Chapter 732 The meaning of Fusu] [Subscribe]

“Oh! Invincible! Invincible! Daqin is invincible in the world!

Seeing that they had finally defeated this brave opponent, the Qin army couldn’t help hissing wildly.

Tens of thousands of people raised their weapons aloft.

Meng Wu quickly dismounted to salute Fusu who was in the chariot. “The eldest son, who has not come too late to clear the siege, is willing to accept punishment.

Fusu stepped down from the chariot, “General Meng is so brave, how can he be punished? I don’t know where Hu Hai is?”

Meng Wu faced behind the soldiers in the army’s large formation: “Second Young Master and the Jianjun supervise the formation in the back.”

Fusu was very satisfied with this arrangement. Hu Hai did not help Su De as a martial artist, so sometimes Fu Su looked down on his second brother.

Fusu got on the chariot again, and Mengwu knew he was going to see Hu Hai. Just ignore it.

“Pass me will order! Pursue! Kill those to none!” Meng Wu hissed and gave the order to pursue.

‘Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, the spring breeze blows and regenerates!’ 08 These mobs are the confidant of King Qin’s victory, and they must be killed to avoid future troubles!

This was specially ordered by King Qin Yingzheng when Meng Wu left Xianyang.

“Kill-kill!” Two groups of Qin army soldiers joined together, chasing and killing them in the direction pointed by the commander!

After covering up for two hours, Meng Wu and Meng Zhi returned to the camp.

It’s not that two people don’t want to wipe out all the enemies, but the weather is so bad that the cavalry and soldiers can no longer go wet and slippery.

Meng Wu was a bit unwilling to see the smoke rising in the distance shaking his head.

“General, those surplus animals will not make waves.” Zhao Gao said beside him. “We can go back to the court.”

Zhao Gao didn’t want to stay in this climate for one day.

King Qin Yingzheng received a secret report from Fusu and Hu Hai, knowing that most of the mob’s army had been wiped out, and this was a lot of peace in his heart.

Xu Fu had been away for a few days, and before he left, he gave Yingzheng a few pills.

Originally, I wanted to send Xu Fu to the South China Sea to collect medicine in person, but Xu Fu was kindly persuaded.

Xu Fu still has his own plan. He has already offended Lu Buwei, but he dare not make a high profile anymore.

Li Si also hinted at Xu Fu that the most taboo of King Qin’s victory was that someone showed his ability in front of him.

So Xu Fu led the recruited virgins on the road in a low-key manner.

Lu Buwei was not troubled. After a series of fights, Lu Buwei temporarily put away the idea of ​​killing Xu Fu.

As long as Xu Fu is not in the court, it will not pose a threat to him, which makes Lu Buwei send Xu Fu away like a plague god.

Fusu, Hu Hai, Meng Zhi, and Meng Wu returned to Xianyang, and Qin Wang Yingzheng went out of the city to meet him personally.

Zhao Gao was proud of himself, “This time he has established a military exploit is still very important for his later career development.”

The two generals who won the politician praised him a lot, and Zhao Gao was also praised by King Qin.

Both Lu Buwei and Li Si had a good impression of Zhao Gao.

As people who can reach the King of Qin second only to Yanshun, the two of them will not despise it.

Yingzheng took Fusu and Hu Hai back to the Xianyang Palace. He suddenly thought that he should establish a prince for himself.

Although King Qin won the government in his prime of life, there are still some things that have long been thought of to win the government.

With this thought, he looked at the two princes with different eyes.

Fusu and Hu Hai briefly recounted some of the things that had happened in Chenzhou, and went back after seeing the tiredness on Yingzheng’s face.

King Qin Yingzheng sat alone in the palace for a long time, and no one knew his thoughts.

When Yan Shun came in, Ying Zheng stood up and said, “Yan Shun, you go get Prime Minister Li Si to see me.”

When Li Si came to the palace, winning the government would make everyone retreat, leaving only these two in the palace.

When Lu Buwei received the message, Li Sihe returned to his home.

As for what he had discussed with King Qin Yingzheng, Lu Buwei had no idea.

Since returning from Chenzhou, Fusu has been staying in the Prince’s Mansion. On this day, a family slave came to report and General Meng Zhi asked for him.

Hearing this announcement, Fusu hurriedly stood up and said: “Quick, please come in!”.

Meng Zhi forged a deep friendship with Fusu Master in Chenzhou City 677, and Fusu knew that Mengzhi must have a profound meaning here.

The servant and the guards immediately went out to greet him when he heard Fusu’s words, but this young master Fusu was still waiting in the lobby and did not go out to greet them. As the eldest son of the King of Qin, Fusu sometimes had to put on a show.

With a steady sound of footsteps, Fu Su looked up and saw the butler carefully accompanied by the general who was wearing his armor and holding his sword.

The domestic slave who walked in front stretched out his hand respectfully and bent over to show the way.

And behind Meng Zhi there were several guards who followed each other step by step.

When he arrived outside the lobby, Meng Zhi personally took off the saber and placed it on the hands held up by the butler without reminding the butler.

Then he said to the guards: “You are waiting outside. Do not enter.

“No!” The guards whispered together.

Watching Meng Zhi enter the hall, these people did not dare to speak loudly, for fear of disturbing the son Fusu in the hall.

Then they quickly dispersed on both sides of the hall, buckling their swords and standing. All the steps of action, including posture, were the same, which showed that they were well-trained.

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