Chapter 744 Each is the master]

He knew that Li Si wanted to support Hu Hai. It seemed that he knew that Fusu, the eldest son, was not happy with him, and was looking for a way out for the Li family.

Of course King Qin Yingzheng also understood Li Si’s meaning, so his brows frowned. How could his own little son know him without knowing.

However, the eldest son Fusu was in his heart, if his xinxing could be more decisive, he could wait for him to grow into a fairy queen to inherit the throne.

King Qin still had great hopes for Fusu to win the government. In his heart, he thought that Fusu was the only heir of the Great Qin Kingdom.

King Qin Yingzheng remained silent for a long time, and the officials did not dare to interrupt, even Meng Wu and Li Si did not continue to speak.

After a while, King Qin Yingzheng seemed to have made a decision. He said in a solemn voice: “The construction of the Afang Palace shall be fully delegated to Fusu. Mengwu, according to the decree of the United Nations, ordered Fusu to return to Xianyang City as soon as possible.”

“Nuo!” Hearing this, Meng Wu was overjoyed, and at the same time he finally dropped the boulder in his heart.

It can be seen that His Majesty King Qin 683 valued his eldest son Fusu most, and his Meng family supported his eldest son Fusu this time, and now he can finally consolidate his position.

The minds of the hundreds of officials also became active. They knew that King Qin’s victory was paving the way for the eldest son to help Su succeed in the future.

Some people even took a peek at Prime Minister Li Si, thinking that the Li family would not be able to maintain its glory in the future.

The decision made by King Qin Yingzheng also went beyond Li Si’s expectations. Li Si thinks that speaking in North Korea still has some weight.

Lu Buwei was not in the court, and even more so he was a little forgetful. Li Si never thought that King Qin would reject his proposal. Instead, he let the eldest son who was far away in Yicheng return to Xianyang.

Li Si didn’t know the thoughts of hundreds of officials, he was startled, and a chill rose in his heart.

With a touch of self-deprecating at the corner of his mouth, he secretly laughed that he wanted to support Hu Hai against Fusu and the Meng family.

However (aibd) the status of the two in King Qin Yingzheng’s heart is not at the same level at all, is it God will destroy his Li family?

Li Si was a little confused and looked up at Zhao Gao, who also looked blank.

Zhao Gao was also a little surprised. He quickly thought about it. The reason why he won the government and chose Fusu, the eldest son, had something to do with the memorabilia on the Qin Wanglong case just now.

Now Zhao Gao is eager to figure out what exactly is written on the Suzuo, which will make King Qin Yingzheng change his mind.

In fact, King Qin Yingzheng made this decision after careful consideration.

Although Fusu said in the melodies that the determination of immortality also played a certain role, the king of Qin still believed that the eldest son Fusu was the outstanding person among the many princes.

Moreover, Fusu is well-known among the people. If he is more decisive and can understand what he is doing, this is also the place where King Qin is most assured of winning the government.

These messages were inquired by Yanshun, his personal guard.

Yingzheng also knew that Fusu maintained a close relationship with the generals in the army.

But now King Qin Yingzheng greeted the eldest son to Xianyang City by taking advantage of his frail body and the complicated state affairs. He was also paving the way for the latter by recruiting Su to come back.

The establishment of the Afang Palace gave Fusu the fame and fame of Wanqiu, and the generations of thousands of generations not only remembered his Qin Wang’s victory, but also his successor, Fusu.

It can be said that King Qin was already training Fusu as the second emperor of Qin Dynasty. This is the best choice to win politics.

As soon as the words of Yingzheng came out, the ministers had no other remarks.

“Retreat without incident.” Zhao Gao cried out this sentence weakly.

At the end of the early morning, Mengwu and Li Si glanced at each other, Mengwu was full of spring, and Li Si coldly waved his sleeves and left quickly.

This time it was clear that Lees was the loser.

After coming out of the palace gate, the chariot was already waiting. Li Si didn’t stay under the stone steps too much, and got on the nest chariot and hurriedly left.

Mengwu grunted while looking at Li Si’s nose. To his cavalry guard said: “Prepare the horse, let’s go directly to Yicheng to pick up the eldest son back to Xianyang City.”

What Meng Wu thought was very simple. As long as Fusu could return to Xianyang City, coupled with the construction of Afang Palace, Fusu was bound to become the only heir to King Qin.

As for Hu Hai and his ilk, they will no longer be able to think carefully. Li Si and Zhao Gao were also wasting their efforts.

In Hu Hai’s mansion, Zhao Gao and Li Si were both present, and Hu Hai was very angry when he heard about the early dynasty. He hated his father’s unfeeling a little bit.

The bronze Jiu Zun in his hand was also severely thrown to the ground by him.

Originally in Hu Hai’s imagination, the construction of the Afang Palace should belong to him.

And now, only the Hundred Anchor Gold rewarded by King Qin was placed in front of him.How could this make him calm down?

“Master Hu Hai, if nothing happens, I will leave first.”

Li Si sat for a long time, and Hu Hai was irritated at this time. He felt that it was better for him to go first.

Hu Hai irritated and waved his hand. At this time, there was no intention to consider Li Si’s existence.

This kind of blow made Hu Hai feel a little bit painful. He even thought that Li Si hadn’t said more good things for him in the hall.

Li Si is also a sensible person. Today’s mistakes came so suddenly that he couldn’t accept it. .

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