Chapter 689 Sympathy

In the evening, Xu Fu decided to walk out of the alchemy palace.

He knew that Xiang Bang would notice his actions in the dark.

Xu Fu didn’t want to have a duel in the alchemy palace, he chose a more hidden place, this place was in a deep alley five miles outside the alchemy palace.

This alley has been abandoned due to the construction of the Alchemy Palace.

There is no Qin Min living in the alley.

Xu Fu declined the kindness of the guards and wandered deep into the alley by himself.

It’s just that the infuriating energy filled the whole body, and every inch of hair was in defense.

Xu Fu is afraid of the matter Bang’s sneak attack tactics.

Xu Fu finally saw Xiang Bang, he was in the deepest part of the alley, with the long sword already in his hand.

“Come on, Brother Xu!” “Xiang Bang said to Xu Fu who came up to him.

Xu Fu nodded, “Xiang Bang, I know you will always follow me.”

“This is a rule of our assassins. Before 650 kills the target, we will never let the target disappear.”

Xu Fu nodded, “I know that no one will escape the long sword of the world’s number one killer.”

A trace of rosy appeared on Xiang Bang’s gloomy face.

But Xu Fu’s next words made him a little unhappy. “Xiang Bang, in fact, you are really not my opponent. I don’t want to hide it from you. This confrontation is meaningless.”

Hearing these words is an insult to Xiang Bang’s ears, and it is even more deceptive.

The long sword in Xiang Bang’s hand pulled out a few shining silver sword flowers: “Master Xu, are you insulting me?”

Xu Fu said seriously, “Xiang Bang, I do it for your good reputation.”

Without saying the next sentence, Xiang Bang himself knew that this was Xu Fu laughing at himself.

When Xiang Bang looked at Xu Fu’s so plain appearance, he also had a hint of impatience in his heart.

“Okay, I will show my strongest strength. But Xu Fu, I also hope you do your best.”

There is no wind and cold in the alleys. Only the moonlight and starlight in the sky give this alley a little warmth.

A breath of solemnity and silence spread throughout the alley, dull and stamped.

This kind of breath radiated from Xiang Bang.

This is the breath of a master, and the exudation of this breath also shows that Xiang Bang has entered the realm of murder.

In an instant, Xiang Bang’s eyes lit up like a sharp blade, with a chill, the long sword in his hand emitted a brilliant light, and the sword aura shot in and out.

A whirlwind suddenly spread from Xiang Bang’s body, and a powerful murderous aura emerged from his body.

This kind of murderous spirit makes people feel awe.

Xu Fu still stood there very full of Xiaojiu, without any vigor, even the clothes he wore on his body had almost no traces of fluttering.

At the moment when the murderous aura was about to erupt, Xiang Bang spoke.

“I have studied vertical and horizontal swordsmanship in my whole life, and I have fully understood it a few years ago, but I have never been forced to use all the tricks when I am in and out of the world. Xu Fu hopes that you are the only one.”

“Xiang Bang, I hope you can show your real strength.” Xu Fu said.

Without speaking, Xiang Bang gathered his qi with both hands, and then said, “Okay, please take Brother Xu (aibd).”

Shoo! Sword spirit filled.

The first style of killing sword!

Xiang Bang’s cultivation is indeed a realm, his body shape is like electricity, and in a blink of an eye, it rises like electricity, leaving a few faint shadows in the air, but a breathing room has appeared behind Xu Fu.


The long sword shot, like an electric light flashed by, a chilling aura rose, and a chilling murderous aura rose up.

Xu Fu didn’t flinch at all, and instantly a wooden sword appeared in his hand. This was the mahogany sword Xu Fu often used.

“Good job, Xiang Bang, I’m going to take action.”

Smooth the world! This sword is as powerful as a rainbow, and the world is surging.

Although it was a wooden sword, Xiang Bang, who was opposite, felt that there was a murderous spirit in the sword’s aura.


Puff puff!

When the long sword was approaching Xu Fu, Xu Fu, who had been motionless, suddenly turned around. The wooden sword in his hand popped out in his hand. Xiang Bang was immediately hit by an unmatched force and retreated quickly.


The long sword pierced obliquely, and the sword energy shot in and out, hitting the ground.

A huge crack measuring several meters long appeared in an instant, and the stones quickly fluttered and shattered.

Xiang Bang only felt his breath surge, the breath in his body was tumbling, and he raised his head in amazement. “Xu Fu is too powerful, a wooden sword can withstand his powerful swordsmanship.”

Although he only used the first few styles of the Murder Sword, he had already used all his cultivation skills.

Even Qin’s best swordsman could not take his own tricks so lightly.

“But how could he Xu Fu.

“You are indeed amazing. It was beyond my expectation.” Xiang Bang said solemnly.

“As I said, this competition can be ended. As you and I fight, there will be one person who can’t retreat.”

Xu Fu put down the wooden sword in his hand and said slowly.

Xu Fu knew that Xiang Bang could never be his opponent from just a few tricks in the fight.

No matter how strong the opponent is, he is just a mortal person.

But Xu Fu reached a realm of harmony between man and nature while refining qi, which is difficult for mortals to achieve.

Xiang Bang shook his head slowly. Spit out a few words: “Only the victor between you and me can leave tonight.”.

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