praise.

He even praised Li Si from the court. This caused Zhao Gao to distrust Li Si. There were some lumps in the running-in between the two people.

According to Zhao Gao’s expectation, if there were no accidents, this project would hold Fusu for at least two years.

If King Qin is happy about winning the government and wants an Afang Palace that is several times larger than today’s Xianyang Palace, it may be possible within three to five years.

This is exactly right to Hu Hai’s mind, letting Fusu be entangled in one thing, and no longer allowing him to interact with the ministers in the court.

After studying the drawings carefully, Fusu came to a conclusion that it would take two to three years to build this kind of Afang Palace, and it would take the Qin Dynasty’s efforts to build this kind of palace.

This made him a little bit stunned. The power of the whole country means that Daqin’s national power will be regressed between these two or three years.

Finally, after a few days of learning experience in Fusu, a personal guard of King Qin Yingzheng in the Xianyang Palace came to Fusu Mansion and invited him into the palace. Said that King Qin wanted to discuss the construction of Afang Palace.

Fusu knew that such a move by the father was enough to show that he attached great importance to this matter.

Therefore, no matter what you are going to face, you must shake off your spirits and let the father be satisfied with yourself. This is the most important thing for you in Xianyang (Wang Nuo’s) in the future.

Coming to the main hall of Xianyang Palace, Zhao Gao, who was not unexpectedly, was also here, along with several big Qin officials.

When Fusu arrived, Qin Wang Yingzheng, accompanied by Zhao Gao and several ministers, was discussing something in front of a huge picture.

Fusu hurried over to give salutes. His eyes passed from the faces of several ministers.

Those people all turned around. It was obvious that these people were different from them. Fusu quickly made a judgment.

*”Er, come here and take a look, 々. “Ying Zheng pointed to his eyes, and Fusu looked up and knew that it was the construction plan of Afang Palace.

After Fusu saluted his father, King Qin Yingzheng didn’t say anything nonsense. .

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