Chapter 746 Father-son dialogue]

“No. General, you misunderstood me.

Fusu shook his head and said, “Killing decisively cannot rule the world. This is not what I want. Benevolent governance and love for the people are what I want in my heart.”

Mengwu didn’t take it seriously. In his opinion, he must be cruel and cruel in governing the country, just like the current king of Qin wins the government.

Fusu looked at Mengwu and slowly said: “Mencius once said: If you have a house of five acres, you can use mulberry, and if you have fifty, you can wear silk. Don’t seize a hundred acres. Hungry too. If the people are fed and clothed warmly, how can I worry about my great Qin Wannian’s foundation? General, what do you think?”

Meng Wu nodded undeniably. He continued to say “Six and Eight Three”: “What the son said is extremely true, and what Mencius said is an act of benevolence. Of course, His Majesty Qin’s national policy is also for my great Qin Wannian foundation. Please the son can understand, don’t want to provoke your majesty to anger.

He still has a deep understanding of Fusu’s character Mengwu, he doesn’t want to watch Fusu and Qin Wangyingzheng disagree with each other in their political views.

Hearing this, Fu Su continued to say: “Why don’t I understand the meaning of the father? It’s just that Da Qin has just settled the four countries, and there are still two countries threatening Da Qin at all times, but the people have not rested and rested. As a result, the people’s hearts are not stable. Ah, this is a big hidden danger.”

If the son can think like this, why is my Da Qin uneasy? But, the majesty of the king is slightly magnificent, and I ask the son not to say anything to persuade him. The king recalls the son only for the sake of Afang Palace. ”

In order to let Fusu go back and not disobey the rule of King Shiqin’s victory in politics, Mengwu tried his best to persuade, “Now the construction of the Afang Palace is the most important thing, this is the king’s mind.

Fusu was also a sensible person. He knew that General Mengwu must have exhausted his tongue in order to get himself back to Xianyang this time.

Fusu nodded again. He sighed and said: “In this case, the general will rest at the post house for one night. Tomorrow I will rush back to Xianyang City to preside over the construction of the Afang Palace.

Meng Wu was happy, knowing that Fusu had listened to his own words.

“No! Mengwu retire, son, you can rest…” Mengwu got up and bowed his hands in salute, and then left respectfully.

On the second day, Fusu and Mengwu drove back to Xianyang City. The people in Yicheng knew that Young Master Fusu was leaving, and they all stood at the gate of the city to see Young Master Fusu on a ride.

This made General Mengwu very moved and strengthened his confidence in following Lord Fusu.

After another three days, the two finally returned smoothly. Along the way, Mengwu continuously instilled a decisive disposition into Fusu. Only after Fusu heard it, he only smiled faintly.

Seeing the majestic Xianyang Palace, Fusu suddenly had an impulse.

At this time, Fusu ignored the fatigue, and stood under the steps of the upper court and said to the guards: “I want to visit the father in the hall.” In his heart, he has been worried about King Qin Yingzheng’s body, but now it is natural to be able to come back. It is the first time to visit.

Hearing Zhao Gao’s announcement, Qin Wang Yingzheng put down the bamboo slips in his hand, pretending to be weak and coughed twice.

Zhao Gao immediately stepped forward and put a robe on him. Then Qin Wang Yingzheng said in a small word: “Xuanfusu come in.

“The king is weak and it is not easy to meet the eldest son. I think it is better to have another day?” Zhao Gao tentatively said in a low voice.

Qin Wang Yingzheng waved his hand at Zhao Gao: “Fu Su came from a long way from Yicheng. How can I not see me if I want to visit me above the hall.”

Zhao Gao saw that King Qin had a decision to win the government and quickly said: “Great King, this is what I am going to proclaim the Grand Prince to help Su.”

Zhao Gao didn’t dare to neglect and immediately walked out of the house and saw Fusu, with a smile on his face and whispered in a low voice: “Please, please, your Majesty the King summoned him.”

Fusu didn’t have a lot of affection for Zhao Gao, but because he was a trusted person by his father’s side, he never felt sorry for himself, so he was still a little respectful to Zhao Gao.

At this time, when he heard Zhao Gao’s words, he also said with a smile on his face: “Zhao Mansion ordered to take care of his father every day, and he gave Su a deep gratitude.”

“The Grand Prince is crueling Zhao Gao, and it is an honor for Gao to take care of His Majesty the King.” Zhao Gao smiled according to his mouth, and then replied politely.

Although Zhao Gao supported Hu Hai, the second son, but the superficial article still has to be indispensable.

Then Fusu also smiled and entered the hall.

Seeing King Qin’s face turned yellow, Fusu felt a sorrowful spear in his heart. He choked with salute and said, “Father, the boy is back to help Su. See your father.

“It’s fine when you come back.” Qin Wang Yingzheng said lightly. He devoted all his efforts to Fusu. Seeing the thin son Fusu, Qin Wang Yingzheng felt like he wanted to cry.

It was just that Qin Wangqiang held back the wetness of his eyes and then continued to ask: “How did you experience in Yicheng?”

Hearing this, Fusu immediately saluted: “Father, Yicheng is the northern defense center of Xianyang City. Fusu followed several generals to wipe out the mob many times, and now the people in Yicheng can live a stable life.

King Qin Yingzheng nodded. In fact, he already knew the situation, just to see what Fusu’s own unique views.

“Yeah.” Qin Wang Yingzheng nodded. “Er, you are doing very well, but what do you think of the current situation in Daqin?”,

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