Chapter 740 Conspiracy and Tiger] [Subscribe for subscription]

Li Si was observing Zhao Gao’s expression. These words he said were true, and he thought that Zhao Gao would not know it.

Speaking of this, Li Si sighed deliberately, “This Mengzhi Mengwu general holds the power of the army and is deeply trusted by the king. We have no other way.” At this point, Li Si spread his hands and looked completely helpless.

Li Si is even more scheming. Before he knew the purpose of Zhao Gao’s trip, he just used some less important words to perfuse.

Zhao Gao, as long as he hears the name of the Monte family, the anger in his heart will be ignited in an instant. He hated Uncle Mengzhi’s nephew, and if they hadn’t had them, Zhao Gao would be more trusted by King Qin~Yingzheng.

Then he said: “Prime Minister Li, don’t want me to say more, you also know that Meng Zhi and Meng Wu’s nephew have long looked at you and me-the two are not pleasing to the eye.

Zhao Gao deliberately slowed down his tone, letting his words into Reese’s ears every word.

“Let’s say you, Prime Minister Li, last year your mansion was renovated, the high walls were built to fill the garden with spring scenery, and there were two stone lions outside the mansion. However, because of this, he was well-received and reported to the king about your bribery.”

Zhao Gao saw Li Si’s face turned blue, which shows that there is a anger in Li Sixin.

Zhao Gao continued to add fuel and jealousy and said: “Prime Minister, your son Li You’s punctuality in Sanchuan County was even blocked by Mengwu. Are these things, I’m not wrong, Zhao Gao?”

“The Order of Zhao’s House knows everything about Sri Lanka.” Li Si smiled after being silent, “But what does this have to do with the state affairs of the Great Qin State?’

“In fact, Prime Minister Li already understands that in the end, there can only be one of the Meng family and your Li family. Is this true?” Zhao Gao glanced at Li Si coldly.

He decided to anger Li Si, only in this way can Li Si also stand on his side.

Hearing this, Li Si was silent for a long time. The contradiction between Li and Montessori can be said to be a conflict between power and grace.

He Li Si is Qin Xiang, but Meng Zhi is also a general, and the two together serve the King of Qin to win politics. For their respective families, the friction has never ceased.

But Li You became the county guard to control the military power, and Meng Wu jumped out of the family of generals to serve as the inner plotters. Both families know that this is the other side’s reaching out to its own field and gaining influence in order to achieve mutual restraint.

In fact, Li Si didn’t think too much about this kind of thing. In his opinion, there are still some times when he needs to carry forward some vigorousness.

Li Si knew that some things would be known to King Qin Yingzheng sooner or later. Of course, after being known by King Qin, it is possible to leave some bad impressions in the hearts of the winning government.

“Fu Ling Zhao, if you have anything to say, you can just say it.” After thinking about it carefully, Li Si frowned and asked.

Zhao Gaoyue continued: “Now Meng’s uncle and nephew are supporting the eldest son to help Su, and his Majesty’s attitude towards the eldest son to help Su is well known to Prime Minister Li. If you let Su Fu Su succeed in the future, your Li family will exist. The reason?

Li Si did not speak but waited for Zhao Gao to continue.

Li Si had been in officialdom for so many years and knew that Zhao Gao’s words were just the beginning.

Seeing Li Si’s doubts, Zhao Gao said again: “Prime Minister Li, now your Li Mansion is half buried in the loess. If you want to protect your Li family, you can only be the son of Hu Hai.”

Zhao Gao’s words are somewhat intimidating. Li Si could naturally hear some meaning.

“You mean to let me support Young Master Hu Hai?” Li Si raised his eyelids. Zhao Gao. In the DPRK, Li Si had heard several ministers discuss that the relationship between Zhao Gao and the second son Hu Hai was extraordinary.

0………Look for flowers…

Today, it seems that this is indeed the case. Zhao Gao may be a lobbyist under Hu Hai.

Zhao Gao nodded irresponsibly after hearing what Reese said, his eyes flashed with excitement.

He moved his body a little closer to Li Si, and said in a low voice, “If you say something that is rebellious, if your Majesty goes as an immortal, how can you and I still have a way to survive? Not to mention Meng Zhi, Meng Wu supports Su, only It’s the eldest son who is on guard against me. Prime Minister Li, with your officialdom all these years, you can’t fail to see this, right?”

Li Si’s heart moved for a moment. Although he knew that Hu Hai was very unwelcome in the eyes of King Qin Yingzheng, Zhao Gao said today that he would definitely do something extraordinary.


Li Si also leaned forward, then his face darkened, and said: “Zhao Mansion, the king’s health has improved recently, is it too early to support Hu Hai?”

Zhao Gao thinks that Li Si is obviously also moved.

Zhao Gao is also very conceited. With his three-inch tongue, he thinks he will definitely move Li Si.

But now there are two roads in front of Reese. Taking a wrong step means that Li’s life will be destroyed by dozens of lives, as well as his life’s political achievements and reputation.

If Meng Zhi and Fusu, the first master, are in power, then everything he has now is a mirror image.

“No. Prime Minister Li, let’s prepare early. Young Master Hu Hai’s name and talent are not as good as those of Grand Prince Fu Su. If you want His Majesty the King to pay attention, you and I need to work together to support you.” Zhao Gao smiled softly again. .

By now, Zhao Gao has regarded Li Si as a mother grasshopper tied together. Zhao Gao thought: “Li Si will never use the lives of dozens of people in the Li family to gamble on his own official career.


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