Chapter 676 Immortality]

There is a way to drive and ride the public, the glory represented by the yellow house and the left 纛. King Qin is the supreme king, at least in Xu Fu’s mind.

He will soon be the only emperor in this land. In the whole process, although he didn’t say a word, he was able to make thousands of people cheer for him, be crazy for him, and serve him as the chief executive. This kind of domineering makes Qin people worship and admire.

The power of the world is stored in the hand that wins the government. With such a prestige, even Li Si and Lu Buwei dare not look up.

But apart from the glory, after getting closer, Xu Fu also saw a trace of fragility on King Qin’s body.

No matter how powerful it is to win politics, it is also an individual, a mortal. It is an ordinary body.

King Qin Yingzheng was piled up with too many deifications, and some soldiers of Qin firmly believed that King Qin was immortal.

But Xu Fu knows that there is no immortality in winning politics. What King Qin needs now is the immortal medicine in his hand.

Thinking of this, Xu Fu’s heart was washed away with countless pride, because in the Great Qin Empire, he was the only one who held the secret of immortality.

Yingzheng walked up to Xu Fu’s with a smile.

“The alchemist has worked hard for you.”

After talking about Xu Fu, who lifted up and fell face down on the ground.

Xu Fu felt the power from King Qin’s win-government arm, and also made him feel a kind of win-government-fragility.

Relying on one person’s energy to manage such a huge country is such a heavy task.

Xu Fu said, “How dare you let the great king meet him personally.”

Ying Zheng helped Xu Fu and took his hand. “Alchemist, you went to Penglai Xiandao to find medicine to win the government. After all the hardships, how can the widow not come to welcome the alchemist into the city?”

Xu Fu bowed his head and said, “This is what the ministers should do, and I have gained a lot from going to Penglai.

After listening to Yingzheng, the excitement in his heart was beyond words.

“Alchemist, please go to the widow’s wagon to talk.”

Upon receiving this invitation, Xu Fu’s face trembled. This is not an ordinary etiquette. Being able to be invited to the coach to speak by the winning government shows that Xu Fu’s position in the heart of the winning government is extraordinary.

Xu Fu responded and walked towards Huache with Yingzheng.

In a burst of drum music, the people of Qin cheered.

It was the first time that Xu Fu heard such cheers so close.

The chariot moved slowly, and Ying Zheng and Xu Fu sat face to face. Xu Fu could see from Ying Zheng’s face that Ying Zheng’s body should be a little weak.

“My lord, have you stayed up late and worked too much lately and didn’t have a good rest?”

“Alchemist, how do you know?” Ying Zheng said in a questioning tone.

Xu Fu hurriedly lowered his head, “Majesty, the body is weak and qi can be seen, and the majesty’s expression is a little worse, and the ministers will know.

Yingzheng nodded, “Alchemist, Qin is in the ascendant now, everything is complicated, I have not slept peacefully for a few days.”

Xu Fu took out a few red pills from his blue cloth pocket on his shoulders.

“Majesty, this pill has the effect of refreshing and strengthening the spleen and kidneys. One tablet every three days can make the king no longer feel tired.”

Ying Zheng held the small pill in his hand, “Alchemist, when are you going to refine this immortal pill that will last forever?”

Xu Fu also knows the thoughts of winning the government, “Majesty, I have found a few immortal medicines in Penglai Xiandao, and then I can refine them.”

Ying Zheng said to Nashun who was following on the side of the chariot: “Widow go to the alchemy palace.”

Xu Fu was stunned when he heard the three words Alchemy Palace, “Alchemist, the widow has built an alchemy palace for you, where the alchemist can live, without those commonplace things.

Xu Fu is also a sensible person. He knows that winning politics is to use this alchemy palace to put himself under house arrest.

0……Look for flowers……

Once the elixir failed to be refined, Xu Fu would become a ghost under the sword of King Qin Yingzheng.

But now Xu Fu can’t say anything else, he can only say some words of gratitude.

After setting up Xu Fu, Ying Zheng returned to Xianyang Palace, and Yan Shun came to King Qin’s side.

“My lord, according to your instructions, the Qin army has been stationed around the alchemy palace, and those who enter and leave the alchemy palace will be strictly checked by the guards.”

Ying Zheng’s complexion became ruddy, and he played with the pill that Xu Fu wanted to give him.

“Does this little pill really have such a big effect?”

Yingzheng hesitated for a moment or took the pills with warm water, and a wave of heat surged in his heart.

The tired look just disappeared.

Xu Fu stayed in the alchemy palace and never left the palace for half a step.

Pills are refined in a copper cauldron every day.

Yingzheng has been there a few times, and every time Xu Fu will dedicate some refined medicines to Yingzheng, but the most important elixir of immortality has not been successfully refined.

Winning the government calmly, he also understood that Xu Fu was doing his best to refine the pill for himself.

On this day, the victory in the Xianyang Palace felt a little uncomfortable, so he asked Yan Shun to go to the Alchemy Palace to invite Xu Fu.

When Xu Fu saw the expression on Yingzheng’s face, he knew that it was the reason why Yingzheng hadn’t had a good rest recently.

And his elixirs are used to stimulate the nerves and make them feel excited.

“My lord, do you want to get a good night’s sleep?”

“Alchemist, the widow has this intention, but he can never sleep peacefully.”

Xu Fu took out a yellow scent and lit it beside Yingzheng. The faint fragrance gradually drifted into King Qin’s nose. Qin Shihuang’s frowning brows gradually unfolded. factory,

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