Chapter 729 Warrior Wu Qing]

“Kill the enemy, kill the enemy.” The cavalry charged forward, screaming vigorously.

Long swords and long spears drew arcs in the sky, bringing up the cold light of death and covering the soldiers oncoming!

The soldiers formed by the mob were unwilling to become lifeless bodies.

Blood was splashing, mourning beaks all over the field, stumps and internal organs flying all over the sky, countless pieces of armor were scattered under the heavy blow, making a clinking sound! No one dared to back down at this time, the soldiers only knew Go forward courageously.

At this time, the battle has no skills to speak of, it is completely a bloody fight with life!

“Boom-boom!” There was a sudden loud noise like a mountain collapse and a cracking ground from the sky. A huge lightning passed through the clouds and fell heavily on the ground like a powerful Thor’s hammer.

With a “touch”, a huge cloud of dust suddenly rose up, swayed straight up, and splashed down to a height of tens of meters before falling heavily to the ground!

677 Meng Wu, who is leading a bloody battle in the army, was suddenly startled, and hurriedly raised his head to look up at the sky: I don’t know when a thick dark cloud has gathered in the sky, and it is accumulating more and more. The huge black wall pressed straight against the ground.

Countless scents of thunder and lightning danced wildly in the clouds like golden snakes, rushing around in an unusually active manner!

Hu Hai and Zhao Gao saw this vision while sitting on the nest cart. “My son, lightning in winter is auspicious. I believe that our Qin army will win this battle and return.” Zhao Gao said in a charming manner.

Hearing what Zhao Gao said, Hu Hai felt a burst of joy in his heart. “Master Supervisor, you and I will definitely be able to make great achievements in this battle.” Zhao Gao said quickly: “This is all relying on the well-being of the son.

“It’s going to snow!” Meng Wu also looked up at the sky.

He is not as casual as Hu Hai and Zhao Gao.

Mengwu can’t help but murmur secretly for this kind of weather: “In the heated battle, if it snows, wouldn’t it be more difficult to fight? How come to join in the fun at this critical juncture!”

Slippery roads in snow is a common sense. For soldiers in combat, sliding on the ground will bring great hidden dangers to their own safety.

“Be careful, general!” In the midst of Mengwu’s stunned spirit, a huge war halberd grinned and roared like a demon in hell, coming towards Mengwu with the cold light mask of the god of death.

The guards and the Chinese army around him couldn’t help but screamed!

Even Hu Hai and Zhao Gao closed their eyes, they didn’t want to see Mengwu who fell in a pool of blood.

Meng Wu’s sense of smell was very keen, and when the terrifying murderous aura fell on his head, he woke up instantly and quickly.

The long sword in his hand was raised, and the attacking black halberd fought hard together!

“Ding Dong-Dang” there was a crashing sound like a dragon, Meng Wu couldn’t help feeling like he was struck by lightning.

The attacker thought that the general snorted, and the horse couldn’t stand Mengwu’s heavy blow, hiss roared and retreated three steps in a row! (aibd)

This was the first time Mengwu had encountered such a strong opponent on the battlefield in several years, and he couldn’t help but looked up and down his opponent.

The red armor, the bright red war anger, the beard on the face like cast iron, the eyes are piercing, full of murderousness, and the standard image of a fierce general! The spear in his hand seems to be several hundred catties. Weight.

“You don’t look like a nameless pawn, who are you? The undead nameless ghost under this general’s sword!” Meng Wu pointed at the general of Chu with the tip of a long sword, proudly in the wind! There is an invincible dominance in the world.

“I am General Wu Qing under the account of King Wu! Children of Mengwu, come and come, you and I are in a battle.” Wu Qing’s tone was disdainful.

Meng Wu laughed up to the sky when he heard the words: “Hahaha! It’s ridiculous, ridiculous, how can the light of the ant be compared with Haoyue? I think you should dismount and surrender to our Great Qin army. I can’t die.”

After speaking, the long sword danced in the air, and his eyes looked at the sky, as if Wu Qing was in front of him.

Wu Qing was furious when she heard that, her cheeks flushed like a Guan Gong: “”Mengwu children, how can you be bashful with people, what a hero! Today, I will take the life of the dog of you to comfort my dead child in the sky. Heroic Spirit!””

With that said, Wu Qing screamed wildly, and the halberd was like the wind, and it struck a huge arc in mid-air, and slammed it with a breathtaking whistling.

. What Meng Wu did was to anger him. Only when Wu Qing was upset would he not think too much, and Meng Wu could defeat him smoothly.

“Ding Dong! Ding Mi” Meng Wu struggled with a long knife, his chest was tight, and his arms shook away Wu Qing’s big halberd.

Then there was a long roar, the long sword was like a blue dragon, and “Wei Si” hurriedly rushed towards Wu Qing’s heart!

This method of counterattack is a bit disregard of oneself, blindly attacking.

This also represents Mengwu’s mentality. Wu Qing is just an unknown pawn. Mengwu has no need to defend. The best defense is the most violent offense. .

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