Chapter 734 Hu Hai’s thoughts] [Subscribe]

In his view, as the eldest son of the King of Qin, Fusu would be the one who inherited the great cause of the Great Qin, and his Meng family can be favored by the King of Qin for three generations. In addition to the heroic military exploits and loyalty, supporting the new master is also the key.

Fortunately, now the King of Qin Ying Zhengwei loves Fu Su, and he is the eldest son. In the future, the second emperor of Qin Dynasty will inherit the throne.

Only by presenting faithfully doing practical things can the Meng family’s position in Fusu’s heart be increased.

Who says Meng Zhi is a rough man, he only knows how to fight but doesn’t understand Dong’s scheming, but his Meng Zhi can be seen thoroughly. For the future status of the Meng family, he has already begun to plan.

As long as Fusu sits on the emperor in the future, then their Meng family will be frightened from then on.

With this idea in mind, Meng Zhi tried every means to establish a good relationship with Fusu.

Even at the risk of losing his head, he revealed the affairs of the Xianyang Palace to the eldest son, so that Fu Su had more favorable impressions of him.

After listening to these words, Fu Su remained silent. After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief. His father gave him 680 to Yicheng. If there is no will, he can’t easily turn back to Xianyang.

Although I am extremely worried, this ritual law cannot be abolished.

“Hey! Does the father have a prejudice against himself?” He sighed slightly, then looked at Meng Tian and said again: “The general has worked hard, please go back and rest first.”

After Meng Zhijian helped Su indulge for so long, he knew that his messages had worked.

“No! Son, Meng Zhi will leave now. I don’t know when I will see him when I resign from Beijiang.” Meng Zhi suddenly felt a little sad.

Fusu seemed to understand Meng Zhi’s mind, “General, I will definitely use you in the future.”

There was a saying that Meng Zhi no longer hesitated and stepped out of the lobby.

Then he took the saber and put on his helmet, and then left with his guards.

Seeing Meng Zhi leaving, Fusu was still uneasy, he immediately shouted: “Come on!”

(aibd) Then the butler standing at the door respectfully entered the lobby, and then saluted: “Please give me your orders.

“You go to Xianyang to find out the news, what’s happening in the DPRK?”

Fusu invited him to step forward, and then whispered, “Don’t reveal your identity.” Since Fusu knew that King Qin Yingzheng had not summoned him, naturally he would not easily enter Xianyang City.

The key gaze flickered, and the capable expression replied in a deep voice: “Please rest assured, the young man, the villain will definitely get things done.”

“Go.” Fusu nodded and waved for him to leave. Then he sat back slowly and didn’t move the place for a long time.

“I hope that my father can recover as soon as possible.” He whispered a wish again. In the face of power and his father, Fusu chose the latter after all.

In his mind, the father is the most important, perhaps this is a kind of filial piety, but this indecision is not suitable for the emperor’s family, Qin Wang Yingzheng knew this and made him to practice in Yicheng.

Fusu’s heart is unwilling to believe this.

In the city of Xianyang, Hu Hai walked around anxiously in his mansion, although he was not loved by his father like Fusu, the eldest son.

But because this time the siege of Chenzhou City was resolved, Fusu and General Mengzhi went out. Winning the government still recognized Huahai’s military merits.

But when it comes to talents and knowledge, he is definitely not better than Fusu.

Hu Hai, who knows this in his heart, is always jealous of his elder brother.

Both of them were born in the emperor’s family. Perhaps Fusu did not like fighting for power, or perhaps because of King Qin’s trust and love, he disdain to intrigue.

But Hu Hai, he envied his father and king. Sometimes he dreamed that he inherited the throne, took three thousand beauties with him, led the emperor’s teacher to patrol the counties and counties, and the people along the way bowed and bowed.

This kind of dream will often appear in my mind these days.

It can be said that that is the life he Hu Hai wants.

But Hu Hai knew in his heart that with his eldest brother helping Su, all he wanted was the flowers in the mirror, only dreams could be realized. This made him sometimes hate his brother Fusu.

When Hu Hai was anxious, a servant entered the meeting cautiously and reported: “Gong Zi, Zhongche Mansion ordered Zhao Gao to see him.”

Hearing this, Hu Hai hurriedly said, “Please.” Then he didn’t care about his dignity and went to meet him himself.

After Zhao Gao came back from the battlefield of Chenzhou, he was conferred by Qin Wang Yingzheng as the official order of the CRRC, and belonged to the third level of promotion. Moreover, Qin Wang Yingzheng recommended Zhao Gao to Hu Hai, so that Hu Hai followed Zhao Gao to learn some Da Qin laws.

Zhao Gao, who is of medium build outside the palace, has a blessed face, his black and white hair is combed together with hairpins, and there is a humble smile on his face, but this kind of smile looks a little uncomfortable, obviously it is a kind of hypocritical.

When Zhao Gao saw Hu Hai, he immediately greeted him, and said in a low voice respectfully: “The son actually greeted him personally, Zhao Gao can’t afford it.

Hu Hai stepped forward and took Zhao Gao’s hand. Instructing Zhao Gao not to be cautious, he smiled and said, “Tao Fu doesn’t need to be like this, please come in, I have been waiting for many days in the mansion.”

This sentence made Zhao Gao stunned, “Master, do you know that the minister is coming?”

Hu Hai smiled and said: “Father asked me to learn the law from the Tai Fu, and the Tai Fu will naturally return to the mansion to grant the next person.” Zhao Gao laughed after hearing this. “.

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