Chapter 673 After the Siege]

“General, the fighting power of the cavalry of the Yan State, but that’s it.” Sima Zhuang followed Sima Lie. This time Sima Lie did not rush in front. He wanted to follow Wang Li’s appearance to control the overall situation.

Seeing that Yan Jun had appeared defeated, Sima Lie yelled, “Beat the drum.”

Exciting drums sounded on the battlefield, and Qin Bing heard that they were eager to kill the enemy bravely.

Yanxi saw that his army was in a mess, and could only accept the reality of failure.

Immediately shouted three times, “Heaven destroys the country of Yan.” Then he turned his horse’s head to retreat in the direction of Ancheng.

On the city wall of Ancheng, King Yan looked at the courtyard for a long time, watching the defeated Yan Guo army arrive outside the city gate of Ancheng, King Yan sighed and said to his men, “Open the city gate, let Yanxi come back.” .”

Yanxi puffed and knelt down in front of King Yan: “The final will insult King Yan’s reputation, it’s damn good.”

King Yan waved his hand, “General Yan, you go back to 08 to rest first.” After saying this, he fixed his eyes on the outside of Ancheng.

From the billowing smoke, King Yan saw the Qin Army battle flag that was constantly wafting, and even the soldiers of the Qin Army descended like tigers.

“Close the city gate tightly and wait for reinforcements.” King Yan put all his hopes on Prince Dan.

Looking at the sun gradually slanting to the west, Wang Jian issued a death order. Before Mu Shi, the Qin army’s large camp must be erected.

After Wang Jian led the troops, he spent a lot of thoughts on how to construct the camp.

The people of Qin were originally good at engineering construction, and soon understood the idea of ​​Wang Jian fortress-style barracks.

This kind of military camp is built like a simple town.

As night fell gradually, the camp of the Qin Army stood up smoothly, facing the four gates of Ancheng.

King Yan did not listen to the opinions of those generals and sent troops to harass the large camp being built by the Qin army.

He wants to preserve his strength, the only thing he can do is to guard Ancheng tightly.

Wang Jian convened the generals of the army in the camp. Most of the generals agreed with Wang Jian’s tactics of siege instead of attack, and waited for the spring to bloom in the spring to launch an attack on Ancheng.

Only the gangster was a little unhappy, but he couldn’t stand the cold weather in Liaodong.

In his opinion, the Yan army, who had quickly ended the war and wiped out, returned to Xianyang for some of his merits.

Wang Jian glanced at Mudu, “Supervision army, attacking Ancheng at this time is not good for our army. We have no experience in fighting in this climate, and the soldiers are also a little thinly dressed. We are waiting for the cotton-padded clothes and trousers sent by the military supplies. ”

Miao Du wanted to speak, but he also saw that the generals ignored his opinions.

Sima Lie stood up, “Supervisor, if you want to attack the Ancheng in front of you, you will eventually be willing to give you 20,000 soldiers.”

The next sentence is self-evident, that is, cherry poison is going to take the lead.

This makes Mu Du no longer insist on his own ideas, let him take the lead, just like let him go to death.

Miao Du was self-aware.

Wang Jian’s flag was held in his hand, “All the generals, the army rests on the spot and waits for the blooming of spring next year to make plans to attack the city.”

Miao Du could only lament that his life was bad, and he stayed in Liaodong to spend the long winter.

Wang Jian did not stay outside Ancheng for a long time. He saw that the siege of Ancheng had been completed, and he led the five thousand cavalry back to Hexi. Leaving Wang Ben in Liaodong can already control the entire battlefield.

Hexi is also more worried for Wang Jian.

Because Wei Wang always launches an offensive.

Ying Zheng also agreed that Wang Jian returned to Hexi, and the current state of Yan had no power to fight back.

The long winter passed, and the earth gradually became full of warmth.

The city of Xianyang began to get busy, and some craftsmen began to build a huge palace in another place in Xianyang.

Ying Zheng had to visit this place almost every few days, and constantly urged those craftsmen to speed up the construction of the palace.

On this day, a guard came to report, “Majesty, another palace in Xianyang has been built, please come and watch.”

Yingzheng was very happy after hearing this. This palace was specially built for Yingzheng Refining Pill.

Xu Fu sent a letter back from Penglai Fairy Island. He had already picked up the elixir, and waited for 643 to return to Xianyang to refine the elixir of immortality to win the government.

Although Ying Zheng looked at the just-built alchemy site, he was still very satisfied with the facades and some of the facilities.

These things were collected by some people from remote places by Li Si, although they are not rare treasures, but after Ying Zheng saw them, they liked them very much.

“My lord, Xu Fu is now outside Xianyang City.” Yan Shun whispered while standing beside Yingzheng.

Ying Zheng heard that he laughed loudly, “Alchemist Xu Fu did not live up to the expectations of the widow after all.”

After speaking, he spoke to Yan Shun: “Let the alchemist Xu Fu take a rest outside Xianyang City, take a shower and change clothes, and I will meet him in person tomorrow.”

Li Si bowed down under His Royal Highness, “Majesty, Xu Fu is just an alchemist, and the king does not have to go.”

Several ministers were also talking in low voices below.

Ying Zheng waved his arm, “Alchemist Xu Fu went to Penglai Fairy Island to get a medicine for the widow. This king should greet him personally, so you don’t need to say more.”

Seeing that the idea of ​​winning the government was certain, Li Si stopped talking.

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